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Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.值日生报告。


Step 2 Presentation and drill 课文F部分。


T:I am good at swimming and singing. I’m not good at jumping, table tennis, fishing and drawing.(询问四位学生)What are you good at?/What are you not good at?


将四位学生的名字填写在表格内,并根据其回答在表格相应位置做出标记。 T:Who is the best in the group? Ss:…(根据表格回答)


S:Zhang Yong is good at swimming, jumping, table tennis and fishing. So he is the best in our group.


T:Who likes swimming/jumping/playing table

tennis/singing/fishing/drawing?(swimming—24students…)Which activity is the most popular in our class?

Step 3 Practice 课文G部分。

1.带领学生浏览表内容,帮助学生了解应获取的信息。 2.听录音两遍,完成表格内容。 3.检查完成情况,口头汇报。 4.如有需要,再听一遍录音。

Step 4 Consolidation



2.检查学生所写句子,更正错误。 3.练习。(见《练习册》P4)

4.家庭作业。仿照课文F或G部分表格,以“Who is the best in your family?”为题自制一张关于家人爱好和特长的表格,并练习口头解说。

课 时 教 案

课题:Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate Period 1

总序第 个教案

课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日


1.能听懂、会说新单词slating rink, slipping, fall over; 2.能理解、复述课文内容;

3.能用句型“want to do something”表述人物的意愿; 4.培养学生克服困难的勇气和乐于助人的优良品质。 教学重点:理解课文。 教学难点:理解并复述课文。

教学方法:画有课文结构表格的小黑板、单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。 教学过程:

Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.值日生报告。 3.自由会话。

T:What do like doing?/Do you like dancing?/Are you good at it?/What are you good at?


Step 2 Presentation and drill

1.T:Do you remember what I like doing in summer and in winter?

帮助学生回忆并做出回答:“You like diving in summer and slating in winter.” T:Yeah, you have good memory. 2.出示单词卡片slating rink。

T:I like skating very much. Look, this is a slating rink. I often go to the skating rink. 将单词卡片贴在黑板上,教学单词skating rink。 3.出示单词卡片slipping和fall over。

T:I like skating, but I am not very good at it. So when I was in the skating rink, I kept slipping and always fell over.


4.听课文B部分录音,跟读。 游戏——What’s missing?(眼力大考验)

让全班学生起立,快速出示单词卡片skating rink, slipping和fall over的任意两张或说出其中两个单词,问学生快速说出剩下的一个单词并做出相应的动作(skating rink:双手围成一个圈;slipping:做假装身体失去平衡打滑状;fall over:做身体倾向一侧跌倒状)。然后让学生四人一组进行游戏。

课 时 教 案

课题:Unit 2 Anne wanted to skate Period 2

总序第 个教案

课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日


1.能掌握句型“want to do something”的结构和用法; 2.能熟练地谈论人物的意愿。

教学重点:“want to do something”的结构和用法。

教学难点:在实际会话中正确、灵活地运用“want to do something”表达人物的意愿。

教学准备:茶杯、单词卡片、教学挂图、写有“I want to drink some water/cycle in the park/go to bed.”的幻灯片、幻灯机等。


Step 1 Warming up 1.师生问候。 2.值日生报告。

3.利用单词卡片复习skating rink, slipping, fall(fell) over。 4.看教学挂图,复述课文内容。

Step 2 Presentation and drill 1.出示茶杯。

T(做喝水状):I am very thirsty. I want to drink some water.

T(做无事可做状):I feel very bored. I want to eycle in the park. 边说边做动作,帮助学生理解单词cyele。

T(做疲倦状):I am really tired. I want to go to bed.

出示写有“I want to drink some water/cycle in the park/go to bed.”的幻灯片或板书句子,带读。

2.T:What do you want to do? S1:I want to … S2:I want to …

询问若干学生,帮助他们用“I want to …”回答,并把学生的名字及回复写在黑板上。

Marywatch TV Peter play football Sandyplay computer games

T: What does Mary/Peter/Sandy/…want to do? S3: He/She wants to… S4: He/She wants to…

询问若干学生,帮助他们用“H/She wants to…”回答,并用不同颜色的粉笔将句子补充完整。

3.T:I have two friends. Their names are Tingting and Tom. Let’ s look at their plan for the weekend. What does