(瀹屾暣word鐗?浜斿勾绾ц嫳璇笅鍐孶nit1cinderella鐭ヨ瘑鐐瑰強缁冧範棰?鏂扮増璇戞灄) - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(瀹屾暣word鐗?浜斿勾绾ц嫳璇笅鍐孶nit1cinderella鐭ヨ瘑鐐瑰強缁冧範棰?鏂扮増璇戞灄) - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读95d2e4016beae009581b6bd97f1922791788be74

9The usi r is n the _______(t) flr 10Su ang and I _______(e) t shl b bus 六、按要求完成下列各句。 1.I have se nie lthes (改为否定句) I ________ have __________ nie lthes 2She tries n the ne lthes(改为一般疑问句) _______ she ________ n ne lthes ?

3Beause I an’t u g t the part(对划线部分提问) _______ an’t________ g t the part?

4 father es ba befre 10 ’l(对划线部分提问) _______ des ur father________ ba? u , e, help , an , e , and (?) (连词成句) ____________________________________ 七、根据中完成句子。 1在王子的房子里有一个聚会。 There is a _______ at the ________ huse 2许多女孩试穿鞋子。 an girls ______ _______ the she 3因为这些蘑菇对我们有害。

Beause these ushrs _______ _______ fr us ! 4现在我不得不不走了。 I _______ t ______n


Please e _______ ________ eleven ’l

八、根据短内容,选择最佳答案,将序号写在题前的括号内。 The Rses(罗斯一家)lie having pinis n Sundas This Sunda the ant t g t the Red Par a and ie, their sns, get up earl in the rning a puts n a shirt and eans, and ie puts n a T-shirt and eans The als put n their running shes After that the help their ther put bread, il, eggs and se fruit in a baset and arr it t the ar rs Rse als taes fur glasses f uie ith her The little dg err is running after her It ants t g ith the, t The are all ver happ ( ) 1 n Sundas, the Rses lie_________________ A ging shpping B athing TV having pinis ( ) 2 a and ie ear_____________

A shirts and eans B eans and running shes aets and eans ( ) 3 r Rse and rs Rse have________________ A t sns B a little at a ne ar

( ) 4 The g t the par ith_______________

A se apples and ranges B se bread and il se fd and drin ( ) hih sentene is nt true?(下面哪句话是不正确的?) A There are five peple in r Rse’s fail B a and ie an have se uie err ants t g t the par, t 后作业



1 ( ) prine fit 2 ( ) h rr 3 ( ) push ushr 4 ( ) late rabbit ( ) pi lie 6 ( ) dress drin


1 脱下 ______________ 2 leave a she behind_____________ 3 你为什么不能_________ 4have se snas______________ 玩得很高兴___________ 6 l s tired__________________ 7 试穿________________ 8 hat a pit__________________ 9 吃他们_____________ 10 Hurr up!__________________

三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 6 A fair ___________(help) the girl 7 Dn’t __________(tae) ff ur at 8 Let ________(e) g and have a l 9 The shes dn’t__________(fit) e 10 D u lie__________(read) nespaper? 11 D u _____________(understand) that str? 12 h_________(have) t g ba n?

13 She _________(e) and ___________(visit) ever huse 14 I dn’t have__________(se) ne lthes

四、单项选择。(10分) 1 Let ________ help u A her B I

6 -------- D u have__________ nie lthes __________ shes? ------- N, I dn’t A se,and B an, and an, r 7 --------__________ d u lie ding? ------- I lie_______ pitures Ahat, draing B hat, dra h, draing 8 It’s ver ht tda u an__________ the at A tae ff B put n tr n

9 The _______ a gd tie at the part A are B has have

10 There _______ a prine and an girls at the part A are B has is

11 ———_________ u feel happ? ———es A Are B D Have

12 ———h an’t e eat these seets?

——— Beause the’re bad________ ur teeth