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18.informal /?n?f?:ml /adj. 非正式的;非正规的

I would like it to be an informal occasion. 我希望把它办得不那么正式。 19.deadline/?dedla?n/ n. 最后时间;最后期限 20.rigid /?r?d??d/ adj.


Above all, don't become rigid in your approach—work hard but also work smart!最重要的是,方法不要太死板——既要苦学,又要巧学!(P22)

Hospital routines for nurses are very rigid. 医院中护士的日常工作非常刻板。 ②坚硬的;刚性的;不易弯曲的

rigid plastic containers坚硬的塑料容器

21.subscribe /s?b'skra?b/ vi. & vt. (常与to 连用)同意;赞同

I've personally never subscribed to the view. 我个人从来都不同意这个观点。 22.post-graduate adj. 研究生的n. 研究生

There is still the opportunity of going to one for post-graduate study. 现在仍然有机会去读研究生。(P23)

23.academy/??k?d?mi/ n. 高等专科院校;研究院;学术团体 24.stead /sted/ n. 替代;用处;好处 stand sb in good stead 对某人很有用

第Third, if you take a course you like and do well at an institute or academy, your motivation, training and hard work will stand you in good stead with any future employer. 第三,如果你选择一门你喜欢的课程,在一所学院或学院里表现出色,你的动力、训练和努力将使你对未来的雇主有利。(P23)

It will stand her in good stead for the rest of her life. 这在以后的日子里都会让她受益无穷。 25.employer /?m?pl???(r) / n. 雇主;老板 26.diploma/d?'pl?um?/ n. 文凭;毕业证书 27.format/?f?:m?t/ n. 设计;安排

Here is a format to succeed. 下面是一种成功的格式。(P23) 28.glory/?gl?:ri/ vi. 自豪;得意

glory in 以……为荣,因……而喜悦、欣喜

She gloried in her new-found independence.她为自己新获得的独立而欣喜。 29.forgetful /f?'ɡetful/ adj.健忘的;好忘事的 【辨析】

forgetful,forgettable forgetful健忘的;好忘事的 forgettable易被忘记的,可以忘记的 She has become very forgetful in recent years. 近年来她变得十分健忘。 The story is boring and forgettable.这个故事既令人厌烦又令人容易忘记。 30.administration/?d?m?n??stre??n/ n. 管理;行政管理 31.choir/?kwa??(r) / n. 合唱团

32.postcode /'p?ustk?ud/n. 邮政编码;邮编 33.withdraw/ w?e?dr?: / vi. & vt. 收回;撤回

I withdrew from people, becoming unusually reserved, tired and anxious. 我不再到人多的地方去了,变得异常拘谨,疲倦和焦虑。(P26)

Government troops were forced to withdraw.政府部队被迫撤走了。


Both powers withdrew their forces from the region.两个大国都把部队撤离了这个地区。 She withdrew her hand from his.她把手从他的手里抽了回来。 34.sake/se?k/ n. 目的;利益

for one’s own sake 为了……的缘故

do sth for the sake of one's family为家庭做某事

For the sake of everybody's health, each person drinks just one cup. 为了大家的健康考虑,每个人只能喝一杯。

35.pursuit /p?'sju:t/ n. 寻求;追求

Then I saw next to it an article about a poor student who had suffered a great deal in his pursuit of knowledge. 然后我看到了一篇关于一位贫苦学生克服种种困难不断求知的文章。(P27) Pursue /p?'sju:, -'su: / vt. 追求;寻求;不断努力以取得 36.pedicab /'ped?k?b/ n. (人力)三轮车

At different times he was a street cleaner, a pedicab driver, vegetable seller and worker on a building site. 在不同的时间,他当过街道清洁工,三轮车司机,蔬菜贩子,做过建筑工人。(P27)

37.sleep rough 露宿

During these years he slept rough under bridges and searched for food in dustbins rather than spend his hard-earned money on anything other than books. 在这几年里,他宁愿在桥下露宿,在垃圾箱里寻找食物,而不是把辛苦挣来的钱花在书本以外的任何东西上。(P27)

Jobless and penniless, he had to sleep rough in the fields for several months. 他既无工作又无钱,只好在野外露宿数月。

38.feed on 从……中得到滋养或满足

His physical life was difficult but his spirit fed on the philosophical ideas found in books especially on socialism and communism that he was able to buy and read. 他的物质生活是艰难,但他的精神却得到了满足——读了自己能买到的有关于社会主义、共产主义的书籍,从中汲取了哲学营养。(P27)

All animals including men feed on plants or other animals. 包括人类在内的所有动物都以植物或其他动物为食。

39.philosophical /?f?l??s?f?kl/ adj. 哲学上的 40.socialism/'s?u??l?z?m/ n. 社会主义

41.receipt /r??si:t/ n. 接受;收到;收据;收条

He got a steady job as a security guard, which meant he was now in receipt of a good income for a change. 作为一名保安,他得到了一份稳定的工作,这意味着他现在已经获得了一份不错的收入。(P27)

42.overweigh /'??v?'we? / vt. 比……更重要; 胜过

However, its advantages were outweighed by one important disadvantage: it did not give him enough time to study. 然而,它的优势被一个重要的劣势所抵消:它没有给他足够的时间去学习。(P27)

The advantages overweigh the disadvantages. 利大于弊。 43.ensure /?n'?u?/ vt. 确保;保证

Perhaps my failure was because I had been overconfident or preferred

to play football on Saturdays rather than read extra books that might have ensured success. 也许我的失败是因为我过于自信,或者因为宁愿在周六踢足球,而不愿读能确保成功的额外书籍。(P27)


The book ensured his success.这本书保证了他的成功。

Please ensure (that) all lights are switched off.请务必将所有灯都关掉。 44.reproach/r?'pr?ut?/ n. 责备;责骂

I felt guilty that my parents had had to put up with my constant reproaches and jealousy about the success of my friends.我的父母不得不忍受我的抱怨,因朋友的成功而生嫉妒,我为此感到内疚。(P28)

He reproached himself for not telling her the truth.他因为没有告诉她真相而自责。 45.jealousy/'d?el?s?/ n. 妒忌;羡慕 46.cease/si:s/ vt. 结束;停息;终止 cease to be 不再是

I would cease to be a spoilt child and become a determined student. 我将不再是一个被宠坏的孩子,成为一个有决心的学生。(P28)

Once people retire they automatically cease to be union members.人们一旦退休就自动不再是工会会员。

Our services cease to be useful to them. 我们的服务对他们不再有用。 47.count up 把……加起来

We can only count up to ten with fingers. 我们只能用手指数到10。 48.reinforce /?ri:?n?f?:s/ vt. 增强;补充

All buildings are being now reinforced.所有建筑正被加固。

Book11 Unit4

1.split /spl?t/ vt. & vi. 分开;分离

Odysseus' long absence had led to growing unrest in the country and

here was always the possibility that it could split into smaller kingdoms. 国王奥德修斯的长期在外导致了国家的动荡不安,这里随时有可能分裂成更小的王国可能。(P31) She split the class into groups of four.她按四人一组把全班分成若干小组。 2.violate /?va??le?t/ vt. 违犯;违反;破坏On his way home he violated the rules of hospitality and attacked his host. 在回家的路上,他违反了好客的规矩,并袭击了主人。(P32) 3.temporary /?tempr?ri/ adj. 暂时的;临时的;一时的 I'm looking for some temporary work .我在找临时工作。

More than half the staff are temporary.半数以上的职员是临时雇员。 4.statesman/'ste?tsm ?n/ n. 政治家;国务活动家

Statesmanlike /'stetsm?n'la?k/ adj. 有政治家才干和风度的

She was sitting with her advisers and being as charming and statesmanlike as always. 她和她的顾问们坐在一起,像往常一样有魅力,有政治家的魅力。(P32) 5.unconditional/??nk?n?d???nl/ adj. 无条件的;无限制的;绝对的

As Queen, I have unconditional faith that Odysseus will return home safely. 作为皇后,我绝对相信奥德修斯将安全返回家园。(P32)

Children need unconditional love. 孩子们需要无条件的爱。

The victorious army demanded unconditional surrender. 胜方要求敌人无条件投降。 6.scar/skɑ?/ n. 疤;伤疤;创伤

Instead of finding a hospitable, one-eyed host, he discovered a bitter giant with a scar where his one eye had once been. 他看到的独眼巨人并不好客,而是一个痛苦的巨人,原来的那只独眼处只剩下一块伤疤。(P32)


a scar on his cheek脸上的伤疤

Will the operation leave a scar?手术会不会留下疤痕? 7.howl / ha?l / vt. 嚎叫;呼号;咆哮

The crowd howled its displeasure.群众不满地怒吼着。

The wind howled all night, but I slept a little. 风整夜怒号着,但我还是睡了一会儿。 8.merciful /?m?:s?fl/ adj. 仁慈的;宽大的;宽容的 9.at the crack of dawn 黎明;大清早

At the crack of dawn they climbed up a vertical cliff from the beach to my cave and entered it while I was out.在破晓时分,趁我外出时他们从海边爬上一处陡峭的悬崖进入我的洞穴。(P32)

We have to get up at the crack of dawn. 我们必须一大清早就起床。

I was up at the crack of dawn to get the plane. 为了乘飞机,我破晓时就起身了。 10.quick as a flash 立刻;马上;一刹那

Quick as a flash they made themselves at home.一会儿功夫,他们就变得无拘无束了。(P32) Liu xiang runs as quick as a flash.刘翔跑得快如闪电。

As soon as we finished our drink, we got out of there quick as a flash. 我们一喝完酒,就迅速地逃离现场。

11.hatch /h?t?/ vt. 孵化;出壳

The female must find a warm place to hatch her eggs.母的必须找个温暖的地方孵蛋。 12.whistle / ?w?sl/ n. 口哨;哨子 13.heel /hi?l/ n. 脚后跟;踵

Then l knocked one of the sailors with the heel of my foot.这时我的脚后跟踢到了一名水手。(P32)

14.a wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼;伪装友好的敌人

Only then did Odysseus approach me in a friendly manner, although he behaved more like a wolf in sheep's clothing. 直到那时,奥德修斯才以一种友好的方式接近我,尽管他的行为更像一只披着羊皮的狼。(P32)

15.pint /pa?nt/ n. 品脱(=0.5夸脱;英制液量0.568升;美制液量0.473升)

First, he offered me a pint of strong drink which made me dead to the world. 首先,他给了我一品脱的烈性饮料,这让我完全失去知觉。(P32) 16.dead to the world 熟睡的;完全失去知觉的

He was tired after the day's work, and was soon dead to the world. 他一天干下来十分劳累, 很快就熟睡了。

He was badly injured in the accident and still dead to the world now. 他在事故中受了重伤,到现在仍不省人事。 17.socket /?s?k?t/ n. 孔;洞;眼窝

Then, as l lay sleeping, his men took a sharpened stick and poked it into the socket of my eye to blind me. 然后,当我睡着的时候,他的士兵拿起一根锋利的棍子,戳进我的眼眶,把我弄瞎了。(P32)

18.stagger['st?g?] vi. 蹒跚;摇晃;踉跄

Finally as I staggered around in agony, each man hid under the belly of a sheep and escaped out of the cave. 最后,当我愤怒地四处跌跌撞撞时,那些士兵都躲在绵羊的肚子底下,从洞里逃出来。(P32)

19.agony/ ??g?ni / n. 极度的痛苦