广州牛津英语九年级上册(初三)Unit 5 练习习题 联系客服

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Unit 5 Going to the theatre


(一) 根据句子和所给的首字母写出所缺的单词。

1. The phantom was so u that his own mother made him wear a mark. 2. The young mother g put her baby in the bed.

3. The girl wants to be a s because she has a beautiful voice. 4. A , the 3-year-old boy can work out the maths problem quickly. 5. His k made the people cry. They all thought that he was a great man.

6. John’s father f him to finish all the work, or he could not have anything to eat. 7. At last, the phantom m disappeared and was never seen again.

8. It is u for people to throw flowers to the stage when the performance is over. 9. The composer tried to c a new piece of music for the film. 10. The Great Wall is w all over the world.

11. After his wonderful performance, all the audience stood up and c . 12. The boy b badly at school and the headmaster sent him away. 13. When we speak to the old, we should speak p . 14. A , don’t worry. You’ll have a great time.

15. He studied in the university for several years and got a d at last. 16. When the c starts waving his baton, you should be quiet.

17. In the cinema, many people like eating p while enjoying the film. 18. Tan Dun’s music was played all over the w . 19. The famous composer was b in Hunan, China. 20. Taking pictures is not a in the museum.

21. She put up a n to tell all about the good news. 22. The great play Hamlet is on the t . Let’s go to see it. 23. Thanks for c to the party with me. 24. Do you understand what I m ?

25. The old man t the poor little boy as his own son and sent him to school. 26. She is always dreaming to marry a rich h man.

27. The little girl cried sadly and her t ran down her face.

28. He has to give up his studying in the university because the f of study is too high. 29. A concert will be h in the school hall at 4 p.m. on April 18th. 30. Cinderella lived an a life doing everything for the lazy girls.

(二) 根据句子意思和中文提示写出所缺单词。

1. He likes to (游荡) around the shopping center in his free time.

2. The (观众) were so excited that they sang and danced together with the actors. 3. Musical performances were also (普遍的) in the theatre.

4. The man put the gold (在……下面) the fallen leaves and made a mark on it . 5. All the children are (天使) in the eyes of their mothers.

(三) 根据句子意思用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. , all the actors were male. (strange)

2. Christine was at his ugly face. (shock) 3. He spent years his dream house. (build)

4. The mother kissed her baby and left the room. (gentle)

5. Beijing Opera is a world-famous example of Chinese theatre. (tradition)


1. 他以擅长画画闻名。

He is his painting. 2. 在他们的年代,骑自行车上班是很普遍的。

, going to work by bike was very common. 3. 他爱上了一个年轻的歌手。

He with a young singer. 4. 那个男孩花了整个上午在街上徘徊。

That boy the whole morning in the streets. 5. 因为他们输了比赛,Kate很同情他们。

Kate them because they lost the game. 6. 她出生的时候很漂亮,以致每个人都很喜欢她。

She was so beautiful that everyone loved her. 7. 他和他妹妹的个性迥然不同。

He is completely his sister in personality. 8. 他的老板强迫他把所有的工作完成。

His boss him all the work. 9. 我做完功课才离开课室。

I didn’t the classroom I finish my homework. 10. 我的妈妈很忙,没有时间散步。

My mother is busy she has no time for a walk. 11. Jack正忙于打扫教室。

Jack the classroom. 12. 别懒惰,否则你会考试不及格。

Don’t be lazy, you the exam. 13. 谢谢你的到来。

Thanks . 14. 你需要穿一些漂亮而且正式的衣服。

You need to wear and formal. 15. 在音乐会里,我不知道怎样举止得体。

I don’t know properly in the concert. 16. 记住老师的话,好好学习。

the teacher’s words and work hard. 17. 老师把我们当她的孩子般看待。

Our teachers us her own children. 18. 她穿着盛装,想引起她男朋友的注意。

She dressed up to her boy friend’s . 19. 不要把书本落下。

Don’t your book .

20. 你明白他的意思吗?

Do you understand he ?


1. , the 81-year-old man married a 22-year-old young lady. A. Amazed B. Amaze C. Amazingly D. Amazing

2. How much time does your son spent his homework? A. to do B. doing C. did D. do 3. ---Do you know about Mr Wang?

---Yes, he is well known a doctor in my town for his kindness to the sick. A. for B. as C. of D. to

4. When you’re learning English, use it, you’ll forget it. A. but B. and C. then D. or

5. James was wandering around the shopping centre while I with my friends. A. shopped B. shop C. was shopping D. were shopping 6. The boy was so ugly that his mother cried sadly all day. A. at birth B. at born C. in birth D. was born

7. Xiao Jun fell love football since he was a three-year-old child. A. in; with B. in; for C. to; with D. to; of 8. Smoking here.

A. doesn’t allow B. won’t allow C. isn’t allowed D. isn’t allowing 9. You can take this home. I was planning to get a new one . A. anyway B. in any way C. though D. however 10. ---Where is your English book, Mike?

---Sorry, sir. I have it behind at home. A. lost B. forgotten C. left D. missed 11. He failed his exam his laziness.

A. because of B. because C. though D. so

12. This box is heavier than that one. You can’t carry it. A. so B. quite C. far D. more

13. Christine the phantom’s mask and was shocked at his ugly face. A. took off B. put off C. got off D. pulled off 14. This book yours. Look, your name is on it. A. must be B. may be C. can’t be D. won’t be

15. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we a picnic in the park. A. won’t have B. will have C. have D. are having 16. is strange that nobody knows where he lives. A. It B. What C. That D. This

17. Don’t stay up too late. It’s bad your health. A. to B. with C. for D. at

18. It is brother fell love music when he was a three-year-old child. A. in; with B. in; for C. to; with D. to; of 19. Taking pictures here.

A. doesn’t allow B. won’t allow C. isn’t allowed D. isn’t allowing

20. ---Where is your dictionary, Heddi?

---Sorry, sir. I have it behind at home. A. lost B. forgotten C. left D. missed

21. You can take this home. I was planning to get a new one . A. anyway B. in any way C. though D. however

22. He was bored the long winter in the small town, so he moved to Florida. A. from B. of C. for D. with

23. Brighton is famous a bathing place the beautiful beaches. A. for; as B. as; for C. in; for D. for; to 24. There’s a piece of thread on your skirt; let me . A. pull it down B. pull it off C. pull off it D. pull up it 25. Babies who are small birth are likely to grow fast. A. at B. by C. on D. in

26. Sam’s parents have bough a large house with a swimming pool. It very expensive. A. maybe B. must be C. can’t be D. may 27. It was clear the woman was the truth.

A. that; saying B. what; telling C. that; telling D. when; saying 28. I wish I more money.

A. have B. had C. to have D. had had

29. The poor man spent many years in the street until his family found him at last. A. wander B. wanders C. wandering D. wandered 30. Call a taxi, you won’t be able to catch the plane.

A. so B. or C. because D. and