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hinge on/upon (行动、结果)有赖于,取决于 hit on/upon 突然有个好主意,偶然想到妙点子 bring …home to 使某人了解某事的重要性 do the honors 履行社交责任,执行礼仪 on/upon one’s honor 以人格担保 hook up 钩住;接通 get (sb) off the hook 使摆脱困境 hope against hope (that..) 对某事依旧抱有一丝希望 on the hour 准时地 bring the house down keep house on the house hunt down hunt for be in for in that every inch inform sb/oneself of/about to/for all the intents(and purposes) in the interest of in the interim at intervals iron out (all)by itself in itself jog sb’s memory get the jump on just about bring sb to justice kick about/around kick off kick up in kind of a kind bring sth to its knees knock about/around knock off knock sth off knock out =knock down know better than to one’s knowledge lap sth up lash out (at) laugh sth off 博得满堂喝彩 操持家务 (酒吧或饭店)免费提供的 追捕(某人) 搜寻;追捕 即将经历,即将遭受 原因是,因为 整体,全部;完全地 通知;了解,熟悉 几乎完全,差不多等于 为了,为帮助(或取得) 在。。。期间 不时 熨平;解决问题 (完全)自动;独自,孤零零地 本身,本质上 唤起某人的记忆 抢在。。之前 几乎,差不多,大概 将。。绳之以法,缉拿归案 粗暴对待;非正式谈论,随便谈谈 开始;踢开 扬起尘埃;越来越强 以实物支付;以同样的方法 不怎么样,徒有其名;同类的 摧毁某物,使瘫痪 虐待;厮混;漫游 下班,收工 减价,降价;迅速而轻松地完成 打倒,击倒;淘汰出局;使倾倒 明白事理,不至于糊涂到 据某人所知 乐于接受;喝光 狠打,痛打 一笑置之,付之一笑

leaf through 浏览,迅速翻阅 by/in leaps and bounds 突飞猛进地 to say the least 至少(可以这样说),退一步说 leave off 停止,中断; leave sth/sb off (sth) 不把。。。列入,不包括 leave sb/sth out (of sth) 不包括,不提及 take one’s leave of 告辞,辞别 at leisure 悠闲,从容 lend itself to 适合于 at length go to great lengths to the letter level off/out be liable for be liable to take sth lying down bring to light come to light in (the) light of throw/cast light on/upon in line with live up to live with so long let loose sth let sb/sth loose lose oneself in cast/draw lots (for sth/to do sth) in a manner of speaking map out mark down mark off mark time mark up for that matter beyond measure for good measure measure up (to sth/sb) mend one’s ways at the mercy of mess up mess with sb/sth to my mind in one’s mind’s eye 最终;详细地 竭尽全力做。。。 不折不扣,丝毫不差 保持水平;保持平稳发展 有责任,有义务的 易受。。影响的 感受屈辱,逆来顺受 揭露,披露,揭发 为人所知,变得众所周知,暴露 考虑到,鉴于 使明白,阐明 符合;与。。。相似,和。。。紧密相连 真正做到,不辜负 和。。生活在一起;容忍,忍受 再见=goodbye 发出,喊出 释放,放开;放任 全神贯注于。。。专心致志于。。。 抽签,抓阄 可以说,不妨说,从某种意义上说 精心规划,精心安排 减价,打折;记下 划线分开;使与众不同 等待时机;原地踏步 涨价 就此而论,在这方面 非常,极其;不可估量 额外增添 改过自新,改邪归正 任由某人支配 搞乱,弄脏 与某人有牵连,卷入有害的事(常否定句) 依我看,以我之见 想象

(通常否定和疑问)达到要求,符合标准;测量 up to the minute 时髦,紧跟时尚;最新的 mix up 弄乱,搞错 gain/gather momentum 加快势头

mop sb/sth up 吸干净,揩净;完成;消灭残敌 make the most of 充分利用 get a move on 赶快 move in on sb/sth 从四面八方逼近 mow down 杀死,撂倒;摧毁 not nearly 远非,绝不是 of necessity in the neighborhood of get on sb’s nerves make noises(about sth) make a noise (about sth) none but none the(worse,better,etc.) none too nose about/around poke/stick one’s nose into compare notes of note at short/a moment’s notice nowhere near bo obliged to against all (the) odds odds and ends off and on every so often more often than not =as often as not once (and) for all once upon a time only too… =very no other than=none other than other than at/from the outset at the outside over and above come into one’s own hold one’s own own up(to sth/to doing sth) set the pace pack away pack sth in pack sb/sth in/into sth 必然地 (数量)大约,上下 使心烦意乱 放出。。。的风声;埋怨,抱怨 大声诉苦,大声抱怨 仅仅,只有 一点都不,绝无 一点也不 打探,搜寻 多管闲事,插手 交换意见 重要的,引人注目的 随时,一经通知立即 差得远,远不及;根本就不 感谢,感激 凶多吉少,不计成败 零碎东西,琐碎的东西 断断续续 有时,偶尔 通常,往往 一劳永逸地 (用于故事开头)很久以前 非常,很 不是别的,正是 除。。。以外;不同 从开始 至多 此外,另外 得到充分的发挥,显出。。的价值 坚守立场,使立于不败之地 承担责任,认错,坦白 领先;领跑 收拾好 停止做某事pack sb in 吸引 在有限的时间内做;塞进

pack off 把。。。打发走 pack up 整理行李 take pains to do sth 兢兢业业地做某事;努力,下苦功 palm off 以假货欺骗 on the part of sb 由某人作出

part with 放弃,交出(不舍的东西) pass out 昏迷 pass over 避免提及,不加考虑 pass up 放弃 a pat on the back 表扬,称赞 patch up 修理;调停,讲和;勉强同意 pay up 全部付清 peel off 脱衣服;脱落;转向一侧 peg away at 坚持不懈地工作 do sth at one’s peril (警告对方)自担风险 phase sth in/phase sth out 逐步引入,分段开始;逐步废除 pick at sth 磨蹭着吃 pick on sb/sth 找茬,故意刁难;选中 pie in the sky 难以实现的事情,天上馅饼 go to pieces 身心崩溃,沮丧至极 pick/pull/tear sb/sth to pieces/shreds 痛斥,狂批 pin down 使明确说明;确定,证实;用针钉住 at/in a pinch 必要时,不得已时 feel the pinch 感到手头拮据 pine for 怀念,思念,渴望 pine away (因思念等)病重虚弱,憔悴 pitch in 参与,投入,支援 in place/out of place 在合适的位置;位置不当,不得体 take the plunge (深思熟虑后)果断形式,作出决定 in sb’s pocket 受某人的控制,在某人的掌握之中 out of pocket 损失钱财 beside the point/to the point 离题的,不相关的;切中要害的,简明恰当的 make a point of doing sth 保证做,必定做 on the point of 正要。。。之际 poke about/around 搜查,翻找 poke fun at 拿。。。寻开心,开玩笑 poke one’s nose into 探问,干预 be poles apart 天壤之别,完全相反,大相径庭 polish off 很快吃完;干掉,杀掉 pore over 仔细打量,审视,认真研读 pour out (感情或说话)奔涌,迸发,畅所欲言 practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 be/get out of practice 生疏,荒废 without prejudice to 不承认损害权利,无损合法权益