2018-2019学年最新牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit8单元目标测试卷及答案-精编试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2018-2019学年最新牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit8单元目标测试卷及答案-精编试题更新完毕开始阅读96b0b98e900ef12d2af90242a8956bec0975a5f2

9A Unit 8 单 元 测 试 卷 (120分)


( ) 1. You can play computer games _______ 8 to 9 tonight. A. as

B. between

C. from

D. while

( ) When you meet a bear, you can hold your________. It’s very safe because the bear

never eats a dead creature.

A. breathe B. breath C. breathes D. breathing

( ) After checking the scene ________ the clues, the police found that the victim was

attacked ________ a gun.

A. for; with B. of; by C. for; by D. of; with ( ) 2. The police will offer $10000 any useful information. A.a prize of, for B.the award for, of C.the prize for, of D.a reward of, for

( ) 3. Yesterday I left my key in the shop and I can't find it . A.somewhere; anywhere B.somewhere; everywhere C.anywhere; everywhere D.everywhere; anywhere

( ) 4. What a pity it is to find so many books with pages ________ in our library! A. missed B. lose C. losing D. missing ( ) 5. —I saw Ann ________ a green dress at the meeting. — But I don’t think she looks good ________ green.

A. dressed; in B. put on;wear C. wearing; in D. wear; put on

( ) 6. Though he was badly ill, he ________ a good fight against his illness. A. put on B. put up C. put in D. put off ( ) 7. I’m sure that meat will goin ______hot weather.

A.bad;such B.badly;so C.bad;so D.badly;such

( ) 8. He ________ that it was his first time to come to China. A. said

B. told

C. spoke

D. talked

( ) 9. He told us that sound ________ than light.

A. traveled slowly

C. travels slowly

B. travels more slowly D. traveled faster

( )10. People are complaining that we are ________ so long ________ the murderer. A. spending; to find B. costing; finding C. spending; finding D. taking; to find

( )11. We all knew she was wrong, but none of us ________ tell her.

A. dare to B. dared not to C. dared to D. dares not ( )12. I wonder ________ you are happy or not today. A. if

B. what

C. that

D. whether

( )13. Can you tell us when Jack ________ Changzhou tomorrow? You can call us as soon

as he ________.

A. will arrive in; will reach

B. arrives in; reaches

C. will arrive in; arrives D. arrives in; will get to

( ) 14. He said that he had met her ________.

A. two years before B. two years ago C. for 2 years D. since two years ago ( ) 15. Mr Lu said that the policetrying tomore clues those days.

A.is;find B.were;find out C.was;find out D.are;find

( )16. —When _______ the kidnapping ________ place? —Between 9:00a.m. and 10:00 a. m. yesterday.

A. did; take B. was; taken C. was; taking D. had; taken

( )17.If you _ him tomorrow, please ask him if he __ to work on the farm withus. A. see, goes

B. will see, goes C. will see, will go D. see, will go

( )18. Her aunt said she ________ go to see a film ________.

A. will; tonight B. would; tonight C. will that night D. would; that night ( )19. The picture shows us _______ in Nanjing in the past. A. what everyday life was like

B. what was everyday life like

D. how was everyday life like

C. how everyday life was like

( )20. Hobo asked Eddie ________. A. who was he looking for C. who is he looking for

B. who he was looking for D. who he is looking for

( )21.—Would you mind moving your bag from the seat, please?—________________. A. You’re wrong B. Of course not C. OK D. Don’t you think so

( )22. More than one person hurt in that accident in 1980. A. has B. was C. were D. had been ( )23. —He’s never stolen anything before, ________ he?

—________. It’s his second time to be taken to the police station. A. hasn’t, Yes B. has, Yes C. has, No D. is, No 二、完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1分,计10分)

I had walked along the sea for about an hour until I began to feel hungry. It was seven. At that time, I was not far away from a favourite restaurant of mine, where I often went to eat two or three times a week. I knew the owner well.

I went into the restaurant, which was already crowded, and ordered my meat. While I was waiting , I looked 1 to see if I knew anyone in the restaurant. Then I saw a man sitting at a corner table near the door keeping looking in my direction, as if he knew me. I certainly didn’t know him, for I never forgot a 2 . The man had a newspaper open in front of him. But I could see that he was keeping an 3 on me. When the waiter brought my soup, the man was clearly puzzled by the familiar way that the waiter and I called each other. He became even more puzzled as 4 went on. He could see that I was well 5 in the restaurant. At last he got up and went into the kitchen. After a few minutes he came out again, paid for his meal and left.

When I had finished, I called the owner of the restaurant over and asked him what the man had wanted. The owner told me he was a detective. “Really?” I was 6 . “He was certainly 7 in me. But why?” I asked. “He followed you because he thought you were a man he was looking for,” the owner said. “When he came into the kitchen, he showed me a 8 of the man. He certainly looked like you! Of course, since we 9 you here, I told him that he had made a mistake.” It was 10 I came to a restaurant where I was known, or I might have been arrested!

( ) 1. A. for

B. at C. around

D. like

( ) 2. A name B. face C. person D. friend

( ) 3. A orange B. arm C. apple D. eye ( ) 4. A. program B. story

C. time D. news

( ) 5. A known B taken C. made D. brought ( ) 6. A. worried B. surprised ( ) 7. A. interested

C. surprising

D. sad

B interesting C. worried D. sure

( ) 8. A. book B. photo C. paper D. magazine

D. look at D. best

( ) 9. A. see B. know C. hear ( )10. A. bad B. good C. lucky



If you are like most people,your intelligence(智商)changes from season to season. You are probably a lot sharper in spring than you are at any other time of the year.A famous scientist,Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1947)got a result from people’s work and himself.He found our mental abilities(智力能力)would be influenced by different seasons and temperatures.

He found that cool weather is much better for creative thinking than hot weather.This does not mean that people are not clever in summer.It does mean,however ,that the mental abilities of large numbers of people may be low in summer.

Spring seems to be the best time of the year for thinking.In spring all things in nature change.So do our mental abilities.They are influenced and change much,too.

Fall is the next-best season,then winter.As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking !

( )1.Which season is the best one for thinking?

A.Spring. B.Winter. C.Fall. D.Summer.

( )2.Which one is TRUE according to the passage? A.You may be the most creative in winter.

B.Summer may be a good season for you to take a vacation from thinking. C.Hot weather is better for creative thinking than cool weather. D.One may be low in mental abilities in spring. ( )3.In spring man ________. A.is not creative in thinking

B.had better take a long vacation from thinking C.may have higher mental abilities

D.may be low in thinking


One evening two young men were walking together in the street. They tried to find a chance to steal something. The clock struck twelve. Most of the people went to bed. Quickly they came