各种菜谱的英文翻译 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章各种菜谱的英文翻译更新完毕开始阅读929dd32617fc700abb68a98271fe910ef12dae9d

All hotpots come with vegetables, wide bean thread, various meatballs and a side of rice.

若白飯須換成寬粉, 細粉, 白麵, 或麵線須加收 $1.00

To change your rice to wide bean thread, thin bean thread, noodle, or thin noodle for $1.00

若對任何食材過敏, 請告知點餐服務員.

Please notify your server of any allergies or specific preferences.

炸 deep-fry, deep-fat fry 烧 stew after frying, braise 烤 roast, bake, toast, grill, barbecue 蒸 steam

煸 sauté, stir-fry before stewing 煨 stew , simmer 爆 quick-fry, stir-fry, sauté 熏 smoke 扣 steam 煮 boil, poach, parboil 烹 steam, boil 炙 broil, roast 炒 fry, quick-fry 溜 quick-fry

扒 fry and stew/braise 焖 braise 烩 braise, assort 炝 quick-fry, mix

卤 stew in soy sauce, pot-stew 炖 braise, stew 酿/填 brew, stuff 拌 toss, mix 涮 instant-boil 煎 pan-fry 氽 dip-boil 腌 steep 焙 broil, bake 烘 bake

酱 marinate, season with soy sauce 腊 cure 软炸 soft-fry 酱烧 braise in soy sauce 红烧 braise/stew in brown sauce/soy sauce 白灼 scald, blanch 铁扒 grill 盐焗 broil with salt 清蒸 steam in plain soup 酒蒸 steam with wine 清炖 stew/braise in plain/clear soup 粉蒸 steam with rice powder 干烧 braise with hot chili 干炸 deep-fry 酒酿 stuff 生焖 braise 干烹 steam in hot sauce 锅贴 pan-fry 干煸 dry-sauté, sauté 水煮 stew, poach 油焖 fricassee 糟溜 stew in fermented rice sauce 醋溜 sauté with vinegar 罐焖 pot-fricassee 生爆 sauté 酱爆 sauté in brown sauce 油爆 sauté in deep oil 生炒 fry 叉烧 barbecue, roast 油淋 drip-fry with oil, scald in boiling oil 嫩煮 scald 炙烧 grill

烧烤 拔丝 嫩煎

barbecue, roast 串烧 caramelize, toffee 冰镇 sauté, quick-fry 捣碎 skewer ice mash