骞夸笢鐪佹睍澶村競杈炬繝鍗庝鲸涓銆佷笢鍘︿腑瀛?018-2019瀛﹀勾楂樹簩涓婂鏈熸湡鏈仈鑰冭嫳璇瘯棰?鍚瓟妗? - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章骞夸笢鐪佹睍澶村競杈炬繝鍗庝鲸涓銆佷笢鍘︿腑瀛?018-2019瀛﹀勾楂樹簩涓婂鏈熸湡鏈仈鑰冭嫳璇瘯棰?鍚瓟妗? - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读9593d43b01d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d276a26102

that the boss just had such a flat for rent, so they quickly reached ___49___ agreement. But to her surprise, when she e-mailed Joan, ___50___(tell) her the good news, Joan said that she had changed her mind---- she was not returning to London.

第三部分 填空(共两节,满分20分)


51. You need to offer (具体的) evidences to support your idea. 52. The movie is (适合的) for children aged 12 and over. 53. The government has (禁止) the use of chemical weapons. 54. I was (羞愧的) that I lost my temper. 55. She is strongly (反对的)to their plan.

56. I can not have an ____________ (评价) of his ability without seeing his work. 57. I got into a ____________ (惊慌) when I found the door was locked. 58. Education develops p____________ abilities.(潜在的) 59. The bus climbed ____________(平稳地)up the road.

60. The ____________ (平均的)age in the class vary from 17 to 19.

第二节:短语填空(共10个空;每空1分,满分10分) 61. 车油用光了,我们去找加油站。

Our car gas and we went to find a gas station. 62. 那意外事故归因于你驾驶不小心。

The accident is your careless driving. 63. 你是否同意她周末出去野餐的想法。

Do you her idea to go out for a picnic this weekend? 64. 我去年被任命为学生会主席。

I chairman of students’ union last year.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)


Generally spoken, the relationship between students and people around us was good. We are getting on well with each other. Therefore, there still exist some problems. Some students lose his temper easily because of learning burden. They sometimes quarrel with others, that is very disappointing. In my opinion, we middle school students should make our efforts improve the situation. Firstly, we should respect of other people. Secondly, when we are not feeling happily, we can chat with our friends or teachers or even parents. This is likely that they can give us some reasonable advices. Last but not least, we can try to make some changes in our way of life.

第二节:书面表达 (满分25分)



1. 集合时间及地点;返程时间。

2. 提醒及安排:穿着舒适;自带工具;自带食物;植树后野餐等; 3. 真诚希望对方参加。 注意:

1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行为连贯。 Dear Nancy,

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________


Yours, Li Hua

汕头市达濠华侨中学2018-2019学年第一学期高二年级期末考试 英语科答案


A篇:DBA; B篇: CBCB; C篇: CBAA ; D篇:BBCD ; 七选五 16---20EFDAB 完型填空

21-25 D B B C A 26-30 D C C A A 31-35 A C DB D 36-40 B D C AB 语法填空

41.when 42.for 43.less 44.but 45.it

46.requirements 47. politely 48. had talked 49. an 50.telling 单词

51.concrete 52.appropriate / suitable 53.banned 54. ashamed 55. opposed 56.evaluation 57.panic 58.potential 59.steadily 60.average 句子

61. ran out of 62.due to 63.subscribe to 64.was appointed as 短文改错

1. spoken改为speaking 2. was改为is

3. Therefore改为However 4. his改为their 5. that改为which 6. improve前加to 7. respect后的of去掉 8. happily改为happy 9. This改为It 10. advices改为advice


Dear Nancy,

How are you doing? My classmates and I are planning to plant trees by the river this weekend.