应用型大学英语综合教程2电子教(学)案unit1_2 联系客服

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A. Objectives of this unit

a. Content

1. A hotel incident: helping students understand the ridiculousness of racial stereotypes.

2. Dialogue: Acquainting students with hotel reservation skills. 3. A hotel layout: Acquainting students with hotel facilities. b. Key language points

1. Patterns such as take a break, be about to do sth., not be about to do sth., etc.

2. Inanimate nouns as the subject.

3. How to avoid writing sentence fragments. c. Vocabulary

Basic requirements: 37 new words.

Intermediate requirements: 8 new words. Advanced requirements: 4 new words. d. Comprehensive skills

1. Understanding a passage of about 800 words at the pre-intermediate

level of difficulty.

2. Writing a 150-word summary of the text. 3. Learning to book hotel rooms via telephone.

4. Research project: learning to search for information about a particular


e. Functions

1. Getting to know about stereotypes. 2. Reserving via telephone. B. Procedures and Methods

Eight teaching periods are needed to cover the present unit, among which

four periods are for the module of Language Skills Development, three periods for the module of Language in Use and one mainly for the module of Enhancement of Language Abilities.

I. Part 1 Language Skills Development

1. Period One and Period Two:

? Step One: Starter

A. Describe four facial expressions by choosing from the given words. B. Listen to a story about an extremely self-satisfied woman’s racial stereotypes, and then complete the notes with the appropriate words.

Before playing the tape, the instructor can ask the students to take a look at the notes of the story first.

Then the instructor tells the students to listen to the story and complete the notes while listening to the story.

This step shall take up 10-15 minutes.

? Step Two: New words and expressions

Go over the new words and expressions in the text (refer to Student’s Book Pages 4-7) to prepare students for the text learning. The time for this step should not exceed 10 minutes.

? Step Three: Text teaching

Start teaching the text: Thanks for the Best Laugh We’ve Had in Years.

Before delving into the text, the reading materials in the following Info Box can be printed before hand and handed out to the students, in order to acquaint them with the history of racial stereotypes.

After that the text organizational chart will be presented so that the students can expand each episode.

Then start the detailed study of the text and go through the text paragraph by paragraph. To help students understand the story, the

instructor can explain the language points and ask students to answer the questions related to the text.

This step shall not take up more than one and a half periods. 2. Period Three:

? Step One: Post-reading interaction

After the text teaching, the instructor can have the students listen to

the recording of the whole text and see if they have any questions.

Then go on with the interaction activity (if necessary). This step shall take not more than 18 minutes.

1.A. Starter

Can you describe the facial expressions in the following pictures using the words below?

1.Panicked 2. Confused 3.guilty 4. Confident

B. Listen to a story about an extremely self-satisfied woman’s racial stereotypes, and then complete the following notes with the appropriate words.

Notes to the Story The situation of the story: A white woman was seated next to a black man on a flight . The woman’s racial stereotypes: 1. The black man is a(n) unpleasant person. 2. The black man shouldn’t be given a seat next to a white person. The captain’s solution to the woman’s complaint and his reasons: 1. The white woman is an unpleasant person. 2. It is unfair for anyone to be forced to sit beside such an unpleasant person. 3. So the first class seat should be given to the black man . Tapescript

On a flight, a middle-aged white South African woman found herself sitting next to a black man. She called the flight attendant over to complain about her seating. “What seems to be the problem, Madam?” asked the attendant. “Can’t you see?” she said. “You’ve sat me next to a black. I can’t possibly sit next to this unpleasant person. Find me another seat!” “Please calm down, Madam.” the attendant replied. “The flight is very full today, but I’ll check to see if we have any seats available in club or first class.” The woman gave an unfriendly glance at the angry black man beside her.

A few minutes later the attendant returned with the good news, which she gave to the woman, who looked at the people around her with a very pleased and self-satisfied smile, “Madam, we do have one seat in first class.” Before the woman had a chance to answer, the attendant continued, “I had to get special permission from the captain. But, in this case, the captain felt it unfair that someone should be forced to sit next to such an unpleasant person.” With these words, she turned to the black man and said, “So if you’d like to get your things, sir, your seat is ready for you in first class.” At this point, the surrounding passengers stood up and clapped their hands loudly as the black man walked up.

2. Text: Thanks for the Best Laugh We’ve Had in Years 您带给我们多年来最畅快的欢笑

1 最近一个周末,有位女士在大西洋城玩老虎机,赢了满满一桶二十五美分的硬币。她暂时离开赌博机,与丈夫前往旅馆餐厅吃晚饭。

2 不过,她想先去客房把硬币藏起来。“我去一会儿就回来,然后我们再去吃饭。”她对她的丈夫说道,之后,便提着满满一桶硬币朝电梯走去。

3 她正要走进电梯时,看到电梯里已经有两位男乘客。两位都是黑人,其中一位个头很高,体型令人望而生畏。这位女士一下子愣住了。她的第一反应是:“这两个男人会打劫我。”她转而又想:“不要戴着‘有色眼镜’看人;他们看上去完全像是绅士。”然而,种族偏见的力量是强大的,恐惧使她浑身发凉。她定在那里,眼睛紧盯着眼前两位男子。

4 她开始焦虑,心神不定,又感到不好意思。她希望他们没有看出她的心思,但是,天啊,他们肯定已经知道她在琢磨什么了!

5 要不要进去和他们同乘一部电梯?她迟疑不决的态度已经太过明显了。她涨得满脸通红。老站着不动也无济于事,于是她横下心来,抬起一只脚往前挪,接着另一只脚也跟了进来,站在电梯。她不敢抬眼,僵直地转过身,脸朝外,这时,电梯门合上了。时间一秒一秒地过去。她越来越害怕!电梯纹丝不动。她陷入了恐惧的深渊。“我的天啊,”她暗忖,“我被困在这里,要遭人劫财!”她的心往下沉,每个毛孔都在冒汗水。

6 这时,她听到其中一个人说:“趴下(与“按下楼层”同音)。”她的本能反应就是照着他们的话做。于是她开双臂,趴在了电梯地板上,满桶的硬币飞向空中,洒了出去。硬币如雨点般落在了她的身上。她在心里默祷:“把钱拿去吧,饶我一命。”又过了几秒钟,她听到其中一位男子彬彬有礼地说:“夫人,您只要告诉我您要去几楼,我们来按按钮。”说这话的人有点费力才把话说完,尽力忍住没有放声大笑。 7 这位女士抬起头望着这两位男乘客。他们弯下腰,把她搀扶起来。她满腹疑惑,挣扎着站了起来。“我叫我这个朋友按楼层,”那位普通个头的男子说,“意思是叫他按我们要去的楼层的按钮。夫人,我并非要您趴在地上。”他说话时态度和蔼,紧咬着嘴唇。

8 很显然,他在极力忍住不笑出来。该女士心想:“我的天啊,真是丢人现眼,出大洋相了!”她羞愧难当,默不做声。她想要道一声歉,却不知如何开口。把两位绝对体面正派的绅士看作劫匪,如何请求他们的谅解?她不知该怎么说。他们三人拾起散落的硬币,重新放进了桶里。

9 电梯在她要去的楼层停下了,两位男士坚持要陪她到她的客房,因为她的脚步似乎有点摇晃,他们担心她在过道里会有闪失。他们将她送到门口,然后道了晚安。她迅速进入客房,耳边传来他们走回电梯时发出的哈哈大笑。她掸了掸灰,定了定神,便来到楼下与丈夫一起用餐。

10 第二天早晨,鲜花送到了她的客房——是12朵玫瑰,每一朵玫瑰都附上了一崭新的百元美钞。

11 卡片上写着:“您带给我们多年来最畅快的欢笑。” 12 落款是:

艾迪?墨菲 迈克尔?乔丹 freeze one’s blood:使人恐怖万分,令人毛骨悚然 Notes to Paras. 4-5 10. She hoped they didn’t read her mind but gosh, they had to know what she was

thinking!!! 她希望他们没有看出她的心思,但是,天啊,他们肯定已经知道她在琢磨什么了!

have (got) to: 表示一定真实或肯定发生 e.g. There has to be a reason for this.

11. Her hesitation about joining them in the elevator was all too obvious now. Her face

was flushed. 要不要进去和他们同乘一部电梯?她迟疑不决的态度已经太过明显了。她涨得满脸通红。

Meaning: She didn’t know whether she should step into the elevator and stand together with the two black men already aboard. Her uncertainty had become too obvious. She became so embarrassed that her face turned red. all too:太(强调达到极端的程度)

e.g. His father sold his property to a man all too anxious to buy. flushed: a.脸红的

e.g. Her face was flushed with happiness. 她高兴得脸通红。

12. She couldn’t just stand there, so with a mighty effort of will she picked up one foot

and stepped forward and followed with the other foot and was on the elevator. 老站着不动也无济于事,于是她横下心来,抬起一只脚往前挪,接着另一只脚也跟了进来,站在电梯。

mighty: a. 1) 强而有力的

e.g. He is strong who conquers others; he who conquers himself is mighty. 2) 巨大的,非凡的

e.g. They are cruising on the mighty Changjiang River. ad.非常,极其

e.g. I’m mighty pleased.

pick up:抬起,拾起;取或收集某物;接乘客

e.g. When we teach a horse to pick up its feet, we start by getting it accustomed to

having a rope dangled around his legs. A truck picks up the recycling once a week.

I’ll pick you up at six.

13. Avoiding eye contact, she turned around stiffly and faced the elevator doors as they

closed. 她不敢抬眼,僵直地转过身,脸朝外,这时,电梯门合上了。 avoid: vt.躲开,避开;使无效,避免 e.g. To avoid writing an invoice is a tax dodge. eye contact:对视,眼神交流 stiffly: ad.僵直地

e.g. Just then the old woman strode stiffly into the room.

14. Her fear increased! The elevator didn’t move. Panic consumed her. “My God,” she

thought, “I’m trapped and about to be robbed!” Her heart sank. Sweat poured from every pore. 她越来越害怕!电梯纹丝不动。她陷入了恐惧的深渊。“我的天啊,”她暗忖,“我被困在这里,要遭人劫财!”她的心往下沉,每个毛孔都在冒汗水。 Meaning: She felt more and more frightened… She was hit by fear that was extremely strong and nearly lost her reasoning… She lost courage and hope. She was filled with such great fear that she sweated a lot. consume: vt. 1)使充满(强烈的感情)

e.g. She was scared by the depression which threatened to consume her.


e.g. Mom was amazed by how much pizza Tom could consume. 3)消耗,消费

e.g. The US has 5% of the world population, but consumes 25% of the global


trap: vt. 1)使陷入困境,使落入险境

e.g. Many women are trapped in loveless marriages. 2)使陷入圈套,使中计

e.g. He felt he had been trapped into accepting the terms of the contract. Notes to Paras. 1-2 1. Thanks for the Best Laugh We’ve Had in Years (the title) 您带给我们多年来最畅快


laugh: n. [sing.] 笑料,引人开心的时刻;逗笑好玩的人 e.g. And he didn’t realize it was you? What a laugh! Paula’s a good laugh, isn’t she?

2. On a recent weekend in Atlantic City, a woman won a bucketful of quarters at a slot

machine. 最近一个周末,有位女士在大西洋城玩老虎机,赢了满满一桶二十五美分的硬币。

Atlantic City: 大西洋城(位于美国新泽西州) bucketful: n. [C]一桶(的量)

e.g. Draw a bucketful of water from the well. n. + -fu l= n.

e.g. handful, mouthful, pocketful

slot: n. [C]硬币投币口;细长的孔,狭缝

e.g. Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot. slot machine:投币赌博机

3. She took a break from the slots for dinner with her husband in the hotel dining room.


Meaning: She stopped gambling at the slot machine for a while in order to have dinner with her husband in the hotel dining room. take/have a break: 休息一会儿

e.g. We’ll take a short break for lunch, and then start again at 2 o’clock. coffee break[= tea break BrE]:下午茶时间 lunch hour:午餐时间,午休 spring break: 复活节假

4. “I’ll be right back and we’ll go to eat,” she told her husband and carried the coin-laden

bucket to the elevator. “我去一会儿就回来,然后我们再去吃饭。”她对她的丈夫说道,之后,便提着满满一桶硬币朝电梯走去。 laden: a. 1)(用于构成形容词)充满……的,装载……的 e.g. The flavor of the soup permeates the moisture-laden air. 2)装满的,有负载的

e.g. The orchard is full of trees laden with apples. Notes to Para. 3 5. As she was about to walk into the elevator she noticed two men already aboard. 她正

要走进电梯时,看到电梯里已经有两位男乘客。 be about to do sth.: 正要,就要(做某事)

e.g. I was about to leave home when it poured cats and dogs.

not be about to do something意思是“不愿意做,无意做某事”.

e.g. She was not about to leave office after 10 years in power. 掌权十年后,她还


aboard: ad. 在/到(船、飞机、火车或其他交通工具)上 e.g. The plane crash killed 100 passengers aboard yesterday.

6. One of them was tall—very tall—an intimidating figure. 其中一位个头很高,体型令


Meaning: One of the black men was so tall that he looked very frightening. intimidating: a. 吓人的,令人胆怯的

e.g. They shrug at mentioning the intimidating barrister. 7. The woman froze. 这位女士一下子愣住了。

Meaning: The woman became stiff with fear and stood there without moving. freeze: vi./vt.1(因恐惧、震惊而)呆住,僵住,愣住

e.g. I heard the explosion and froze in my tracks. 2)(使)冻结,凝固

e.g. It was so cold; the lake was sure to freeze overnight. 3)(使)感到极冷;冻僵,冻死 e.g. They almost froze to death.

8. Her next thought was: “Don’t be a bigot; they look like perfectly nice gentlemen.” 她

转而又想:“不要戴着‘有色眼镜’看人;他们看上去完全像是绅士。” 9. But racial stereotypes are powerful, and fear froze her blood. She stood and stared at

the two men. 然而,种族偏见的力量是强大的,恐惧使她浑身发凉。她定在那里,眼睛紧盯着眼前两位男子。

Meaning: Overwhelmed with fixed and prejudiced ideas of black people, she was extremely afraid of the two men. She stopped moving forward and looked at them intently for a long time.

racial: a.种族的,人种的,民族的 e.g. We must fight racial discrimination. stereotype: n. [C] 成见,规,老一套,刻板印象

e.g. The study says that British advertisements have stereotypes about women. vt.对……有成见,对……形成模式化看法

e.g. Black people are often stereotyped as trouble makers.

Notes to Paras. 6-7 15. Then one of the men said, “Hit the floor.” Instinct told her to do what they told her. 这时,她听到其中一个人说:“趴下(与“按下楼层”同音)。”她的本能反应就是照着他们的话做。

The hit in “hit the floor” functions as a transitive verb, used informally in the sense of “to press sth. such as a button to operate a machine”. hit vt. 按下(按钮等来操纵机器等)

e.g. Maria hit the brakes just in time. 玛丽亚及时踩下刹车。

16. The bucket of quarters flew upwards as she threw out her arms and collapsed on the elevator floor. 于是她开双臂,趴在了电梯地板上,满桶的硬币飞向空中,洒了出


collapse: vi. 1)倒下,倒塌

e.g. One of the four medieval churches was not structurally sound and collapsed. 2)崩溃,瓦解 e.g. A monarchy collapsed. n. 1) [U]倒塌,塌陷; 2)[U,C]崩溃,瓦解

17. A shower of coins rained down on her. “Take my money and spare me,” she prayed.

硬币如雨点般落在了她的身上。她在心里默祷:“把钱拿去吧,饶我一命。” a shower of: 一阵,一连串

e.g. a shower of leaves 一阵落叶;a shower of dust 一阵灰尘; a shower of

sparks 一连串火花 pray: vi. 1)祈祷

e.g. They went to the mosque to pray. 2)请求

e.g. I hope and pray that this is just a misunderstanding.

18. The one who said it had a little trouble getting the words out. He was trying mightily

to hold in a belly laugh. 说这话的人有点费力才把话说完,尽力忍住没有放声大笑。

have trouble (in) doing sth.: 做……有困难

e.g. What do you do when you have trouble solving a problem in the workplace?

19. Confused, she struggled to her feet. 她满腹疑惑,挣扎着站了起来。

Meaning: She was still unsure of what was happening. She made an effort to get up. confused: a. 迷惑的,糊涂的

e.g. Jo looked very confused, but then she laughed.


e.g. He kept asking unnecessary questions that only confused the issue. struggle: vi. 1)努力;争取

e.g. Fish struggle for survival when the water level drops in the lake. 2)挣扎着前行或进行某事

e.g. He struggled along the rough road holding his son. n. [C] 挣扎,战斗,斗争

20. He spoke pleasantly. He bit his lip. 他说话时态度和蔼,紧咬着嘴唇。

bite one’s lip:抑制情感的流露,忍住话 e.g. She paused uncertainly, biting her lip. 27. As she slipped into her room she could hear them roaring with laughter as they

walked back to the elevator. 她迅速进入客房,耳边传来他们走回电梯时发出的哈哈大笑。

roar: vi./vt.1) 放声大笑

e.g. These children roared in amusement at the fairy tales. 2) 吼叫,咆哮

e.g. Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end

of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow.”


e.g. The car roared off down the road.

28. The woman brushed herself off. She pulled herself together and went downstairs for

dinner with her husband. 她掸了掸灰,定了定神,便来到楼下与丈夫一起用餐。 brush oneself/sb. off:(尤指摔跤后)拂去衣服上的灰尘,掸净自己/某人 e.g. I got up, brushed myself off, and carried on walking.

pull oneself together:控制自己,镇定下来;重新控制感情,重新振作起来 e.g. Stop crying and pull yourself together! Notes to Paras. 10-12 29. The next morning flowers were delivered to her room—a dozen roses. Attached to

EACH rose was a crisp one-hundred-dollar bill. 第二天早晨,鲜花送到了她的客房——是12朵玫瑰,每一朵玫瑰都附上了一崭新的百元美钞。 deliver: vt. 1) 投递;传送;运送

e.g. Could you try to deliver ahead of time? 2) 发表(演讲);宣布

e.g. Professor Li will deliver the commencement address to this year’s graduating


3) 接生

e.g. Here’s how they delivered the baby inside a parked car at the gas station. attach: vt. 将某物系在另一物上

e.g. Bill was frustrated when he tried to attach the trailer to his truck. crisp: a. 1) 崭新的,挺括的 e.g. a crisp new ?5 note 2) 脆的,酥的,松脆的

e.g. crisp potato chips 脆脆的薯条

30. The card said: “Thanks for the best laugh we’ve had in years.” 卡片上写着:“您带给

我们多年来最畅快的欢笑。” ?

Note to Paras. 8-9 21. The woman thought: “My God, what a spectacle I’ve made of myself.” 该女士心

想:“我的天啊,真是丢人现眼,出大洋相了!” make a spectacle of oneself: 当众出丑,出洋相 e.g. He drank too much and made a spectacle of himself.

22. She wanted to make an apology, but words failed her. 她想要道一声歉,却不知如


Meaning: She felt like saying sorry to the two men for having mistaken them for bad guys, but she didn’t know what to say and became speechless.

在 “words failed her”中, 主语是非生命名词, 而译成汉语时,常常由有生命的 词语来作主语,这是英汉语的一大区别。 比较:

His name escaped me. 我不记得他叫什么了。 An idea struck/occurred to me. 我想到了一个主意。 fail: vt.没有帮助;辜负

e.g. His strength failed him. 他(一下子)失去了力量。

His friends failed him. 他的朋友没有帮他的忙。

23. How do you apologize to two perfectly respectable gentlemen for behaving as though

they were going to rob you? 把两位绝对体面正派的绅士看作劫匪,如何请求他们的谅解?

respectable: a. 1) 人格高尚的,值得尊敬的

e.g. The Chinese are a hard-working, respectable people. 2) 相当多的;满意的;体面的

e.g. She received a respectable sum of money for New Year gift from relatives.

24. The three of them gathered up the scattered quarters and refilled her bucket. 他们三

人拾起散落的硬币,重新放进了桶里。 scattered: a. 分散的,零 散的,疏落的 e.g. scattered villages

scattered showers

scattered派生自动词scatter,意为“分散;散播;撒”。 e.g. The crowd scattered at the sound of gunshots.

25. When the elevator arrived at her floor they then insisted on walking her to her room.

She seemed a little unsteady on her feet, and they were afraid she might not make it down the corridor. 电梯在她要去的楼层停下了,两位男士坚持要陪她到她的客房,因为她的脚步似乎有点摇晃,他们担心她在过道里会有闪失。 walk: vt. 使(某人/某物)行走

e.g. We walked our horses the last quarter of a mile.

unsteady: a.1)不稳固的,失去平衡的

e.g. They are sitting at an unsteady table, enjoying the year-end dinner.

2) 容易变化的,不稳定的

Step Two: Working with words and phrases

Ask students to do Exercise 4 for the consolidation of text learning. While

checking the answers, make explanations when necessary. This step shall take 10 minutes.

3 questions on the text 1.She won a bucketful of quarters at a slot machine.

2.She went back to her room. Because she wanted to hide the quarters first. 3.Because there were already two black men aboard and she was afraid that

they were going to rob her.

4.She took it as “fall on your knees to the floor”. 5.According to the two black men, “hit the floor” meant “to push the button for the floor they were going to”.

6.She felt apologetic and embarrassed.

7.They helped her up, gathered the scattered quarters with her and walked her back to her room seeing that she was still unsteady on her feet.

8.She received a dozen roses and twelve crisp 100-dollar bills. They were sent by Eddie Murphy and Michael Jordan to thank her for the best laugh they’d had in years.

4. Working with words and phrases A g f c b e h a d

B 1 freeze 2 stereotype 3 instinct 4 collapsed 5 delivered


Step Three: Discussion Proceed to Exercises 5 to enhance students’ oral English. Divide students into groups of 4 to 6 for the discussion task. Some of the answers to the questions in this section are open-ended. And the answers provided are merely for the instructor’s reference. After group discussion, ask 3-5 students to report their answers to the whole class. This step shall take not more than 15 minutes.

5. Discussion

1.Eye contact;a form of non-verbal communication;have a large influence on

social behavior.

Eye contact. Having eye contact means that two people look at each other in the eye at the same time. It is a form of non-verbal communication and is thought to have a large influence on social behavior. Frequency and interpretation of eye contact vary between cultures.

2.True. rooted stereotypes among white people towards black people, haughty white people

I believe the story told in the text is true. In the United States, there are rooted stereotypes among white people towards black people. Some of the white people are haughty enough not to take note of the feats of black people like Michael Jordan. 3.Treat gentle and friendly black people as her equals and trust them.

e.g. All goes smoothly except the unsteady airflow.


At her door they bid her a good evening. 他们将她送到门口,然后道了晚安。 bid: vt./vi. 1) 向某人打招呼

e.g. bid somebody good afternoon/good morning, etc. 2) 吩咐

e.g. He bade them (to) leave at once. 3) 出价,投标

e.g. How much do you bid for the late artist’s painting?

Russia will bid to host the 2018 World Cup.

n. [C] 竞标

In the past, white people simplified the images of black people as frightening, evil, or intimidating. After the incident, the woman in the text might change her prejudice against black people. Black people are also gentle and friendly. In the future, the woman might treat the black as her equals and try to trust them.

3. Period Four:

? Step One: Practice: interpreting and translation After a brief revision of the whole text, ask students to do Exercises 6 together

with their partner. Do this exercise to improve their interpreting skills as well as strengthen their text learning. Give them a few minutes to interpret the conversation into English before showing them the reference answer to help them improve their interpretation work. If time permits, have a few pairs to role-play the conversation in front of the class.

When doing Part A of Exercises 7, remind them to pay special attention to the

标准单人房(Standard Single) 高档单人房(Superior Single) 豪华单人房(De luxe Single) 标准双人房(Standard Double) 高档双人房(Superior Double) 豪华双人房(De luxe Double) 标准双人对床房(Standard Twin) 高档双人对床房(Superior Twin) 豪华双人对床房(De luxe Twin) 标准套房(Standard Suite)

高档套房(Superior Suite)

豪华套房(De luxe Suite)

italicized parts of the sentences. As for Part B of Exercises 7, ask them to compare their translation with the reference answers to improve their translation skills.

This step shall take not more than 20 minutes.

6. Practice: interpreting Mr. Woods: Why are you so late, honey?

Mrs. Woods:I tell you I caused myself so much in shame a while ago. Mr. Woods:What the hell happened to you?

Mrs. Woods:As I was about to walk into the elevator, I noticed two black men already

aboard. One of them had an intimidating figure.

Mr. Woods:Did you hesitate about joining them in the elevator? Mrs. Woods:Yes, that is for sure. Mr. Woods:What then?

Mrs. Woods:I hesitated for seconds before joining them in the elevator. Then I heard one man say, “Hit the floor!” Mr. Woods:Were they going to rob you?

Mrs. Woods:That was my first thought. So I threw out my arms and collapsed on the floor. Mr. Woods:You must have been panicked.

Mrs. Woods:Yes. But that man explained to me that he didn’t mean for me to fall on my knees. He told his companion to push the elevator button for the floor they were going to. He had quite a lot of trouble holding in a belly laugh.

Mr. Woods: Oh. What a spectacle you made of yourself!

Mrs. Woods:You bet. It was my own racial stereotypes toward black people that put me into a state of embarrassment.

Mr. Woods: I think it’s time for you to get rid of your old ideas. 7. Practice: translation

A. Put the following sentences from the text into Chinese. Pay special attention to the italicized expressions.



3说这话的人有点费力才把话说完,尽力忍住没有放声大笑。 4把两位绝对体面正派的绅士看作劫匪,如何请求他们的谅解? 5她掸了掸灰,定了定神,便来到楼下与丈夫一起用餐。

B. Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.

1. Tom Long bid goodbye to everything in the garden(向花园里的一草一木道别) as he wept tears.

2. She was clear-headed (头脑清醒的) and never made a spectacle of herself (从不出洋相).

3. He looked at the funny-looking man, biting his lip(咬着嘴唇强忍住不笑出声). 4. Gazing at his clipboard, he murmured, “It doesn’t look like you’re going to make it (看来你恐怕不行了).”

5. Panic consumed the survivors (幸存者都无比惊恐) after the tragedy of a disastrous plane crash.


Step Two: Practice: writing

When doing part A of Exercises 8, the summary writing may be assigned as

homework after going through the outline quickly in class.

When doing Part B of Exercises 8, illustrate the basic sentence writing techniques: how to avoid writing sentence fragments. The specific tips on how to avoid sentence fragments are provided along with the reference answer. In correcting the sentence fragments the instructor can refer to these tips, which, in fact, throw light on the causes of the errors. If time permits, ask students to finish the exercises after finishing the explanations, or assign it as homework.

This step shall take not more than 15 minutes.

8. Practice: writing A Reference answer:

A woman won a bucketful of quarters at a slot machine in Atlantic City. She found two black men already in the elevator as she went back to her room to hide the quarters. She hesitated to enter the elevator because she was afraid that the two men were going to rob her. After she joined them in the elevator, she heard one man say, “Hit the floor”, which was taken by her for falling on her knees to the floor. So she did.

The two men explained to her “hit the floor” meant “to push the button for the floor they were going to”. The woman’s fear gave place to embarrassment. The two men gathered up the scattered quarters with her and accompanied her to her room.

The next day the woman received a dozen roses and twelve 100-dollar bills given by



单人房(Single room) 1 标房(Twin-bedded room) 2 双人房(Double room) 1


房分两个区:卧室和休息室。卧室放置一特大号床(king-sized bed)

Eddie Murphy and Michael Jordan to thank her for the best laugh they’d had in years. B sentence fragments (不完整句).

1 Although the company is finally showing a profit, this year may not turn out to be profitable. (a is a dependent clause, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence) 2 Raymond had to give up skiing because he developed sore knees. (b is a dependent clause, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence)

3My work consists of many necessary office duties, for example, taking telephone messages. (b is an appositive, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence) 4The address written on the package was illegible. (b is a noun phrase with a noun modified by a past participial phrase, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence) 5What do you think the best policy is, regarding the issuing of liquor licences to restaurants? (a is a prepositional phrase, but it is written as if it were a complete sentence)

? Step Three: Surfing the Internet The Internet-based task shall be assigned as homework. Yet it is important to go through the instructions of Exercises 9 and make sure the students know the purpose of the task: to learn about the specific hotel and to prepare for the learning

of hotel reservation in the ensuing modular.

This step shall take not more than 5 minutes.

9. Surfing the Internet Reference answer:

Hotel Information

Stroll down the famous West Nanjing Road, past the magnificent Bund buildings and restored architectural icons, to a place where the traditions of the past intersect with the ultra-modern. Here, in the heart of Shanghai, you’ll find the Portman Ritz Carlton — a timeless symbol of luxury, perfectly at home in a constantly changing metropolis. Setting the standard for hotels in Shanghai, the Portman Ritz Carlton features: ... Guest Room Features & Amenities: ... Property Features & Amenities: ... Business Services: ... Hotel Policies: ...

II. Part 2 Language in Use

1. Period Five:

? Step One: Homework check Check the homework assigned last period. Ask one or two students to read the summary and show the class the reference answer afterwards. As for the Internet task, have several students to give the oral presentation in front of the class. And ask the students to hand in their homework after class.

This step shall take not more than 10 minutes. ?

Step Two: Dialogue: at the reservation desk

First ask the students to read and listen to the dialogue, and then complete the

reservation form.

Second, check their answers and play the tape again to let them repeat after it. Third, have them practice the dialogue in pairs. Fourth, ask a few pairs to act out the dialogue.

Finally go through the notes to the dialogue highlighting the practical information related to the subject.

This step shall take around 20 minutes. Notes to the Dialogue 1. Evergreen Hotel, Reservations. Sophia speaking. How can I help you? 您好,这里是常


“Sophia speaking”此句是用语“This is Sophia speaking”的缩略形式。类似的说法还有:“This is Sophia”,“Speaking”等,但“Speaking”这个说法不适合饭店接待要求。