新世纪大学英语综合教程1-第二版-课文详解-Lecture Notes_U2 联系客服

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have an advantage (over)

sth. that may help one to be successful or to gain a favorable result 有利条件,优势 e.g. 1. Her experience meant that she had a big advantage over her opponent.

2. A man who can think will always have an advantage over others. 能动脑子的人总是会胜过别人。

go to extremes

act too violently or behave in an extreme way 走极端 e.g. 1. She tends to go to extremes in making decisions.

2. We should not go to extremes and claim that all arranged marriages are failures. 我们不能走极端而认为所有的包办婚姻都是失败的。

assume vt.

believe (sth.) to be true without actually having proof that it is; suppose 假定,假设

e.g. 1. It is reasonable to assume that the economy of our country will continue to improve.

2. They naively assume things can only get better. 他们天真地以为情况只会变好。 CF: assume, suppose, guess





precise a.

exact in form, detail, measurements, time, etc. 精确的;准确的

e.g. 1. We were just talking about her when, at that precise moment, she walked in.

2. She gave me clear and precise directions. 她给了我清晰而准确的指示。

equivalent n.

sth. that is equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc. 等同物

e.g. 1. Can you change my money for gold or its equivalent in US dollars?

2. This word has no satisfactory equivalent in English. 这个词在英语中没有令人满意的对应词。

vice versa

Lat in the opposite way from that just stated〖拉丁〗反过来(也是这样),反之亦然 e.g. 1. Students should learn from teachers and vice versa.

2. A man of high birth may be of low worth and vice versa. 出身高贵的人可能价值低,出身微贱的人可能价值高。

provide (sb.) with

supply sb. with sth. 为?提供,供给


e.g. 1. These letters should provide us with all the information we need.

2. Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play. 书不仅给孩子们以思想,而且使他们玩得更有意思。

let alone

used for showing that the thing mentioned next is even less likely or believable than the one mentioned before (用于表示接着提到的事)更不用说,更谈不上 e.g. 1. There isn’t enough room for us, let alone any guests.

2. He could barely keep body and soul together let alone support his family. 他连自己的生活都难以维持,更不用说养家了。

be fond of doing sth.

like sth., esp. sth. one has liked for a long time 喜欢做某事

e.g. 1. Richard is fond of telling people funny stories about foreigners travelling in China. 2. He is fond of having a hand in everything. 他什么事都喜欢插上一手。

in one’s opinion

it is one’s view or feeling that 在…看来

e.g. 1. In her opinion I should visit Beijing first and then meet her in Hong Kong.

2. In his opinion, California has the best climate under the sun. 在他看来,世界上就数加利福尼亚的气候最好。

relate vt.

fml show or establish a connection between 〖正式〗有关联;把?联系起来 e.g. 1. The police are still trying to relate these two pieces of evidence.

2. I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind. 我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。

relate sth. to sth. else

show or establish a connection between one thing and another 将…与…联系起来 e.g. 1. They will relate the amount of time you spend on the work to your pay. 2. It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause. 很难把结果与任何已知原因联系起来。

be worth (doing) sth.

deserve (doing) sth. 值得(做)某事…

e.g. 1. The book is not worth reading because the information it contains is out of date.

2. Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 任何一件值得做的事都应该把它做好。

means n.

a method or way ( of doing ) 方法,手段

e.g. 1. Brian was prepared to use any means to get what he wanted.


2. Television is an effective means of communication. 电视是一种有效的交流方式。

be similar to

be like (sb. or sth.) but not exactly the same 和…近似,类似,相似

e.g. 1. The new shoes I’ve just bought are very similar to a pair I had before.

2. A cat is similar to a tiger in many respects. 猫和虎在很多方面相似。

relevant a.

directly connected with the subject 有关的,有关主题的

e.g. 1. This type of university course is no longer relevant to the needs of today’s students.

2. Her appearance is not relevant to whether she can be a good teacher. 她的长相跟她能否当个好老师无关。

Difficult Sentences for Text A

1. But it is difficult for anyone to explain in simple language why one method is better than

another, and it is no use pretending that anyone has discovered a perfect way of teaching English in every possible situation. (Para. 2) Q: Paraphrase the italicized part.

A: There is no such thing as the best way of teaching English which suits all situations.

2. Some experts even argue that there are as many good methods of teaching a language as there

are good teachers, because every teacher is an individual with his own personality. (Para. 2) Q: Translate this sentence into Chinese.

A: 一些专家甚至认为,有多少个好老师就有多少种好的教学方法,因为每一个老师都有其自身的特点。

3. A large number of theorists seem to think it is a pity we aren’t, because it would make it

easier to use their methods. (Para. 4) Q: Paraphrase this sentence.

A: Many behaviorist theorists wish that human beings were just like parrots or chimpanzees, so that they could use their methods of teaching on human beings with ease.

4. Human beings, unlike parrots and chimpanzees, do not like making noises unless they

understand what the noises mean and can relate them to their own lives. (Para. 5) Q: Paraphrase this sentence.

A: Human beings are not like animals. When they talk, they make speech sounds that are meaningful and relevant to their lives.

Extended Questions

▇ Extended questions (Para. 1)

Q: Do you know anything about William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens?

A: I think I know something about William Shakespeare. He is more famous for his tragedies such as Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet and Othello. Shakespeare also wrote some good comedies, for instance, Twelfth Night and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I know something about Charles Dickens, too. He was a British writer. He is famous for A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations


and David Copperfield.

Q: Why does the writer say that he doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry when he sees the advertisements?

A: The advertisements are full of nonsense. They are just ridiculous claims that are made to mislead people. One tends to feel helpless in responding to anything that is ridiculous. Q: What does the word “claim” (L. 2) mean? Why does the writer use it?

A: It means “to declare to be true.” We use the word “claim” to report what someone says when we want to indicate that what he or she says may not be true. The author uses this word to show his negative attitude towards the statement.

Q: In the last sentence of this paragraph, the author uses the word “must.” What does it imply? A: It implies that it is very likely that a large number of people do believe these ridiculous claims.

▇ Extended questions (Para. 2)

Q: What is meant by “every teacher is an individual with his own personality”?

A: It means that different teachers have different personalities and, therefore, a teacher may have his or her own way of teaching English.

Q: If you all feel that your teacher’s way of teaching is good and acceptable, does it mean that everyone in your class can learn English well enough?

A: No. The reason is simple. Each student is an individual with his or her own personality. That is why the teacher should attend to the individual needs of his or her students.

▇ Extended questions (Para. 3)

Q: Do you think English can be mastered just by teaching yourself with the help of dictionaries? Give your reasons.

A: No, I don’t think so. Dictionaries can help us with our vocabulary work but they are not of much help if we want to learn how to speak and write English fluently. Besides, we cannot expect to find a Chinese equivalent for every English word. To learn a new language, we must get ourselves involved in various learning activities related to listening, speaking, reading and writing.

▇ Extended questions (Para. 4)

Q: Why do many theorists consider it “a pity” that we are not “parrots or chimpanzees”? Does the tone indicate the writer’s attitude towards the behaviorist theory on language learning?

A: Many behaviorist theorists wish that human beings were just like parrots or chimpanzees, so that they could use their methods of teaching on human beings with ease. The tone of the statement indicates that the writer does not agree with the behaviorist theory on language learning.

▇ Extended questions (Para. 5)

Q: What do you think can be said about the role of interest in terms of language learning?

A: I think interest plays a crucial role in language learning, a very important factor leading to successful language learning.

▇ Extended questions (Para. 6)

Q: Why does the writer repeat the word “real” in the last sentence?

A: The writer wants to emphasize the idea that language learning should be based on “real