2019-2020学年外研版英语选修8刷题增分练--6.2 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2019-2020学年外研版英语选修8刷题增分练--6.2更新完毕开始阅读9497e035a01614791711cc7931b765ce05087a80

Section Ⅱ Grammar~ Reading and Writing


approve of, cater for, communicate with, grow up, correspond with, deal with, take hold of

1.I have_corresponded_with him for some years, but I have never met him in the flesh.

2.I was surprised that Mom seemed to approve_of Tracy's new boyfriend.

3.Two of the doctors took_hold_of my right leg very carefully and bent it.

4.It is necessary that young and old people should communicate_with each other more often. 5.Our newspapers and magazines try to cater_for all opinions. 6.The patient was difficult to manage, but the nurse dealt_with him all right.

7.We plan to go and live in Florida when the children have all grown_up. Ⅱ.同义句转换

1.Perhaps the river is quite deep.(may) →The river may_be quite deep.

2.The tiger is in danger.Perhaps we can save him.(might) →The tiger is in danger.We might save him.

3.Lucy is ill and she cannot come to school today.(unlikely) →Lucy is ill and she is_unlikely_to come to school today. 4.The fire is caused by some naughty boys.(might) →The fire might_be caused by some naughty boys. 5.It is Mr Smith who will give us the speech.(may) →It may_be Mr Smith who will give us the speech. Ⅲ.完形填空

Shutting the door heavily, seven-year-old Vito stormed into the

room after school. He __1__ himself into the sofa and cried loudly, “Dad, I am very __2__.”

Vito's father was quietly listening while working. Vito said,

“Joaquin made me lose __3__ in front of my friends. I hope he __4__ a few particularly bad luck things.” His father went to a corner, __5__ a bag of coal and said to Vito, “Son, __6__ that white shirt as Joaquin, and the bag of coal as some bad luck things. Use coal to hit the white shirt. __7__ that every time you hit one on the shirt, Joaquin met with a bad luck thing. When you finish hitting all the coal, see what will __8__.”

Vito thought the game __9__. He picked up coal to throw into the shirt. However, the shirt was hung in the __10__ rope. He tried again and again. He __11__ throwing all the coal, but only a few on the shirt. Father asked Vito, “How do you feel now?”

“It __12__ me, but I am happy now.”

Father saw his son did not understand his __13__, so he let Vito look in a large __14__. What he could only see from his face was white __15__. Then the father said, “You see, the white shirt did not become particularly dirty, but you have become a ‘ __16__ person’. You want a lot of bad luck things on others; the __17__ is that the most unfortunate thing __18__ on ourselves. There, our bad __19__ may cause others to suffer bad luck, but the stains left to us is difficult to __20__.”

1.A.threw B.enjoyed C.sent D.helped

答案与解析:A throw“抛,扔”;enjoy“喜爱”;send“送”;help“帮助”。根据句中“Shutting the door heavily”和“stormed into the room”可知,Vito当时很气愤和委屈,所以是把自己扔进沙发。A项正确。

2.A.cool B.anxious C.excited D.angry

答案与解析:D 根据句中“Shutting the door heavily”和“stormed into the room”以及下文的具体描述可知,Vito当时很气愤和委屈。D项正确。

3.A.heart B.interest C.face D.hope

答案与解析:C Vito说Joaquin让他在朋友们面前丢脸,下文是事情经过,lose face“丢脸”。C项正确。

4.A.runs over B.comes across

C.takes up D.makes out

答案与解析:B run over“浏览”;come across“偶遇”;take up“从事”;make out“理解”。因为Joaquin让他在同学们面前丢脸,所以7岁的Vito诅咒Joaquin遇到特别不幸的事。B项正确。

5.A.found B.supplied C.spotted D.placed

答案与解析:A find“找到,发现”;supply“提供”;spot“认出,发现”;place“放置”。此处指父亲在角落里发现了一袋煤,表示“偶然注意到”用find。A项正确。

6.A.view B.paint C.wear D.design

答案与解析:A 父亲让Vito把白衬衫当做是Joaquin,把煤看成是霉运,用煤去投白衬衫。A项正确。

7.A.Sense B.Imagine C.Mind D.Believe

答案与解析:B sense“感觉到”;imagine“想象”;mind“介意”;believe“相信”。父亲让Vito想象每次投一块煤在白衬衫上,Joaquin就会遇到一件不好的事。此处指父亲让儿子假想一下。B项正确。

8.A.appear B.settle C.happen D.form

答案与解析:C appear“出现”;settle“解决”;happen“发生”;form“形成”。此处指把所有的煤投完以后,看看会发生什么事。C项正确。

9.A.fun B.silly C.dull D.violent

答案与解析:A Vito认为这个游戏很有趣,因为Vito只是个7岁的小孩,所以感觉有趣。A项正确。

10.A.tight B.long C.strong D.distant

答案与解析:D 根据下句“He tried again and again.”和“but only a few on the shirt”可知,Vito尽力去投,但只成功了几个。由此推断衬衫挂在远处的绳子上。D项正确。

11.A.risked B.regretted

C.considered D.finished 答案与解析:D risk“冒险”;regret“遗憾”;consider“考虑”;finish“结束”。此处指Vito投完了所有的煤,结果只投中了几个。D项正确。

12.A.bothered B.puzzled C.tired D.relaxed

答案与解析:C bother“烦扰”;puzzle“困惑”;tire“使疲倦”;relax“放松”。父亲问Vito投完所有的煤之后的感觉,他说这件事使他疲倦。C项正确。

13.A.intention B.lesson C.worry D.solution 答案与解析:A intention“意图”;lesson“课”;worry“担心”;solution“解决方案”。父亲看到儿子没明白他的意图,回答的不是父亲指的方面。A项正确。

14.A.box B.mirror C.closet D.fence

答案与解析:B box“箱子”;mirror“镜子”;closet“壁橱”;fence“栅栏”。根据“What he could only see from his face”可知,父亲让儿子照镜子看自己的形象。B项正确。

15.A.mouth B.eyes C.teeth D.nose

答案与解析:C 因为Vito一直在抓煤投衬衫,所以弄得脸上都是黑,只露着白色的牙齿。C项正确。

16.A.stubborn B.black C.stupid D.greedy

答案与解析:B stubborn“顽固的”;greedy“贪婪的”。根据Vito抓煤投衬衫和镜子里只露着白牙可知他变成了一个黑人。B项正确。

17.A.wonder B.secret C.plan D.result

答案与解析:D 你想让别人运气不好,结果却是最不幸的事落在自己头上。D项正确。

18.A.relies B.passes C.tries D.falls

答案与解析:D 表示降落。D项正确。