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Unit 1 Great Scientists




热身(Warming up)部分通过问答使学生回想起不同领域的科学家,了解科学家们对人类的贡献及其成果。

读前 (Pre-reading) 通过若干问题及讨论,使学生初步了解得出科学观点所需的过程。为完成阅读奠定基础。

阅读 (Reading) 部分介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察、分析、探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染病的。通过阅读课文,使学生感悟科学家的周密观察、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神,使学生了解科学发现的全过程具有其科学的严密性。

理解(Comprehending) 部分的练习一让学生给文章的主要信息排序已达到对文章的初步理解。练习二通过提问挖掘文章细节,使学生重温文章内容。练习三让学生写出文章的大意,进一步掌握文章内容。练习四让学生选择段落朗读,以流利的朗读表达文中的意思。

语言学习(Learning about language) 部分主要突出单元的重点词汇和主要语法项目的训练与练习,使学生对本课重点词汇与语法项目做到学以致用。

语言运用(Using language) 部分涵盖了听说和读两个部分。听的部分通过两个学生谈论科学家钱学森的故事,使学生了解科学家的生活经历,并通过回答问题训练学生的分析、解决问题能力。




小结 (Summing up) 部分通过让学生回忆本单元所学内容,总结对其掌握的程度,培养学生概括总结能力。

学习建议 (Learning tip) 部分建议学生如何写好“Persuasive writing”,以培养学生的逻辑思维及写作能力。

趣味阅读 (Reading for Fun) 部分引用了一些科学领域中名人的名言,如爱因斯坦、



1. 教学重点

⑴ 本单元的生词和短语; ⑵ 过去分词作定语、表语; (3) 学习描述人物的句型;

(4) 了解著名医生John Snow、哥白尼等科学家以及他们的作为和故事。 2. 教学难点

⑴ 过去分词作定语、表语;

⑵ 学习表示意愿、希望或建议的句型; ⑶ 学写persuasive writing.

Ⅲ 教学计划


第一、二课时:Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending 第三课时:Learning about Language 第四课时:Listening and speaking 第五课时:Reading and writing

Ⅳ. 教学步骤:

Period 1&2 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading& Comprehending

Teaching Goals: 1.To learn about John Snow.

2.To develop some basic reading skills.

3.To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about the sprits of scientists.

Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Warming Up

Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about scientists.

To ask Ss to prepare something for the great scientists ahead of time and share them with others. 1. Pair work

Ask Ss to tell their partners their answers to the following question and show some to the whole class.

What do you know about great scientists?

2. Group work

Ss are divided into 3 groups to do the quiz and try to find out which knows the most. Quiz Questions Answer (1) Which scientist discovered that objects in water are lifted up by a force that helps them float? (2)Who wrote a book explaining how animals and plants developed as the environment changed? (3) Who invented the first steam engine? (4) Who used peas to show how physical characteristics are passed form parents to their children? (5) Who discovered radium? (6) Who invented the way of giving electricity to everybody in large cities? (7) Who was the painter that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people? (8) Who invented a lamp to keep miners safe underground? (9) Who invented the earliest instrument to tell people where earthquakes happened? (10) Who put forward a theory about black holes? Suggested answers: (1) Archimedes (2) Charles Darwin (3) Thomas Newcomen (4) Gregor Mendel (5) Marie Curie (6) Thomas Edison (7) Leonardo da Vinci (8) Sir Humphry Davy (9) Zhang Heng (10) Stephen Hawking Step 2. Pre-reading

Purpose: To get Ss to learn about the stages in a scientific experiment 1. Group work

(1) Get Ss into groups of four and discuss what kind of experiment they have experienced and the stages of them. Ask some groups to show their views. (2) Ask Ss to put the following stages into proper order.

Draw a conclusion Think of a method Collect results Make up a question Find a problem Analyze the results Repeat if necessary

Suggested Answers: Find a problem→Make up a question→Think of a method→Collect results→Analyze results→Repeat if necessary→Make a conclusion 2. Pair work

Ask Ss whether they know about infectious diseases and tell the answers to their partners. For example: flu Bird flu SARS Step 3. Reading 1. Skimming

Purpose: To get Ss to have a brief understanding of the whole text.

The passage is written in order of the stages in an experiment, so ask Ss to scan the text and find the different stages. Suggested answers:

① Find a problem:

John Snow was a well-known doctor in London … until its cause was found. ② Make up a question:

He got interested in the two theories … and soon the affected person was dead. ③ Think of a method:

He believed in the second theory but ……so severe that more than 500 people had died in 10 days.

④ Collect results:

He determined to find out why … It seemed the water was to blame. ⑤ Analyze results:

Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets …that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas. ⑥ Repeat if necessary

Soon the disease began to slow down…that polluted water carried the disease. ⑦ Make a conclusion:

To prevent this from happening again, …not to expose people to polluted. 2. Scanning

Purpose: To get Ss to have some details in the text.

(1) Read the text quickly and try to get some details from the text. Work in pairs and try to ask and answer questions from the text. Questions can be like these: Q1. Who was John Snow?

Q2. What did John Snow do when the serious cholera broke out? Q3. What were the two theories then?

Q4. What was John Snow’s attitude towards the two theories? Q5. How did John Snow find the evidence for his theory? Q6. How did he solve the problem finally? Suggested answers:

A1. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London-so famous, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.

A2. John Snow wanted to use his knowledge to help solve this problem.

A3. The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air without reason. A cloud of dangerous gas would float around until it found its victims. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the disease attacked the body quickly and soon the affected person was dead.

A4. He believed in the second theory but needed to prove he was correct.

A5. He gathered the information and marked a map where all the dead people had lived. And at last he found that all the dead people drank the polluted water from the river.

A6. To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined and mew methods of dealing with polluted water be found. And finally “King Cholera” was defeated.