pep2014最新版四年级英语下册unit1-3备课 联系客服

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4. Let’s sing.教师播放课本12页歌曲《Our School》,与学生一起表演唱,陶冶学生情操,激发学生热爱学校的情感。


1. 快速反应游戏。教师出示几组特意制作的具有远近效果的课件,让学生快速反应说句子:This is the … That is the …,来描述他们所看到的图片,男女生抢答。

2. 小组表演对话。学生戴上陈杰的头饰和Visitor A、visitor B的胸卡进行表演。

【设计意图】通过身体语言和课件来帮助学生理解并且运用句型This is? / That is?,在巩固的基础上结合身边的事物进行练习,训练学生的思维,激发他们地参与欲望。

四、拓展(Extension)(此环节用时10分钟) (一)活动运用,任务落实

1. 任务活动中运用——学以致用 Group work:我是小小迎宾员

男生组、女生组分别看着自己组的学校模型,扮演小小迎宾员向大家介绍:Welcome to our school. This way, please. This is the … That is the … The … is on the first floor. The … is on the second floor. Our school is beautiful. Do you like it?

2. 练习任务中落实——随堂检测


Choose the right answer.(选择填空。) ( )(1)This is the library. is the teacher’s office.

A. it B. That

( )(2)--- you have a canteen? --- Yes, I do.

A. Do B. does

( )(3)Welcome our school.

A. to B. on

( )(4)How many are there in you school?

A. student B. students

( )(5)The library is on first floor.

A. the B. a



教师指着黑板上的学校模型说:Let’s look at Boy’s school and Girl’s school. This is the … That is the …让学生和教师一起描述,最后那个组的得到的学校设施多,哪组即为获胜者,获胜者将得到教师的奖励,失败者将会得到教师的鼓励,争取下一节课获胜。

(三)作业分层,自主拓展 1. 听录音跟读、模仿对话。 2. 创编新对话。 3. 将自己的学校介绍给家长听,请家长打分。 【设计意图】通过任务活动,体现任务型教学及对学生综合运用语言能力的培养;随堂检测能帮助老师及时了解学生知识掌握的情况;分层作业可以使不同层次的学生在自己原有的基础上得到锻炼和提高。

【板书设计】 Unit 1 Our School A Let’s talk This is… this /eis/ That is… that /e?t / 【课后反思】 Do you have …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.



A Read and write B Let’s chant C Good to know


A部分Read and write,B部分Let’s chant和C部分Good to know。 【教材分析】

本课时包括A Read and write,B Let’s chant和三部分内容,主要让学生掌握四个四会单词和两个四会句子,吟唱歌谣,了解学校有关规章制度用英语怎么说。

【学情分析】 单词computer,board,light,fan学生在四年级上册就已经学过了,听说认读方面已经掌握得很好,通过第二课时的学习也能用句型This is… That is… 来描述事物。所以本节课的重点是让学生正确拼写四个四会单词―computer, fan, board, light‖;正确书写两个四会句子―This is my computer. That is your computer.‖。学生第一次写英语句子,可能会遇到很多困难,如:忘记句子打头单词的第一个字母大写;忘记在句子末尾加标点符号;把句点写成句号;句子当中的单词间距为一个字母宽等。需要认真看教师板书,多加练习。

【学习目标】 一、知识技能目标 1. 能听、说、读、写单词:computer, light, fan, board;句型:This is my computer. That is your computer. 2. 能朗读并理解本节课文本。

3. 能阅读并理解其他相关话题的文本。 4. 了解知识点:代词one的用法。代词one可以用来指上面提到过的人或事物。如:There are many flowers. I like the yellow one.


1. 培养学生良好的行为习惯。

2. 通过Good to know部分的学习,让学生明白自觉遵守各种规章制度是一种美德。 【学习重点、难点】 教学重点:

1. 准确理解图和对话的内容。 2. 掌握四会单词:computer,board,light,fan和四会句子:This is my computer. That is your computer.的正确书写。


四会单词computer,board,light,fan和四会句子This is my computer. That is your computer. 的正确书写。




一、热身(Warm-up)(此环节用时5分钟) 说唱做演,激情引趣

(一)歌曲、歌谣中情绪热身 Let’s sing a song ―Our School‖。 师生一起表演唱课本12页歌曲。 (二)复习旧知中知识热身

Have a competition说句子比赛。

学生运用句型This is … That is …说句子,但不能重复别人说过的句子。 (三)评价分组中注意力热身

根据对话中的角色,我把学生分成两组:Zoom Group和Zip Group,哪组同学回答对问题或在比赛中获胜,哪组同学将获得一张教师设施的图片,如:computer, fan, light, board, desk, chair等等。




二、呈现(Presentation)(此环节用时10分钟) (一)话题交流,导入新课 T: Where do you read? S: In the library.

T: Where do you eat? S: In the canteen.

T: Where do you play computer games? S: In the computer room. (二)情景创设,交际练习

教师利用课件出示computer room的图片说:Look! This is a computer room. It’s a new. We can see many new computers, two fans and a green door. It’s very beautiful. Whose computer room is this? Let’s go and have a look.

(三)问题视听,整体感知 1. Watch and answer.

Whose computer room is this?

2. Watch again and fill in the forms. one two four ten Quantity board Ware (四)任务跟进,获取详情 1. Let’s chant师生共同吟唱第七页歌谣。 School days, school days. What a lot of fun!

Read in the library. Draw in the gym. Eat in the canteen. Play in the gym. School days, school days. What a lot of fun! 2. Read and fill in the blanks.

Zip: We have a new __________ room. Zoom: Oh! Let’s go there.

Zip: Look, one _________ , two __________ , four __________… Zoom: And ten new computers! Zip: I like this one.

Zoom: Sorry. ________________ _________________ Zip: Oh-oh.

在完成此练习的过程中呈现四会单词,请同学带领大家口头拼写:C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R, computer。渗透单词记忆方法如:com---puter

同样方式操练并且拼写其它单词。 如:board b-oar-d fan f-an light l-ight

可适时加入句型―How many… do you have? We have …‖,用以练习这些名词的单复数形式。同时教学四会句子This is my computer. That is your computer.

3. Listen and imitate.


【设计意图】利用课件创设情境,在谈论图片的过程中自然呈现单词并且练习拼写,不但不使学生感到枯燥反而更加激发了学生拼写单词的热情。 三、练习(Practice)(此环节用时10分钟) (一)自读质疑,练习推进

1. Read and circle.学生自读文本,圈出关键词,划出关键句,询问不明白的问题,问题先让学生回答,教师再做补充。


2. Read and answer the questions. 教师不断地问学生问题,让学生在回答中进一步理解文本内容。 T: Where are Zoom and Zip now? S: In the new computer room. T: How many boards are there? S: One board.

T: How many fans are there? S: Two fans.

T: How many lights are there? S: Four lights.

T: How many new computers are there? S: Ten new computers.

T: What colour is Zoom’s computer? S: It’s orange.

T: What colour is Zip’s computer? S: It’s green.

T: Yes. The orange one is Zoom’s. The green one is Zip’s.

3.Play a game.教师运用单词的词卡,做―What’s missing?‖的游戏,请学生说出单词并且口头拼写出来。

4.学生在四线格内练习书写单词和四会句子。 (二)优化板式,知识梳理

Retell the dialogue.教师引导学生看着板书复述对话主要内容。

Zoom and Zip have a new computer room. There are ten new computers, four lights, two fans and one board. Zoom’s new computer is orange. Zip’s new computer is green. But Zip likes the orange one.


四、拓展(Extension)(此环节用时10分钟) (一)活动运用,能力提升

1. Group work.小组合作,根据自己手中的计算机教室图片向同伴介绍一下计算机教室的情况。 S1: Do you have a computer room? S2: Yes, I do.

S1: Look! One ________, four ________, eight ________ and forty ________. S2: Wow! Beautiful!

S1: Look! ________ is ________ computer. ________ is my friend Leilei’s computer. S2: Great! I like this one. 2. 练习任务中落实,随堂检测


1. 阅读下面对话,判断对错。 Mingming: Welcome to our school!

Visitor: Thank you. Do you have a computer room?

Mingming: Yes, I have a new computer room. There are forty new computers. Visitor: Great !

Mingming: Look! One board, four fans, six lights, and many chairs. Visitor: Where’s your computer?

Mingming: It’s near the door. The blue one. Visitor: Wow, how beautiful!

( )1. The computer room is new.

( )2. There are fifty computers. ( )3. There are six fans in the computer room.