五年级英语上册综合复习题11 联系客服

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( )1.____ is it ? It’s black.

A.What colour B.Who C .How much

( )2.Where is he from ? He’s __________.

A.from Chinese B. from Canada C.Canada

( )3.This is _______ university student .That is _____ art teacher.

A. an , a B.a ,a C.a , an

( )4.Look at the man . He’s ________.

A.strong B.a strong C.science

( )5._______ very funny ? Yes , she is .

A.Is he B.Who’s C.Is she

( )6.______ he like ? He’s tall and strong.

A.What’s B. Who’s C.How’s

( )7.Is she a good student?____________

A.No, he is . B.Yes ,she is . C.No,he isn’t.

( )8.I have three new _________.

A. teacher B.teachers C.a teacher

( )9.Her class is ______ fun.

A.so much B.much so C.but

( )10._____ you have a new teacher? Yes, I do .

A.Do B.Is C.Are

( )11.We have art class ______ Wednesdays.

A.at B.on C.in

( )12._______ is it ? It’s Sunday .

A.What time B.What day C.What colour

( )13.I _____ Moral Education at school.

A.do B. have C. has

( )14.I often play _____ ping-pong with Mike.


A./ B.the C. a

( )15.It’s time ______ get up.

A.on B. to C. at

( )16.每年五月份的第二个星期天是_________.

A.Mother’s Day B.Father’s Day C.Thanksgiving Day

( )17.在美国,_____ 在11月份的第四个星期四。

A.Christmas B.New Year C.Thanksgiving Day

( )18.一个星期的第一天是_________.

A.Monday B.Sunday C.Saturday

( )19.Can you see any pictures ____ the wall?

A.in B. between C, on

( )20.___ there any fish in the river ?

A. Am B. Is C.Are

( )21.Can you wash the clothes ? No , I _____.

A.can B.don’t C. can’t

( )22.We can ____ TV_____ Saturday evening.

A.watch ,in B. watch, on C.see , in

( )23.There is ____ apple in the box.

A.a B. an C.the

( )24.____ there a bed and two chairs in the room ?

A.Is B.Are C.Have

( )25.This is a picture _____ our school.

A. at B.of C.for

( )26.There ____ some milk in the cup(杯子)。

A.is B.am C.are

( )27.Are there ____pictures on the wall ?

A.some B.any C.much

( )28.Do you like your city?

A.No,I’m not B.Yes,I do. C.Yes ,I can.


( )29.Is today Saturday ?--___________

A.Yes , it is. B. No , it is . C Yes , it isn’t.

( )30.How many days are there in a week ?--__________.

A. Five B There are seven C Twelve

( )31.I often play _____ ping-pong with Tom.

A. the B./ C.a

( )32.Today is Sunday .Tomorrow is _________.

A.Tuesday B.Monday C.Saturday

( )33.What’s your favourite fruit?--___________.

A.Potatoes B.TV C.Apples. ( )34.What do you have ______ dinner?

A.in B.for C.on

( )35.I often go to the park ______ Sunday morning.

A.on B.in C.with

( )36.Let’s _______ story-books and _____ TVtomorrow.

A.read,watch B.watch , read C.read , look

( )37._______ strict?--- No,he isn’t. He’s kind.

A.Who’s B.Is your teacher C.Who’s he

( )38.______ your teacher ?Miss Chao.

A.What’s B.Who’s C.Where’s

( )39._____ your father like ? He’s tall and strong.

A.Who’s B.What’s C.Where’s

( )40.I like bananas , but I ______ like grapes.

A.don’t B.do C.isn’t

( )41.There ______ a pen and three rulers in the desk.

A.am B.is C.are

( )42.There ______ no fish in the lake.

A.is B.are C.isn’t

( )43.A dog _____ fly in the sky.


A.can B.can’t C.is

( )44.There _____ some carrot juice.

A.is B.are C.isn’t

( )45.There is _____ end table near the bed.

A.some B.a C.an

( )46._____ is the picture ?—They’re over the bed.

A.What B.Which C.Where

( )47.My father can work ______ the computer.

A.over B.with C.in

( )48.There _______ any fish in the river.

A.is B. isn’t C.are

( )49.Salt is _______.

A.sour B.sweet C.salty

( )50.Where are your clothes ?—They’re in the ________.

A.closet B.desk C.shelf

( )51.Is there a big tree ?—No,_________.

A.there isn’t B.there are C.there aren’t

( )52.He _____ water the flowers . But he ______ wash the clothes.

A.can, can B.can’t, can’t C.can , can’t

( )53.There is a bridge _____ the river.

A. on B.over C.in

( )54.There _____ a door and two windows in my classroom.

A.are B.is C.has

( )55.Come and ______ my new computer.

A.look at B.watch C.see

( )56._____ your room _______? It’s nice and big.

A.What’s , like B.Who’s ,like C.Where’s ,like

( )57.Do you have a new teacher ? Yes , _________.

A.I do B.he do C.I don’t

( )58.These are ________ .Help yourself , please.(请自便)