英语同步优化指导(人教版选修7)练习:阶段质量评估4含解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章英语同步优化指导(人教版选修7)练习:阶段质量评估4含解析更新完毕开始阅读92d458ab905f804d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c783c8

C.Doing simple things to help the poor. D.Improving oneself through helping others.

解析:推理判断题。由最后一段“...but to learn about and experience another culture...and the world.”可知,从事志愿服务,在帮助别人的同时也提升了自己,与选项D吻合。



Michael Johnson,a teacher at Davis High School in California,gave each of his students $25.He asked them to help other people with the money.The assignment was not graded,but he still expected them to do it.

Michael had one requirement:the student had to write a paper answering how they used the money,how it affected the receiver and how it affected the student.He said that he would collect the reports and read them aloud at the end of the term.

The semester came and went.Of the 64 students,only three completed the assignment.The teacher was disappointed.

But some teenagers were not shocked by the students’ behavior.

“I’m not surprised,”said Ashley Reeves,16.“It wasn’t graded or anything, so most students probably thought it would just use up their time.”

Reeves said that if she had been given the money,she might have acted in the same way. “I might have spent the money on myself,”she said.“It’s natural for our own needs to come first.”

Other teens such as Lindsey Freeland,a student at Davis High School had a different opinion on the matter.

“I’m embarrassed by the result,”she wrote.“If I were given this opportunity,I would have taken it as a challenge and used the money to help the community.”

Nieshia Smith completed Johnson’s assignment.She gave her $25 to the Make A Wish Foundation.Nieshia said her peers had disappointed her.

“Teenagers sit down and watch TV for hours,but they can’t spend a couple of minutes helping someone else!”she said.

28.The teacher Michael Johnson gave each of his students $25 in order to____________________.

A.award them

B.buy things that they want

C.make them help those who are in need of help D.give it to their parents

解析:细节理解题。从第一段的“He asked them to help other people with the money.”可得




29.Which of the following is Not required in the paper? A.How the students felt.

B.How the students spent the money. C.How it influenced the receiver. D.How it influenced the student.

解析:细节理解题。从第二段的“a paper answering how they used the money,how it affected the receiver and how it affected the student”可排除B、C、D三项。


30.We can learn that Ashley Reeves is ____________________according to the text. A.generous C.selfishless

B.selfish D.active

解析:推理判断题。从第六段的“Reeves said that if she had been given the money,she might have acted in the same way.”和第七段的“‘I might have spent the money on myself,’she said.‘It’s natural for our own needs to come first.’”推断出Ashley Reeves很自私。


31.What did Nieshia do using the money the teacher gave? A.She gave the money to the Make A Wish Foundation. B.She bought something for herself. C.She bought something for others. D.She gave it to her parents.

解析:细节理解题。从倒数第二段的“she gave her $25 to the Make A Wish Foundation”可知答案。



The Enzian Art House in Florida was showing movies in the park.One evening,a few weeks before Christmas,they showed The Christmas Story and had a raffle(抽奖)with a girl’s bike as the prize.It was painfully cute with colored streamers(飘带),flowers,butterflies,a fascinating bell,all designed to delight a five-year-old.But fifty years old of me won it!

This led to a bit of a puzzle as I didn’t have kids or grand kids to give it to.

I wanted the bike to go to someone who didn’t have the opportunity to own such a wonderful thing.I contacted the shelter(where I occasionally volunteered in the kitchen)and while there was a big need for a sweet bike there was also the potential for it creating conflict.

I sought else where until I found out about a couple in our church who had been going through hard times in their marriage because of drugs and alcohol.They walked to our church(they didn’t have a car)from a parking lot a mile away and they had a sweet little five-year-old daughter.

On Christmas Eve I went to their parking lot.They had already left on foot to go to the candle lighting service.Their landlord was on the property and when he heard that I wanted to leave the bike anonymously he offered to open up their trailer(家庭停车场).There I saw a lone tree,so I put the bike behind it.

It was a great moment for me and,I hope,a little bit of Christmas magic for the family and that little girl.


32.What did the author get in a raffle activity? A.The author got some flowers.

B.The author got a bike suitable for a girl. C.The author won some butterflies. D.The author won a beautiful bell.

解析:细节理解题。从第一段的“...had a raffle(抽奖)with a girl’s bike as the prize”和“But fifty years old of me won it!”可知,作者在抽奖活动中,抽到了一辆适合女孩用的自行车。


33.Why was the author puzzled when he won the prize? A.He didn’t have children or grand children to offer it to. B.He couldn’t carry it home.

C.He couldn’t have the opportunity to use it. D.He couldn’t find the way to the shop.

解析:细节理解题。从第二段的“This led to a bit of a puzzle as I didn’t have kids or grand kids to give it to.”可知选A项。


34.What can we learn from the third paragraph? A.Many children in the shelter often fight. B.Many children in the shelter are happy. C.Many children in the shelter aren’t taken care of.

D.Many children in the shelter don’t have such a bike suitable for a girl.

解析:推理判断题。从第三段的“while there was a big need for a sweet bike”可知,避难所里的孩子们许多都没有自行车,他们十分的需要。


35.What can we infer from the last paragraph? A.Where there is a will,there is a way.

B.Helping others not only brings happiness to others,but also makes oneself glad. C.Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.

D.Life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you will get.



第二部分 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Many people believe that money makes the world go around.Others believe that money buys happiness.I do not agree with either idea.36.____________ Let me tell you about a person I once knew who liked to play card games for money.He liked to gamble.

My friend Bob always played with cold cash—only coins and dollar bills.Sometimes he would clean up.He would win a lot of money on one card game.He liked to tell me that one day he would break the bank.37.____________ Other times Bob would simply break even.He neither won nor lost money. But sometimes he would lose his shirt and lose all the money he had.When this happened,Bob would have to go in the hole.He would go into debt and owe people money.

38.____________ In his job,he kept the books for a small business.He supervised the records of money earned and spent by the company.He illegally changed the financial records of the company,which permitted him to make some quick,easy money dishonestly.

39.____________ He did not seem like a thief who would steal money.But some people will do anything for love of money.It did not take long before Bob’s dishonesty was discovered.The company investigated and charged him with stealing.Bob tried to pass the buck.He tried to blame someone else for the deficit(不足额).His lie did not work,however.He ended up in jail.Today,I












A.Recently,Bob turned to crime after losing all his money. B.I would bet all I have that he learned his lesson about gambling. C.What a feeling it must be to win all of the money at a gambling table!