三年级第一卷《小学生快乐英语阅读》备课 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章三年级第一卷《小学生快乐英语阅读》备课更新完毕开始阅读907051a56394dd88d0d233d4b14e852458fb39a3




Unit 1 A homeless snail

教学目标: 1,会听,说读单词homeless ,rock, bear, lose, rabbit, turtle,snail

2,掌握词组,听懂 be careful,on the hill, look for ,get it等 3,了解故事情节并能进行讲述。

4,能初步掌握在文中划找信息和新知的阅读方法。 5,让学生懂得做任何事不要轻易放弃。 教学重难点

1, 阅读方法与技巧的引导与渗透。 2, 正确理解故事内容。 Step1. Warm up

Free talk

Step2. Presentation 1. Show the pictures

Learn: snail, bear, rabbit, turtle, frog, flower, homeless等

Step3. Story time.

1, Watch the cartoon. ( 整体感知故事) 2,Watch and answer.

What is the story about? 3, Read and circle the answer:

(快速阅读文章,圈出所需问题,其它信息跳过) What do the rabbit and turtle say? Why is the snail crying? 4,Listen and match.

5, Read and judge. (大声朗读,判断正误)

The snail loses her house. The bear is near the house.

6, Read and answer the questions.(再次精读,划出答案) Where is the snail going?

How can the snail get the house?

Step4. Consolidation 1, Let’s dub (配音)

2,Students’ acting time.



Step5. Homework

1. Listen and read the story five times. 2.Retell the story .

Unit 2 A lantern for others


1.能让学生听懂,会说lantern, others, why, because, carry, help, kind.


3.能让学生明白要互相帮助,不能嘲笑别人的道理。 教学重难点:

1. 能让学生通过各种方式明白文章中出现的生词意思。2. 能让学生自己体会故事要表达的道理。 教学过程:

Step one. Warming-up & greeting 1. enjoy a video

2. show some pictures & free talk

if you are hungry/ thirsty/ cold…, you need a / some if you are in the dark, you need a / some A. cake B. car C. lantern

Step two. Reading time

1. look and fill in the blanks. (1) it’s in the

(2) the man need a 2. read and answer (skimming) Who has a lantern?

3. read and choose (scanning)

Why does the blind carry the lantern? 4. order the pictures. 5. try to retell the story.

6. what can you learn from the story. 7. act the story out.

Step three. Consolidation.

Show some pictures and make up a dialogue. Step four. Homework