新视野大学英语第二册 Unit 3 联系客服

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河北传媒学院 授课教案

周次 章节名称 教学目的 时间 授课方式 年 月 日 第 节 课堂讲授:(√) 实践课:( ) Unit Three Introduce background information regarding western marriage and their family life. Learn the useful language points appeared in this unit. Teaching method: Student-oriented communicative teaching, free discussion and 教学手段 interaction. Teaching aids: Multi-media and blackboard Teaching emphasis: 1. organizing a paragraph which starts with a correcting of one idea 重点 and goes to present another idea 2. key words, phrases and some useful sentence patterns; 难点 Teaching difficulties: Recognizing differences between facts and opinions Assign homework: 1. Story-telling about love and marriage. 作业 2. Translation and after-class reading. 3. Passages to recite and retell. 教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程 教学过程: 1. Warm-up activities: Group discussing (15 minutes) 2. Understanding the text (30 minutes) (ask students some questions related to the text.) 3. Detailed studies of text (45 minutes) 4. Grammar and exercises (35 minutes) 5. Enrichment reading (55 minutes) 6. Listening &Speaking practice (90 minutes) 7. Writing practice (45 minutes) 第 页

教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程 教学内容: Ⅰ. Warm-up activities Introductory Remarks: Step 1: For what reasons did Gail and Mark choose to live together? Step 2: How did the girl’s parents react on hearing the news of the wedding plans? Step 3: Do you think they will lead a happy life after they get married? Ⅱ. Let students show their views about this marriage and the importance of racial and cultural differences in a blissful marriage. Ask the students: 1. What background information can you learn from the passage about the author ? 2. Work in pairs to discuss what a happy marriage is ? 3. Do you think it is a impulse for them to get together? Will they go steady forever? Ⅱ. Understanding the text Gail and I decided to get married. But Gail’s father and mother … Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text. Gail and I had experienced ___ and _____ in two years, now we come to _____, _________ and _________ each other. We confronted __________ and ________ of each other’s character. We have learnt to be ______, ____________ and _____. The source of our strength was our mutual ____ and _______ When Gail’s mother heard the news, instead of ____________ she _________ Gail to reconsider our marriage. Though she regarded me as ________ and _________, she was afraid that Gail may be marrying me for ______ reasons. When Gail’s father heard the news, he approached our decision with _______ __________ attitude. He doubted that Iwas marrying in order to ______ in the USA , for I had problems with the Citizenship Department. So, they all ___________ that Gail be sure that ___________________________and she may 第 页

Teaching method: listening, watching and pair work Teaching aids: multimedia Teaching method: pair work, students’ presentation Teaching aids: textbook, multimedia

教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程 _______________. Ⅲ. Detailed studies of the text New Words and Phrases 1. ups and downs: 盛衰;沉浮 e.g. The company has undergone many ups and downs. 这家公司历经盛衰浮沉。 2. tolerance: (1). 宽容,宽大 [(+for/of/toward)] (2). 忍耐,忍耐力 [(+to/of)] e.g. the government's tolerance of political dissent 政府对不同政见的宽容 3. compromise: (1). 妥协,和解[C][U][(+between)] (2). 妥协方案,折衷办法;折衷物[C] e.g. I hope we shall come to a compromise. 我希望我们能达成妥协。 e.g. The interior decoration of the house is a compromise between Chinese and foreign styles. 这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折衷物。 compromise with sb. on/over sth. 与某人就某事达成妥协 4. subtle: (1). 微妙的,难捉摸的,不可思议的 (2). 纤细的;微微的;隐约的 (3). 精巧的,精湛的;精良的 e.g. She smiled a subtle smile. 她神秘地笑了笑。 e.g. I noticed a subtle change in his attitude. 我注意到他的态度发生了微妙的变化。 e.g. Jimmy was a subtle worker in gold and silver. 吉米是一个技艺精湛的金银匠。 5. mutual: (1). 相互的,彼此的 (2). 共有的,共同的 e.g. Mutual understanding is essential to friendship. 相互理解对友谊至关重要。 e.g. We found that we had a mutual friend. 我们发现我们有一个共同的朋友。 6. overlook: (1). 眺望;俯瞰(2). 看漏;忽略[+v-ing] (3). 宽恕,宽容 e.g. The house on the hill overlooks the valley. 第 页

Teaching method: explanation through enlightening Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia

教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程 小山上的房子俯瞰着山谷。 e.g. My calculation was wrong because I overlooked one tiny point. 由于我忽略了一个细微之处,我的计算错了。 e.g. He has been kind enough to overlook my fault. 他很宽容,原谅了我的错。 7. work out: (1). 想出; 制订出; 产生出(2). 解决; 确定 e.g. work out a program 制订计划 e.g. Can you work out on the map where we are now? 你能在地图上找到我们现在所在的位置吗? 8. for a time: 暂时;一度 e.g. He used to live for a time in the house next to ours. 他一度住在我们隔壁的那栋房子里。 9. meet with: (1). 偶然遇到(2). 符合 e.g. He met with an old friend at the meeting. 他在会议上碰到了一位老朋友。 e.g. The plan seems to meet with their ideas. 这计划似乎符合他们的主张。 10. have something to do with: 与...有点关系 have nothing to do with与...没有关系 11. at worst: 从坏处想 e.g. He's a fool at the best and at the worst he's a criminal. 从好处想的话他是个傻瓜,从坏处想则是个罪犯。 at one’s worse: 在最糟糕的时候 at one’s best: 处在最佳状态 12. confirm: (1). 证实;确定[+(that)][+wh-] (2). 坚定;加强 e.g. His letter confirmed everything. 他的信证实了一切。 e.g. The latest developments confirmed me in my belief. 最新的发展使我坚定了我的信仰。 13. learn of: 获悉 e.g. We learned of her illness only yesterday. 第 页

Teaching method: explanation through enlightening Teaching aids: textbook, Multimedia