外研社杯英语演讲比赛演讲稿-英语比赛演讲稿 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章外研社杯英语演讲比赛演讲稿-英语比赛演讲稿更新完毕开始阅读936dca10814d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7aa0082c4

篇七:XX年外研社杯英语演讲大赛 XX年外研社杯英语演讲大赛 题目是一段视频主要内容是:

惠子谓庄子曰:“魏王贻我大瓠之种,我树之成,而实五石。以盛水浆,其坚不能自举也。剖之以为瓢,则瓠落无所容。非不呺然大也,吾为其无用而掊之。”庄子曰:“夫子固拙于用大矣。宋人有善为不龟手之药者,世世以洴澼絖为事。客闻之,请买其方百金。聚族而谋曰:‘我世世为洴澼絖,不过数金,今一朝而鬻技百金,请与之。’客得之,以说吴王。越有难,吴王使之将,冬,与越人水战,大败越人。裂地而封之。能不龟手一也,或以封,或不免于洴澼絖,则所用之异也。今子有五石之瓠,何不虑以为大樽,而浮于江湖,而忧其瓠落无所容?则夫子犹有蓬之心也夫!” 白话文翻译是:

惠子对 庄子说:“魏王送我大葫芦种子,我将它培植起来后,结出的果实有五石容积。用大葫芦去盛水浆,可是它的坚固程度承受不了水的压力。把它剖开做瓢,但它又平又浅的,装不了什么东西。这个葫芦不是不大呀,我因为它没有什么用处而砸烂了它。”庄子说:“先生实在是不善于使用大东西啊!宋国有一善于调制不皲手药物的人家,世世代代以漂洗丝絮为职业。有个游客听说了这件事,愿意用百金的高价收买他的药方。全家人聚集在一起商量:‘我们世世代

代在河水里漂洗丝絮,所得不过数金,如今一下子就可卖得百金。还是把药方卖给他吧。’游客得到药方,来游说吴王。正巧 越国发难,吴王派他统率部队,冬天跟越军在水上交战,大败越军,吴王划割土地封赏他。能使手不皲裂,药方是同样的,有的人用它来获得封赏,有的人却只能靠它在水中漂洗丝絮,这是使用的方法不同。如今你有五石容积的大葫芦,怎么不考虑用它来制成腰舟,而浮游于江湖之上,却担忧葫芦太大无处可容?看来先生你还是心窍不通啊!” 我写的演讲稿:(演讲时间为2-3分钟)

Good afternoon , my respected teachers and judges, my name is yangqi. It’s my great honour to stand here to give my speech. The title of my speech is “Try to find out the best value of everything”.

I believe that we all have watched the video. In this video Huize told Zhuangze that he ha a large kind of big gourd but he

found it useless . So he broke it up. After hearing these comments, Zhuangze said “I’m afraid that you mind is stuffy inside”.

This video shows that everything has its own value. What counts is whether it can be found out the best value .

In our life we think that many things are not valuable, so we ignored them in many ways. But this is not the case. Such as lag spike, although it is very small and common, it has very important effect on many things. God closes a door for you and a window will be opened for you. Everyone has their own strength and weakness. The important thing is that we need to find out the best value of us. If Luxun wouldn’t give up the job of doctor, he maybe could not make a great contribution to our society. Everyone has their own different value. As the saying goes, your attitude decides everything.

It’s unnecessary to admire others all the time .Keep it in mind, you yourself are a spectacle and you are unique in the world. It’s your duty to lead a bright future and make a difference. Take action now and try to find out the best value of everything. I believe you can make it.

Thank you for your listening. 篇八:外研社杯英语演讲稿 Hello, everybody!

It is my great pleasure to stand here and share my

idea on learning with you all today.

With the rapid development of the modern science and technology, learning is becoming a very common behavior among people of different age or with different color. In English, there is a famous saying said that it is never too old to learn. This idea is becoming more and more popular among people in China and also inspiring more and more Chinese people to achieve their goal and better their life.

Do you still remember the joke about foreign language learning It is said that, one day, a mouse mother is walking in the garden with her young baby. They are enjoying the beautiful scenery and the happy moment after dinner. Suddenly, a cat runs out from the house and walks directly towards the two mice. Greatly shocked at the cat, the baby mouse holds her mother tightly and cries her heart out. Just at this crucial moment, the mother of the mouse collects all her energy and shout at the cat in the dog’s voice “wow, wow”. Hearing the voice of the dog, the cat runs away. And both the mouse mother and the baby mouse are safe again. When the baby mouse is still wondering why the cat stops