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总理、南非副总统、巴西执政党领袖。但是要确保腐败丑闻不会像色情电视剧那样重复上演,就必须进行系统的改革。 领导层的变革在诸如世界银行、经济合作与发展组织、联合国、透明国际以及国际商会等重点机构已经展开或者即将展开。改革后的领导班子应该与非政府组织以及其他重要机构(如出口信贷机构、国际执法部门等)领导人携手合作,以便制订全面的反腐战略,就近期和中期行动达成共识。 C

1. 酸雨会毒死鱼类,毁灭森林,腐蚀建筑。

Acid rain poisons fish, destroys forests, and corrodes buildings. 2. 我们对环保不能不说不练,我们必须有行动。

We should not just pay lip service to environmental protection; we must act.

3. 调查发现一些小官僚也参与了“钱权交易”。

Investigation showed that some petty bureaucrats had also been involved in this “power for money exchange”.

4. 我们要加大反腐力度,对贪污腐化的官员严惩不贷。 We must reinforce the momentum of the anticorruption drive and show no mercy to the corrupt officials. 5. 政府交通部门要严格执法,严惩酒后驾车。

The government’s transportation agencies must execute the law strictly and enforce severe penalties for drunken drivers.

6. 12月9日被联合国定为全球反腐败日,这为提高公众觉悟,积极打击贪污、抑制腐败提供了一个独特的机会。

December 9 is designated by the UN as International Anticorruption Day, which provides a unique opportunity to enhance public awareness and commitment to combating graft and curbing corruption.

7. 联合国新近颁布了《反腐公约》,要求签约的成员国制定相关法律,以禁止受贿索贿行为。

The United Nations has newly promulgated the UN Anticorruption Convention, requiring that the sighed member nations enact laws prohibiting bribery and extortion.

8. 现在,腐败带来的真正危害已经广为人知:腐败扰乱市场、破坏竞争、滋长老百姓的冷嘲热讽、削弱法治的威力、损害政府的合法性,还会侵蚀私营市场的诚信度。

The true impact of corruption is now widely acknowledged: corruption distorts markets and competition, breeds cynicism among citizens, undermines the rule of law, damages government legitimacy, and corrodes the integrity of the private sector.

9. 发达国家所属公司如果在国外参与行贿,即使面临激烈的国际竞争,政府也必须愿意对其行为进行调查和提起公诉。 Developed nations must be willing to investigate and prosecute

their multinational corporations when they engage in bribery abroad, even in the face of intense global competition.

10. 昨天北京市第一中级人民法院以犯受贿罪和私分国有财产罪判处毕玉玺(北京市交通局原副局长)死刑,缓期两年执行,剥夺政治权利终身,并处没收个人全部财产。

Bi Yuxi, the former vice-director of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Communications was sentenced to death yesterday for accepting bribes and embezzling state-owned assets with a two-year reprieve at the Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court. According to the ruling/judgment, he was deprived of his political rights for life and all his personal property will be confiscated.