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abandon oneself to 沉湎于(某种情感) with abandon 放任,无拘无束 can’t abide 无法容忍 keep abreast of 和。。。齐头并进 of one’s own accord 自愿地,自动地 of no account 不重要 on account of 因为,由于 on no account act up clear the air off the air on the air up in the air allow for make allowance(s) for all along in the final/last analysis angle for anything like for anything on approval assert oneself avail oneself of of no avail be/stand awe of back and forth =to and fro back down/off back out bail out know…backward(s) badly off be badly off for sth in the balance bargain for/on barge in keep/hold sth. at bay bear down on sb/sth bear on/upon bear sb/sth out bear up bear with beat down 决不 捣蛋;出毛病 消除误会 停播 在播 尚未决定 考虑到

考虑到,顾及;体谅,体贴 始终 归根结底 谋取,寻求 多少有点像 无论如何 试用

坚持自己的主张,表现坚定 利用(机会,提议) 没有用 对。。。敬畏 来来回回 放弃,让步 退出

保释;帮助(某人)脱离困境 对。。。极其熟悉 拮据,贫穷;境况不好 短缺

悬而未决,未定的 (常与否定词连用) 预料到,料想到 闯入,插嘴,打岔 不让(敌人)接近;防止(问题恶化) 冲向,咄咄逼近;压住 有关,涉及 证实

挺住,不气馁 容忍,忍受 砸开;(阳光)强烈照射

beat it 滚开,走开 beat up 痛打,狠揍 become of 发生于,使遭遇 beg off 反悔,推辞,恳求免除(某种义务) in behalf of sb/ in sb’s behalf 为帮助某人 on behalf of sb/ on sb’s behalf 代表某人;因为某人 bring into being 使出现,使存在 come into being 出现,形成,成立 bend over backward 竭尽全力 for the benefit of beside oneself at best get/have the best of sth get/have the better of fill the bill by birth do one’s bit every bit black and blue in black and white (at) full blast blaze a trail on the blink block off block up in cold blood blot out blow sb out come to blows out of the blue call one’s bluff across the board above board boast about= boast of in the same boat boil down (to) boil over a bolt from/out of the blue have a bone to pick with sb make no bones about book in book sb in/into sth by the book be bound up in 为了 (情绪)失控 充其量,至多 战胜 战胜,在。。。中占上风 符合要求,适合需要 血统上 干分内的事 完全,从头到尾 遍体鳞伤 白纸黑字;黑白分明 最大音量,最大马力 开路先锋,领先 失灵,出毛病 (用路障)封锁,封闭 塞住,堵住(洞) 蓄意而残忍地 遮住,掩盖;有意地忘记(不愉快的记忆) 轻易打败 blow sth out 吹灭,熄灭 (因某事)动手打起来 出乎意料,突然,晴天霹雳 要求某人摊派,向某人挑战 全体,整体,全面 开诚布公,公开,光明正大 自夸,吹嘘 同处困境 归纳,归结为 煮沸;发怒;(局势,情绪)恶化,爆发 晴天霹雳,突如其来的事情 有理由抱怨或争论 开诚布公,坦率直言 办理入住手续 为某人预订房间 循规蹈矩,严格遵守章法 热衷于,忙于

be bound up with 与。。密切相关 bow out 退出,告别(尤指一度成功的事业) prick sb.’s brains 向。。。请教 rack one’s brains 绞尽脑汁 branch out 拓展(新业务) break away (from) 逃脱;脱离,背叛 make a clean breast of 彻底坦白 take sb’s breath away 令人惊叹,使惊羡不已 under one’s breath 小声说,轻声说 brim over(with) bring around/round bring off bristle with brush aside brush off brush up buck up buckle down build in/into bump into bundle up do a bunk burst into burst out beat around/about the bush get down to business have no business doing sth/to do sth not be in the business of doing sth mind your business on business mean business butt in on the button buy off by and by by and large by the by/way a piece of cake carry off carry sth over carve out carve up cash in on cast about/around for 盛满,洋溢 使恢复;说服,信服;导向。。 完成,做完 充满,布满 不理,漠视 刷掉,拂去;不理睬,打发掉 重温,奋起直追 振作起来 开始认真做,努力于。。。 使固定于。。。;使成为。。。的组成部分 碰见,偶遇 捆扎;裹衣服 溜走,悄悄离开 突然发作 突然激动地喊叫;突然开始(做某事) 转弯抹角,旁敲侧击 着手干正事 无权,没有理由 无意做某事 少管闲事 因公 是认真的 插手,干预;插嘴 准确地,准时地 收买,贿赂 不久,很快 大体上,总的来说 顺便 容易做的事 赢得,获得;成功对付 继续存在,保持下去,延期 创业,干出一番事业 瓜分 从。。中牟利,捞到好处,靠。。。赚钱 苦苦思索,四处寻找

catch on 理解;流行起来 catch out 发觉。。。错误 cater to 满足需要,迎合 cater for 满足需要,迎合;承办酒席 by any chance 或许,可能 chance on/upon 偶然发现,碰巧遇到 stand a chance of 有可能成功,有机会获得 take a chance(on sth) 冒险 in character 符合某人的性格 out of character check out check up(on) hold/keep sth in check chew over choke back choke up lay claim to clamp down(on sb/sth) keep…company part company (with) be composed of in concert in concert with sb/sth jump to a conclusion out of condition in confidence be in sb’s confidence take into one’s confidence in conjunction with in(all/good) conscience on one’s conscience in consideration of consist in consult(with)..about contribute to to the core around/round the corner cut corners turn the corner keep one’s own counsel count against count down count in count on/upon sb/sth 不符合某人的性格 结账离开;查证,核实 监督,督促;查证,核实 控制,制止 仔细考虑,深思熟虑 忍住,抑制 哽咽 声称对。。。的所有权 严厉打击 陪伴,作伴 与。。。分离,断绝关系 由。。。组成 一起,一致 与。。。合作(同心协力) 匆忙下结论 状态不好,健康不佳 私下地,秘密地 受某人信任,是某人的心腹 把某人视为知己 与。。。一起 公正地,凭良心 使人内疚,使良心不安 作为。。。的报酬 在于 与。。。商议 捐助;投稿 十足的,透顶的 在附近;即将来临 图省事,走捷径 转危为安,脱离危险 将意见或计划保密 认为对某人不利 倒计时 把。。。算入,包括 依赖,依靠,指望
