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at a premium 稀少,难得;超出平常价 in sb’s presence 当着。。。的面 presence of mind 镇定,处变不惊 press on 继续前行 press sth on sb 把。。强加于某人 presume on/upon sb/sth 利用(友谊作过分的要求) prevail on/upon sb to do sth 劝说

prey on 捕食,捕获;欺凌,敲诈 fall prey to 成为。。。的猎物;受害,成为牺牲品 prick up one’s ears in print/out of print in all probability prone to prop up prospect for puff out puff up pull through pull up pull together pull yourself together push about/around push on puzzle out out of the question on the quiet rake in rake up the rank and file hold sb to ransom at this rate/at any rate or rather rattle off rattle on in the raw at the ready bring up the rear by reason of within reason reckon on reckon with on record off the record (just)for the record 竖起耳朵,仔细倾听 已刊印;继续印行/绝版,不再印行 很可能,十有八九 易于遭受,有做坏事的倾向 支起,撑起;帮助,救济 勘探,探矿 鼓起来,吹胀 膨胀 康复;度过难关 停车,停下 齐心协力,团结起来 振作起来,镇定下来的目的 摆布,欺负 继续前进 想明白,琢磨透 不可能,没戏了 悄悄地,私下地 赚大钱 重翻旧账 普通士兵,普通成员 绑架,胁迫 照此情形,如此下去/不管怎样,无论如何 更确切地说 急促地背出 喋喋不休地说 不掩饰(残忍)地 准备就绪 队伍的最后 由于 在合理的前提下 指望 认真对待 公开宣布 非正式的,私下的,不可发表的 希望载入正式记录;需要强调的是

see red 勃然大怒 reduce to 使处于 reel off 重复 in/with reference to 关于 as regards 至于 with/in regard to 关于 in the region of 在。。。的附近,大约 give (free) rein to 给某人自由 in respect of/to 涉及 with respect to ride sth out by right in one’s own right run riot give rise to roll in rope in go the round(s) (of) round up rub it in rub out rule out rustle up in a rut play (it) safe to be on the safe side sail through for the sake of take…with a grain/pinch of salt worth one’s salt to say nothing of to say the least scarcely…when… on that score scrape by/through scrape together/up from scratch up to scratch put the screw(s) on screw up your courage screw sb up screw sth up at sea seal off 关于,涉及 安全度过 公正地 凭自身的资格(或努力) 放纵 引起 蜂拥而来 套住 传遍;巡逻 汇集 反复讲 擦去 排除 急速进餐 惯例 避免风险 安全地 成功通过 为了。。。起见,看在。。。的份上 对某事半信半疑 称职,胜任 更不用说 毫不夸张地说 一。。。就。。 就那个(这个)来说 勉强维持生计 积攒 从零开始 达到标准 胁迫,威逼 鼓起勇气 使烦恼得不能正常生活 拧牢,旋紧 在海上;困惑,迷茫 (警察、军队)封锁,封闭

go/run to seed 花谢结籽;颓废,消沉 seize up 停止运转,发生故障 sell off 甩卖,抛售,变卖 sell up 变卖(家产) send away (to sb)/(for sth) 邮购;解雇 send for sth 让人带来(送来)。。 send sb in 派某人应付困难局面 send sth in 寄去(处理) send off 寄出,发出;罚某人下场 send out for sth 订外卖 Let’s send out for a pizza. send up (通过模仿)取笑,讽刺 come to one’s senses 冷静下来,恢复理智 make sense of sth 理解,弄懂 talk sense 说点正经的 serve a purpose 起到作用,有作用 serve for 服兵役;可以替代 serve out 干至期满;服满刑期 it serves sb right(for doing sth) 罪有应得,咎由自取 serve up 上菜;给出,提供 set sb/sth against sb/sth 唆使某人跟某人作对;权衡,比较 set in (雨、恶劣天气、感染等)到来;把。。。装入 set off 出发,动身;使爆炸;警报响起;引起,激起 set on sb 突然攻击,袭击 settle in/into 安顿下来,适应(新工作),习惯(新环境) settle on/upon 降落,停留;选定,决定 settle up 付清,结算 sew up 缝合,缝补;安排妥当,使万无一失 shade in/into 渐渐变为 shake down 适应新环境;彻底搜查;敲诈,勒索 shake off 摆脱,甩掉;抖落 shake sb up 激励,振作 shake sth up 彻底调整,重组(机构,行业等) put sb to shame 使相形见拙,使自愧不如 shape up 进展,发展(良好);改善(行为,工作) shape up or ship out 要么好好干,要么走人 on the shelf 闲置的,搁置的 if I were in your shoes 换做我是你的话 in sb’s shoes/put yourself in sb’s shoes 处于某人的境地 shoot up 迅速长高;猛涨;开枪打坏,击毁;注射毒品 cut short 中断

fall short of 未达到,不符合 like a shot 立刻,飞快地,毫不犹豫 shotgun wedding 闪电式结婚 shout down 用喊叫声盖过某人的讲话

shove off 滚,滚开 show off 炫耀,卖弄,表现;使显得漂亮,衬托 shrug sth off/aside 不把。。当回事,对。。满不在乎;甩开,抖落 shut away 把。。。藏起来,隔离,禁闭 shut off 关闭机器;切断供应 shut out 挡在外面;把某人排除在外 shy away from 回避,避免 lose sight of 再也见不着;忽略,忘记 sign away/over 签字转让 sign for sth sign off sign on/up sign out sink in sink into sth sit around sit in sit in on sth sit through sth sit for sb/sth sit back size up sleep off let slide give…the slip let slip sth =slip out slip up slip your mind on the sly smooth over smooth sth away/out at a snail’s pace snap out of it/sth snap up not to be sneezed/sniffed at sniff out sniff around/round be snowed under (with sth) ever so not so much…as soak up something of =to some degree no sooner …than.. of sorts/of a sort 签收 结束写信;结束广播 签约受雇 签退 sign in 签到 渐渐进入消极状态;投入资金;插入 闲坐 静坐示威 列席会议,旁听课程 坐到。。。结束 为。。做模特 舒舒服服地做好;一边歇着 估计,估量,判断 靠睡觉来消除(烦恼等) 忽略 摆脱某人的追踪 无意中说出 疏忽,出差错 被遗忘 暗地里 缓和,调解 解决问题,克服困难 非常缓慢 抛掉不愉快情绪,振作起来 抢购;抢先得到 不可轻视,值得认真对待 嗅出,觉察出 探查,打探;追求聘用 忙得不可开交,应接不暇 非常 不是。。而是。。 吸收,摄取 一定程度上 一。。。就。。。 勉强算的,凑合的
