三年级第一卷《小学生快乐英语阅读》备课 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章三年级第一卷《小学生快乐英语阅读》备课更新完毕开始阅读907051a56394dd88d0d233d4b14e852458fb39a3

案) 交流引导学生说狐狸的几句话:Because the fox says:(提示一下)学生会说:It’s very nice and yummy. Come down,boy!(边教边读,读出狐狸的狡猾,带领学生读读看)

The fox tempts the goat,so at last the goat also jumps into the well. Then the fox stands on the goat’s back and get out of the well. Look, the fox is out, but the goat is in the well, what does the fox say? Please read and underline.

6,From the dialogue we know the fox is very sly. Do you think the fox is a good friend? What do you learn from the story?

揭示寓意:Think carefully before you act.(三思而后行) Now we know the story. Can you retell the story (复述这个故事),

take out your pictures,let’s make a storybook.(排序制作故事书) 让学生起来复述。

Step3 Homework

Let’s think a new story:One day the fox falls into the 陷阱,a goat comes, what happens?Write a new story.

Unit 6

【目标预设】 1.能听懂、会读、会说词汇today 、Saturday、angry 、repay、 mean 、

forgive、 talk about 、worry、 safe、 told。

2.能听懂、会读和会说故事中的日常用语I will let you go. Don’t

worry. I told you I could repay you.等。

3.能正确地理解故事内容,并能正解、流利地朗读与讲述。 4.培养学生英语思维的能力,形成有效的阅读策略。 【重点、难点】

重点:能正确理解、掌握故事内容,并能正解、流利地朗读故事。 难点:能绘声绘色地讲述故事内容。 【教学过程】 Step1 Greetings Step2 My comics 1. Revision

Review the cartoon time 2. Lead in Learn: Saturday 3. Look and guess

Q: Is Bobby late for school again today? 4. Read and answer

T: Is Bobby late for school again today? 5. Listen and repeat

6. Read in different ways. Step3 Story time 1. Lead in

Learn: mouse lion 2. Look and discuss T: How is the lion?

Learn: angry

T: Why is the lion angry? 3. Watch and choose

A. A mouse falls down on the lion’s head. B. A cat falls down on the lion’s head. 4. Read and order

( ) The lion forgives the mouse and let the mouse go.

( ) A mouse wakes the lion from his sleep.

( ) The lion is angry and wants to eat the mouse. ( ) The lion helps the mouse and the mouse is safe. ( ) The lion says he can repay the mouse. Learn: forgive safe repay 6. Read and answer

Q: When the lion wants to eat the mouse, what does the mouse say to the lion?

Q: Does the lion believe the mouse? How do you know?

Q: When the lion is in trouble, what does the mouse say to the lion? Learn: worry mean talk about 6. Listen and repeat Learn: told

7. Read the story in different ways

8. Discuss: What do you think of the mouse? Learn: the grateful mouse Step5 Post-reading

T: Do you know other stories about grateful animals? T: Enjoy another new story. Step6 Homework

A. Listen and repeat the story. B. Retell the story to your friends.