中考完型练习Chapter 4 科普文化 联系客服

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4. 5. 6. 7.

A) stuck A) as A) hate

A) larger and larger B) happened C) struck B) when C) like B) greet C) welcome

B) smaller and smaller C) richer and richer D) knocked D) such as D) dislike

D) poorer and poorer

美言金句 人、动物及自然界的万事万物都相互依赖。保护生态平衡就是保护我们自己!

Human beings, animals and all the other living things depend on each other. Keeping ecological balance just means protecting ourselves.

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage. 1. Why was the white oak good for ferns and mosses?

______________________________________________________________ 2. What caused the white oak to fall?


3. Find a sentence in this passage which may explain what ―Ecological Chains‖ means? ______________________________________________________________

Text 5 鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡?

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech. 1. In Britain, the general election (大选) t__________ place in May.

2. With the d__________ of modern science and technology, green cars will be produced.

3. Yuan Longping (袁隆平), a famous agricultural scientist who has been called the ―Father of

Hybrid Rice‖ (杂交水稻之父), is still working hard to i__________ the hybrid rice strain (种类) he has developed. 1. t__________ 2. d__________ 3. i__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

Experts Solve Chicken-Egg Question

The question has troubled philosophers (哲学家) since the first century. But it seems we may now have the (1) a__________ to it: ―Which came first, the chicken or the egg?‖ It’s the egg.

The key to the age-old question lies in the fact that the first bird that changed into a chicken must have first stayed as an embryo (胚胎) inside an egg.

(2) R__________ a group of experts came together to take a fresh look at the question. There might be a hole in their argument, but they all agreed on the answer. The group included a philosopher, a geneticist (遗传学家) and a farmer.

―I would say it’s a chicken egg if it has a chicken in it. If a kangaroo (3) 1__________ an egg from which an ostrich (鸵鸟) hatched, that would surely be an ostrich egg, not a kangaroo egg. By this reasoning, the first chicken did (4) i__________ come from a chicken egg, even though that egg didn’t come from chickens,‖ said the philosopher from a London college.

John Brookfield, a geneticist at a British university, said, ―the first chicken must have differed from its (5) p__________ by some genetic change, a change which caused this bird to be the first


―Thus the living organism (生物体) inside the eggshell would have the (6) s__________ DNA as the chicken that it would develop into, and thus it would be a chicken,‖ he added.

The farmer agreed with the two.

The question was first recorded in the first century in a (7) c__________ of essays and discussions by a Greek scholar. 1. a__________ 2. R__________ 3. 1__________ 4. i__________ 5. p__________ 6. s__________ 7. c__________

美言金句 到底是鸡生蛋,还是蛋生鸡?两千多年争论下来,有答案吗?

“Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” The question has been argued till today. Do we really have the answer to the question?

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage.

1. What’s the question discussed in this passage? And what is the key to it? ______________________________________________________________ 2. What does ―the two‖ in the sentence ―The farmer agreed with the two.‖ mean? ______________________________________________________________ 3. When did the question first appear in the book? Who was the writer of the book? ______________________________________________________________

Text 6 海星

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech.

1. The 2010 Shanghai World Expo is expected to attract more than 70 million v__________,

making it the most popular expo in history.

2. Former international striker (射手) Gao Hongbo was named head coach (主教练) of the

men’s soccer team by the Chinese Football Association (中国足协) o__________ May 4, 2009.

3. The number of A/HIN1 infections (甲型H1N1流感) is continuing to rise. All countries are

working hard to c__________ the spread of the virus. 1. v__________ 2. o__________ 3. c__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

The Starfish

Once upon a time there was an author. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began writing. One day he was walking (1) a__________ the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw another man moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself to think of someone who would dance on the beach.

The author walked closer and saw that it was a young man. The young man wasn’t dancing. He was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very (2) g__________ throwing it into the sea.

The author called out, ―Good morning! What are you doing?‖ The young man paused, looked (3) u__________ and replied, ―throwing starfish into the ocean.‖ ―Why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?‖ ―The sun is (4) r__________ and the tide (潮汐) is going out. And if I don’t throw them in, they will die.‖ ―But, young man, don’t you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it? You can’t (5) p__________ make a difference!‖

The young man listened politely. Then bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the sea, and said, ―It made a difference for that one.‖

There is something very (6) s__________ in each and every one of us. We have all been gifted with the (7) a__________ to make a difference. And if we become aware of that gift, we will have the power to shape the future. Though, sometimes, one’s power is so weak, it is still a kind of power.

1. a__________ 2. g__________ 3. u__________ 4. r__________ 5. p__________ 6. s__________ 7. a__________

美言金句 纵然你不能改变所有海星的命运,但至少你改变了那几颗被扔回大海的海星的命运。一个人的力量也是力量。渺小如你我,每个人都可以做一些有意义的事。

Although you cannot possibly change the destiny of all the starfish, you still save the starfish which have been thrown into the sea. “A person’s power, however small, is still a force for those who are altered by its impact.” Humble as you and I, everybody can make a difference.

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage. 1. Was the young man dancing on the beach?

______________________________________________________________ 2. Why did the young man throw some starfish into the ocean?

______________________________________________________________ 3. Which sentence in this passage impresses you most?


Text 7 雪湖之行

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech.

1. Tourists from elsewhere in China may h__________ find that when they shop at supermarkets,

drug stores or department stores in Tibet, their purchases (购物) are given in non-woven bags (无纺布袋), free of charge. Shoppers in other parts of the country, however, must pay f__________ plastic bags.

2. Your daughter is growing lovelier and more b__________ than before. 1. h__________; f__________ 2. b__________

B. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

My Trip to Shay Lake — a True Story by Stephanie Davis

Stephanie had an exciting day at Shay Lake! She wanted to (1) s__________ her fun with others, so she wrote about her trip.

One bright morning around seven o’clock, my dad, my mom, my sister, and I were getting (2) r__________ to go to our cabin (小木屋) at Shay Lake. We packed my mom’s van with our clothes, food, and our fishing equipment. It (3) t__________ us about two hours to get there.

When we got there, my dad, my sister, and I gathered the bait, the fishing poles, and the pail (桶) and walked down the lake. We sat down and put our bait on our fishing poles. I (4) t__________ my fishing line in the water and nothing happened. My sister and my dad put their fishing lines in the water also, but still nothing happened. My sister, Crystal, asked, ―When will the fish come?‖ I said, ―Soon, Crystal. You have to be (5) q__________ and then the fish will come to eat the bait.‖

All of a sudden the fish ate my bait. I said, ―Dad, I think I have a fish!‖

He said, ―OK. (6) H__________ the pole still, and I will help you pull it out.‖ He came over and pulled my line out of the water. There was a big fish on it. Crystal said, ―You have a big fish, Stephanie!‖ I said, ―Wow! I want to do this again!‖

We couldn’t wait to tell more about our lucky day. Crystal was so (7) e__________ she did most of the talking. I can’t wait to go to Shay Lake next summer. 1. s__________ 2. r__________ 3. t__________ 4. t__________ 5. q__________ 6. H__________ 7. e__________

美言金句 这是一篇美国小学生的原版习作,读来亲切自然,让我们重温童年的乐趣。

This is a composition written by an American primary pupil. You can feel at ease when you read it and it can also help remind you of your happy childhood.

C. Answer the following questions according to the above passage. 1. How did the family go to the cabin at Shay Lake?


2. What does ―bait‖ mean in this passage? (You can answer it either in English or in Chinese?) ______________________________________________________________ 3. What was the weather like that day?


Text 8 动物怎样过冬?

A. Warming up exercise: Fill in the blanks with a proper word and its part of speech.

1. With the development of living conditions, many parents blindly force their children to eat

many kinds of food. In their opinions, different foods p__________ different nutrition (营养) to their children.

2. It is reasonable for parents to worry a__________ their children’s online environment. So it is

necessary to pre-install Green Dam Youth Escort (绿坝?花季护航), which will be able to filter out harmful information from the Internet. It can h__________ build a healthy and harmonious (和谐的) online environment that protects the young from being poisoned by harmful information. 1. p__________ 2. a__________; h__________