苏教版三年级下册英语各单元试卷 - 图文 联系客服

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五、根据汉语提示,完成下列各句。(10分) 1. He’s on the _______ ( 农场 ) 2. Would you like three ______ ( 梨 ) 3. What are _____ ( 哪些 ) over there ? 4. This is _____ ( 一个 ) orange. 5. These ______ ( 猪 ) are lovely.


1. ( What; Who ) is that boy? — That's my brother. 2.(It's; They're ) oranges. 3. It's ( a; an ) apple. 4. They are ( pen; pens )

5. ( Where; What) are they ? — They're on the desk.


一、同学们,请你写出下列缩略词的完整形式吧。(10分) 1. who’s 2. they’re

3. he’s 4. I’m 5. what’s 二、选出与所给单词划线字母发音相同的一项。(10分) ( ) 1. Tom A. farm

B. aunt ( ) 2. those A. orange B. no ( ) 3. six A. five B. dinner ( ) 4. sorry A. two ( ) 5. bed A. pen

B. on B. these 三年级英语(下册)第33页 (共40页)


学校 班级 姓名 得分




( )1. A .orange B. dinner C. picture ( )2. A. family B. lovely C. baby ( )3. A. pig B. duck C. black ( )4. A. man B. name C. woman ( )5. A. chair B. beautiful C. cousin ( )6. A. under B. uncle C. aunt ( )7. A. she B. here C. he ( )8. A. two B. twelve C. twin

三年级英语(下册)第34页 (共40页)

三、听录音,判断下列句子与所听句子是 “ ”否“ ”相同。(12分) ( )1. Who’s that man? ( )2. What are these? ( )3. She’s my aunt. ( )4. This is my grandpa. ( )5. Is he your father? ( )6. We are twins.


一、火眼金睛。(找出每组词中不属于同一类的词)(12分) ( )1. A. apples B. pears C. orange ( )2. A. where B. who C. what’s ( )3. A. uncle B. boy C. man ( )4. A. mother B. sister C. woman ( )5. A. chair B. chicken C. duck ( )6. A. eleven B. baby C. four 二、情景匹配。(12分)


( )1. Who’s that woman?

A. Yes , you’re right.

( )2. Is she your grandma? B. Nice to meet you. ( )3. How old is your brother? ( )4. Where is it?

C. No, thank you. D. It’s in the tree.

( )5. This is my cousin. E. She’s Miss Yang.

三年级英语(下册)第35页 (共40页)

( )6. Would you like an orange ? 三、出下列各词的相对词。(12分)

F. He’s seven.

( )1. open A. close B. door C. window ( )2. eat A. run B. shout C. drink ( )3. on A. in B. under C. behind ( )4. these A. this B. those C. that ( )5. man A. boy B. woman C. girl ( )6. uncle A. aunt B. baby C. man 四、单项选择。(14分) ( )1. is my sister.

A. He — He’s Mike.

A. Who

B. She

C. It

( )2. — is he?

B. Where

C. What

( )3. We good friends.

A. am B. is C. are ( )4. — Is he father?

— Yes, he is. A. you

B. your

C. your a

( )5. — Are those apples?

— Yes, .

A. it is B. they are

C. those are

( )6. — Who’s girl?

— She’s Su Hai.

A. a B. this C. this is ( )7. What are ___________ over there?

三年级英语(下册)第36页 (共40页)