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发布时间 : 星期三 文章工程学科英语(整合第二稿) 参考答案 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读96e4d5fc9b6648d7c1c746c9


Unit Four

Task 1

②③⑥⑦④⑧⑤⑩①⑨ Task 2

① reflect back on

日记是一种很好的方式,可以回顾你已获得的成就、寻找其他可能的解决办法。 ② multitude

他们说中国有大量的贸易壁垒、软弱的工会以及估值过低的货币。 ③ at scale

坦率地说,他们没有足够的公信力来提供规模化的网络服务。 ④ In case

如果你想知道的话,在现实生活中最快的网页浏览器还是谷歌浏览器。 ⑤ prior to

三次自燃中有两次是发生在将汽车交付给顾客之前,当时是福特的员工在驾驶汽车。 Task 3

F T T F T Task 4

Unfavorable facts:There’s a shift from industrial-focus careers to careers focused on business, during which engineers began to be replaced by professional business managers as leaders of the great businesses. As a result, the engineering mentality started to play a lesser role in business decision making.

Advantages owned by engineers: Engineers have been trained to have the ability to clarify purpose and align systems. They are detail-oriented and analytical. While they are meticulous, they still take risks, but calculated ones. They identify the root cause of a problem and provide an economical solution. They tend to have a very realistic outlook on situations and don’t add the fluff. They are tech-savvy and understand how it all works. Disadvantages of engineers: They don’t actively promote themselves. When studying engineering, leadership is simply overlooked. Because the curriculum for an engineering degree often doesn’t include business courses that trigger a business mentality

Ways to change: Change needs to start with reforming the education system. More needs to be done to help engineers to become successful entrepreneurs. Companies need to promote and place qualified engineers in leadership positions.


Significance of the change: The future of the engineering industry is closely tied of the future prosperity of America. Task 5


②二十世纪五六十年代,美国文化开始由以工业为重心的职业向以商业为重心的职业转变。 ③工程师往往回避自我推销,因为他们害怕过分修饰而偏离了真实的信息。


⑤想要改变国民对工程师的看法以及工程师对企业领导职位的看法,这无疑需要付出巨大的努力。 Task 6

① Everett Alvarez’s plane was hit on a bombing mission in 1964, and then he was captured and taken to Hoa Lo Prison. It’s difficult for Mr. Alvarez to get used to captivity, because he didn’t know what to do. He decided to resist, which brought him several times to the point of physical and mental breakdown, but he survived thanks to the mutual support of the other prisoners. When he was released in 1973, he had been held captive for eight and half years, and he attained his goal to come home with his personal integrity, reputation and honour. ② Because his experience of being a PoW taught him invaluable lessons that he has applied to his life and work, and it helped to form his firm character. He thought about his dreams when he was sitting in the cell. After he was released, he was awarded several military medals, and upon his return to the US became an overnight celebrity, which helped him form important political contacts. The years of torture and malnourishment had left him with many injuries, so Mr. Alvarez was helped by a government aid programme for disabled veterans when he set up his first business. All of these contribute a lot to his business success.

③ Passion means a strong belief in something or a strong interest in something. Here it means that someone must have a real interest in the thing he wants to build his business on and he must believe in himself and in the product. Task 7

① the Japanese art of shaping paper to look like animals, flowers and other objects ② follow to assemble themselves, or put themselves together


③ 18 centimeters wide and 15 centimeters long ④ crab

⑤ quickly and cheaply ⑥ complex and functional ⑦ in real life with real materials ⑧ shape memory polymers ⑨ when they are heated ⑩ shrink ? circuit

? that it's assembled ? autonomous

? that can build themselves into different sizes

? self-building robots can be shipped flat in large numbers Task 8






你说话的力量。 Task 9

Maybe the human voice is the most powerful sound in the world, but many people have the experience that when they speak, people don’t listen to them. In this useful talk, the sound expert, Julian Treasure, gives several useful tips on how to speak powerfully.

First, he suggests that people should move away from the seven bad habits: 1) gossip; 2) judging; 3) negativity; 4) complaining; 5) excuses; 6) lying; 7) dogmatism.

Then Julian puts forward four foundations that people can stand on if they want their speech to be powerful and to make change in the world. The first letters of these four things spell a word, namely “hail”, which means to greet or acclaim enthusiastically. The H stands for honesty, being clear and straight. The A is authenticity, being yourself. The I is integrity, being your word. And the L is love, wishing people well.

Next, he introduces some ways to say things which will increase the power of someone’s speaking. 1) Register. Someone can say something in a high or low register. But if


he wants weight, he needs to say it in a low voice, because people associate depth with power and authority. 2) Timbre. The research shows that people prefer voices which are rich, smooth and warm. 3) Prosody. People should avoid monotone and repetitive prosody. 4) Pace. People can slow down to emphasize, and a bit of silence in a talk can be very powerful. 5) Pitch. It often goes along with pace to indicate arousal. 6) Volume. Someone can express his excitement by using volume, or he can have other people’s attention by getting very quiet. When people have got something really important to do, they should make full use of these tools.

Finally, Julian shows the audience the six vocal warm-up exercises. And after that, he points out that if people were speaking powerfully to the audience who were listening consciously in environments which were actually fit for purpose, there would be a world that does sound beautiful and one where understanding would be the norm. Task 10 1. preliminary 6. regulate

2. presume

3. prospect 8. relevant

4. protocol 9. restore

5. ratio 10. revenue

7. reinforce 12. secure

11. scenario 16. suspend 21. Scope

13. sequence 18. transmit 23. shift 28. sustain

14. sphere 15. substitute 19. retain 24. specify 29. trace

20. reverse 25. straightforward 30. trigger

17. terminate 22. seek

26. submit

27. subordinate