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发布时间 : 星期二 文章河北大学函授英语作业更新完毕开始阅读950c5f8ed4d8d15abe234e19


Nearly three-quarters of the Earth is covered with water. Water heats up more slowly than land, but once it has become warm it takes longer to 21

down. If the Earth’s surface were entirely land, the temperature at night would

22 quite quickly and night would be much colder than day, as it is on the moon. This does 23 happen in inland deserts, hundreds of miles from any sea. The climate of the continents, especially in the temperate 24 , is very much affected by the oceans around them. The areas close to the sea have a “maritime climate”, 25 rather cool summers and warm winters. The interiors, far from the sea, have a “ 26 climate” with extremely hot summers and cold winters.

Rain 27 from the evaporation of rivers, seas and lakes. Even after heavy rain, the pavements in a city do not take long to dry 28 the rainwater evaporates into the air. On a warm dry day it evaporates very rapidly, 29

warm air can take in more moisture than cold air. But at any particular temperature, the 30 can hold only a certain maximum amount of water vapour. The air is then saturated, like a sponge that cannot hold 31 more water. The lower the temperature, the 32 water vapour is required to saturate the air.

All over the surface of the Earth, millions of tons of water are 33

every second, condensing in the air into drops so small 34 it takes thousands of them to make a single raindrop. It is these 35 drops that make clouds. When clouds roll in from the sea over the warmer land, they are forced to

36 and become cooler in the colder upper atmosphere. As the air cools down it may pass through its saturation point and 37 some of its water vapour turns to rain. Day in, day out, the 38 water circulates between the air and the land: rivers 39 to make clouds, clouds make rain, rain makes rivers which in turn run into the sea. This is called the rain 40 . 21. A. hold B. keep C. cool D. let 22. A. rise B. miss C. lose D. fall

23. A. not B. indeed C. only D. certainly 24. A. fields B. centers C. zones D. interiors 25. A. with B. because of C. in D. instead of 26. A. continental B. tropical C. frigid D. humid 27. A. goes B. leaves C. runs D. comes

28. A. though B. while C. because D. in order that 29. A. as B. where C. though D. as long as 30. A. weather B. atmosphere C. climate D. gas 31. A. much B. any C. no D. some 32. A. greater B. fewer C. less D. more 33. A. evaporating B. moving C. flowing D. flying 34. A. as B. then C. but D. that 35. A. tiny B. big C. large D. huge 36. A. fall B. drop C. raise D. rise

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37. A. then B. after C. ago D. already 38. A. warm B. running C. same D. evaporated 39. A. try B. evaporate C. cool D. tend 40. A. ring B. system C. effect D. cycle


The United States is a land of many 41 . Its people have come from different homelands and have 42 their own customs from all parts of the world. 43 they live and work in a modern, 44 society, they want to 45 their traditions and pass them 46 to their children. So, in their daily lives, many Americans continue to speak their 47 language as well as English. They cook traditional foods. They practice their own religions and have their own way of thinking 48 life and death. In addition, they set 49 time to celebrate the important occasions of their native culture 50 special ceremonies.

Every part of the United States has special celebrations, depending on the 51 national groups that live in the area. In Hawaii, America’s island state in the Pacific Ocean, there are 52 people of Asian ancestry. Many of these Asians are 53 Japanese, Chinese, or Polynesian 54 . Immigrants from China and Japan arrived in Hawaii 55 great numbers during the past century. The early Polynesians came to Hawaii from South Pacific islands more than a thousand years 56 any other people. The Asians 57 rich traditions for their 58 to follow. Today, Hawaiians honor the 59 of their ancestors 60 special feasts and festivals. 41. A. states B. areas C. cultures D. fields 42. A. brought B. had C. developed D. borrowed 43. A. Unless B. Although C. For D. If

44. A. changed B. excited C. exciting D. changing 45. A. prevent B. preserve C. predict D. protest 46. A. off B. through C. in D. on

47. A. negative B. necessary C. native D. narrative 48. A. about B. of C. for D. out 49. A. about B. off C. out D. aside 50. A. on B. in C. with D. by 51. A. ideal B. particular C. many D. active 52. A. much B. many C. most D. little 53. A. to B. by C. for D. of

54. A. descent B. dessert C. desert D. decency 55. A. for B. with C. by D. in

56. A. before B. in front of C. ago D. ahead 57. A. emphasized B. secured C. recommended D. left

58. A. residents B. delegates C. descendants D. representatives 59. A. memorial B. memory

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C. memoir D. memorandum

60. A. on B. under C. for D. with


Some students at the Open University left school 20 years ago. Others are younger but 61 must be at least 21 years old. This is one example 62

how the Open University is 63 from all other universities. 64 students must either work full-time 65 be at home all day, 66 instance mothers of families. They do not 67 to pass any examinations before they are accepted as students. This is 68 the university is called “open”. The university was started in 69 to help a group of people who 70 having a university education when they were young.

The first name for the Open University was “The University of the 71 .

The idea was to teach “on the air”, in other 72 on radio and television. Most of the teaching is done like this. Radio and television 73 brought the classroom into people’s 74 . But this, on its own, is not 75 for a university education. The Open University 76 also receives advice at one of 283 study centers in the country. 36 weeks of the year he has to send 77

work to a “tutor”, the person who guides his 78 . He must also spend 3 weeks every summer 79 a full-time student. The tutors and students meet and study together, as in other universities. At the end of the Open University’s first year, the results were good. 3 out of every 4 students 80 their examinations. If they do this every year, they will finish their studies in 4 or 5 years. 61. A. all B. other C. the others D. another 62. A. and B. no matter C. of D. in

63. A. away B. different C. run D. developed 64. A. Their B. Its C. All D. These 65. A. and B. then C. neither D. or 66. A. in B. on C. at D. for 67. A. have B. want C. fail D. go 68. A. how B. why C. because D. that 69. A. way B. order C. reason D. time 70. A. enjoyed B. finished C. missed D. avoided 71. A. Air B. Radio C. Television D. Open

72. A. way B. places C. words D. expression 73. A. are B. is C. have D. has 74. A. families B. homes C. factories D. offices 75. A. good B. bad C. much D. enough 76. A. president B. professor C. teacher D. student 77. A. writing B. written C. lost D. missing

78. A. studies B. teachings C. works D. examinations 79. A. on B. for C. as D. to

80. A. took B. failed C. enjoyed D. passed

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Part Four: Translation(选择其中15道题写作业) 1. 他激动得一句化也说不出来。(too . . . to . . .)

2. 不下苦功是学不好外语的。(unless)

3. 人类终究将战胜自然灾害。(after all)

4. 她慢慢走,以防滑倒。(lest)

5. 他本该去看医生。(ought to)

6. 我们习惯于艰苦工作。

7. 我要是你,我就用另一种方法做。

8. 那人说起话来好象无所不知。

9. 天赋代替不了不懈的艰苦劳动。(take the place of)

10. 你电话打过来时,我跟玛莉谈得正起劲。(be caught up)

11. 你可以出去,只要你答应在11点以前回来。(as long as)

12. 我们本要在上周结婚的,但我改变了主意。

13. 她误以为这所房子是旅馆。(mistake . . . for . . .)

14. 我得跑步才不至于落在他们之后。

15. 他就是那种脾气,他不是有意粗鲁的。(mean)

16. 他知道吸烟对他没什么好处,他迟早会戒的。

17. 现代科学技术的发展使社会发生了巨大的变化。(bring about)

18. 在你作出决定之前,你最好与你妻子商量一下。(talk over)

19. 这项工程由北京大学的李教授负责。

20. 我们必须尽力克服学习中碰到的困难。

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