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发布时间 : 星期三 文章高考英语二轮复习考前三个月专题二七选五模拟演练,集中突破命题点模拟演练二更新完毕开始阅读96f153df4531b90d6c85ec3a87c24028905f85eb



There are many ways to fame.Whatever your own recipe(秘诀) is,if you want to make it really big,don’t follow anyone else’s footprints. 1

1.Do something unusual

Celebrity(名人) is all about standing out from the crowd. 2 Charles Blondin started it all off 150 years ago.He walked a tightrope(钢丝) across the Niagara Falls to the American side,in front of over 10,000 breathless viewers.After his success,Blondin crossed the Falls many more times in a variety of ways:in chains,on a bicycle,and once,blindfolded.

2.Discover something

The bad news is that there are no countries left to discover.The good news is that in the rainforests of Brazil,there are about three million unnamed types of beetles.One of them could be yours. 3 Though no one will enjoy hearing your name,you will be famous at least until someone comes along and discovers a cure.

3.Appear on reality TV

4 The growth of “reality TV” shows like Big Brother which star ordinary people,means that anyone can possibly become a star. 5 While the show is being broadcasted,you’re the biggest star on earth,but once it is over,your glamour disappears,and the life of being a nobody is waiting round the corner. A.What will make someone remember you?

B.What really counts is to explore a unique path. C.Or discover a deadly disease and give it your name.

D.They bring you fame at the speed of light,but it fades just as fast. E.Do something out of the ordinary and you’ll get your piece of fame. F.Try attending an event that addresses something you don’t know much about. G.There have never been more chances for “regular” people to become famous. 语篇解读 成名的方式有很多,本文为读者介绍了三种成名的方法。 1.答案 B

解析 根据空前的“don’t follow anyone else’s footprints”可知,不要追随别人的脚印,所以设空处应建议寻找属于自己的独一无二的道路。B项意为“真正重要的是要探索出一条独一无二的道路。”符合语境,故选B项。 2.答案 E

解析 根据本段的标题Do something unusual可知,设空处应与“做一些不寻常的事情”有关。E项意为“做一些不寻常的事情,然后你就会成名的”,其中的out of the ordinary与标题中unusual意思相近。故选E项。 3.答案 C

解析 根据本段的标题Discover something可知,设空处应与“发现某些东西”有关,再根据该段最后一句中的cure可知,设空处与疾病或治疗方法有关。C项意为“或者发现某种致命的疾病,并用自己的名字给它命名。”符合语境。故选C项。 4.答案 G

解析 根据空后的“The growth of ‘reality TV’ shows like Big Brother which star ordinary people,means that anyone can possibly become a star.”可知,真人秀节目越来越多,这些节目让普通人变成明星成为可能。该句中的“The growth of ‘reality TV’ shows”和ordinary分别与G项中的more chances和regular表达的意义相近,故选G项。 5.答案 D

解析 根据空后提到的内容“当节目播出时,你名噪一时;但当节目结束时,你的名声也跟着消失了。”可知,设空处应提及电视真人秀的优缺点。D项“它们以光的速度给你带来名声,却也让名声以光的速度消失。”符合语境,故选D项。


History is a record of what has happened in the past. 6 The really fascinating thing is that much of history has been repeated time and again.It allows us to learn from the past,both the mistakes made and the successes achieved.

One of the benefits of history is reading how other people both famous and totally unknown have overcome tremendous challenges in their life.These challenges,although particular to a person,or to a certain time in the past,or occurring in a different country or culture,all convey the same thing. 7

8 He encountered many failures while on the road to finally inventing the modern day light bulb.He could be held out as an example of a person who never gave up. 9 However,he did not let those failures stop him.He had a dream and he just kept trying different things until he did reach success.

Or,consider the story of Abraham Lincoln who managed to become President of the United States even though he suffered many setbacks and personal losses.Most of us only realize the success of Mr.Lincoln becoming President. 10 His life was not an easy one.His story is one that motivates us to keep moving forward no matter what obstacles we have in life.

A.History has a lot of influence on us.

B.Take for example the story of Thomas Edison. C.History has some very unique qualities about it. D.I am sure he was discouraged by his many failures. E.They convey wisdom in their short stories of perseverance. F.Few of us knew about the many challenges he had to overcome.

G.Only those with courage to face challenges can hope to live their dreams. 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。讲述历史对我们的生活的指导作用。 6.答案 C

解析 根据上一句“History is a record of what has happened in the past.”及空后的“The really fascinating thing is that...”可知选C。 7.答案 E

解析 根据空前内容可知,虽然对于某个人、对于过去某个特定的时间或者对于发生在一个不同国家与文化的事情来说,这些挑战是很独特的,但都传达相同的内容。这里承接上文,故选E。 8.答案 B

解析 根据下文中的“He encountered many failures while on the road to finally inventing the modern day light bulb.”,知选B。 9.答案 D

解析 根据空后的“However,he did not let those failures stop him.”知选D项。 10.答案 F

解析 根据上文提到“Most of us only realize the success of Mr.Lincoln becoming President.”可知,许多人只看到林肯成为总统的成功,却很少有人知道他是如何克服这些困难的。故选F。


With the year coming to an end,a vacation is inescapable.Travelling in winters is never easy.Though air travel might sound as the most convenient way for winter travel,it also has its own shortcomings.The reason of cold sometimes interrupts your travel plans. 11 .We bring to you tips to keep in mind if you are air travelling in winters.

Early flights are on time

Early morning flights have been found to be more on time than the ones later in the day. 12 .Any delay in the flight schedule during the day leads to a series of delay;the best way to avoid it is to fly early.


Partner airlines can help you in times of delayed flights.Some airlines work in association with their partner airlines.In case your flight gets cancelled or delayed you can ask for a seat in the partner airline,provided that your airline supports it.

Join a club

14 .When your flight gets delayed for hours you can access those clubs in the airport rather than being stuck in the terminal.Also,accessing to different travel agents is easier from the clubs as they assist you with various options available.

Consider a travel agent

At times when you are stuck with situations where your flight is delayed or cancelled,instead of dealing directly with the airline staff,it is best to lay the responsibility on your travel agent. 15 . A.Remember to phone bravely B.Partner airlines can help

C.A member of a club is the best choice for most flyers on the whole D.Flights get cancelled or delayed beyond what you have to deal with

E.Though you would have to wake up very early,yet it would rid you of a lot of trouble F.Your travel agent will act on your behalf and solve the issues so you needn’t solve the issues yourself

G.Joining a club will sure make you pay some money,but if you are a frequent flyer it is the best choice for you

语篇解读 本文属于教育类短文。给读者们提出解决因为冬天天气原因而延误航班的四条建议。 11.答案 D

解析 根据空前的“The season of cold sometimes interrupts your travel plans.”,知横线句应该表示与之相关的内容,所以D项“Flights get cancelled or delayed beyond what you have to deal with”正是我们的旅行被打乱的例子。故D项符合上下文语境。 12.答案 E

解析 根据空前的“Early morning flights have been found to be more on time than the ones later in the day.”可知,早晨的航班要比晚上的航班更准时。所以虽然早晨的航班也有不方便的地方,但是可以帮助我们清除很多的麻烦。故E项符合上下文语境。 13.答案 B

解析 根据本段第一句“Partner airlines can help you in times of delayed flights.”