广西省玉林市2019-2020学年英语七上期末模拟考试试题(1) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章广西省玉林市2019-2020学年英语七上期末模拟考试试题(1)更新完毕开始阅读98925a27e43a580216fc700abb68a98270feac67



1.— Can I help you? — ______. I need a sweater.

A.Yes, I do B.Thank you C.Yes, please D.Happy birthday 2.I know your brother. ___________ name is Tom. A.Her B.Your C.My D.His

3.The hats in that store are only 59 yuan. They are sale. A.for; on

B.fort; at

C.of; at

D.of; on

4.— Our National Day is coming. I’m very happy. — Yes. It’s on _________. A.October 1st

B.June 1st

C.September 10th D.May lst

5.—_______. Is this his pencil? —_______, I don’t know.

A.Sorry; Excuse me B.Sorry; OK C.Excuse me; Sorry D.Excuse me; Yes 6.— ___________ ? —It's 010-6563799. A.What's this

C.What's your phone number 7.Tom and Jack are good ____ . A.friend B.friends C.brother 8.Do you like rice _________ dinner? A.in




9.—Is Jack your brother?

— _______ . His father is my uncle. A.He is not B.Yes, he is C.No, he isn’t D.Yeah

10.﹣Is Anna's birthday on July 29th? ﹣Yes,________. A.she does C.she doesn't

11.—________were you born? —In 1981. A.What year

B.What time



12.This shirt is very small. I want a______ one. A.long B.short C.fine D.big

13.Have you found ____ easy for us to walk there? A.it B.this C.that D.those

14.Jack is at work. Please _______ his ID card to him. A.take B.bring C.carry D.need 15.— _________?

— Yes, please. I want to buy a skirt.

B.it is

B.How do you spell it D.What color is it

A.How are you

C.What can you do for me

B.Can I help you D.When is your birthday

16.We can buy the shorts ______ a very good ______.

A.at; price B.in; price C.to; sale D.at; selling 17.一Are these your_____ ? 一No, they're________.

A.books;my cousin B.books ;my cousin's C.book;my cousin D.book ; my cousin's

18.Li Ming, ______ is my aunt and ______ is a doctor. A.she; she A.her; they

B.this; she

B.hers; they

C.her; she

D.her; her

C.hers; these

19.----Are these books _______ ? -----Yes, ______ are.. 20.I like ________. Fruit, you know, is good for our health. A.potatoes B.bananas C.eggs D.pies(馅饼) 二、用所给的词填空


1.I don't have a dictionary,but my friend Alan ________(do). 2.The rulers are very good. I like ________(they). 3.I think tennis is ________(interest). 4.I love sports,but I ________(not play)them.

5.My brother ________(have)two basketballs and three baseballs.


1.Does he often practice___________ (play) the piano after school? 2.This pair of shoes _____________ (match) your red skirt. 3.Everyone need clean water _______________ (keep) healthy. 4.Keep quiet! Our teachers______________ (plan) a day out to Wuxi. 5.He usually makes us _______________ (get) up quite early. 三、句型转换 23.句型转换

1.This bike is eightydollars.( 对画线部分提问) ____ _____is this bike?

2.How about these red and blue T-shirts?( 改为同义句) ____ _____these red and blue T-shirts? 3.Mr.Cool's store sells bags.(改为否定句) Mr.Cool's store ____ _____bags.

4.How much is the sweater?( 改为同义句) ____ the ___ of the sweater?

5.I want a green T-shirt.(对画线部分提问) ____ _____you want? 四、完形填空

24.There’s a big shop near Mr Brown’s home . One morning the Browns go shopping in their 1 . In the shop they see a lot of 2 . Mrs Brown likes them very much . She 3 a shirt for their son ,a skirt for their daughter 4 a sweater for Mr Brown 5 buys

herself a blouse ,too . 6 about twelve o’clock ,they go home . But they lose their way . Mr Brown 7 over to an old man and asks ,“ 8 am I ? Please tell me .” The old man looks 9 him and the car .“You are in your car ,sir ”he 10 . 1.A.bus B.car C.train D.plane 2.A.food B.shoes C.hats D.clothes 3.A.buys B.sells C.makes D.borrows 4.A.but B.or C.so D.and 5.A.They B.He C.She D.Her 6.A.In B.For C.At D.On

7.A.leaves B.drives C.flies D.swims 8.A.Where B.What C.How D.Who 9.A.after B.at C.like D.for

10.A.reads B.listens C.sings D.says 25. Dear Tony,

Thank you very much _____ your letter. Shanghai ______ beautiful! I like Shanghai _______ I like China. Now I’m fine and I’m busy _____ my lessons. I have seven classes every day. There are ______ in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have nine subjects this term. I like math, biology and history. My _____ subject is science, because it’s very interesting. Yes, my English is very _____, and I like it, but I _____ like Chinese, because it is too difficult ______ me, and I can’t learn it well. Do you play soccer? Can you _____ Chinese? I hope you can come to China one day. Bob

1.A.to B.of C.for 2.A.be B.is C.are 3.A.so B.but C.and 4.A.at B.about C.with 5.A.four B.three C.two 6.A.best B.favorite C.like 7.A.good B.well C.better 8.A.isn’t B.doesn’t C.don’t 9.A.for B.to C.about 10.A.tell B.say C.speak 26. Dear Maria,

Thanks for your letter.Now I want to tell you about my weekdays.I 1 at 6:00 and I go to 2 at 7:00.

I have math at 3 and then I have science at 10:00. 4 is my favorite subject.I like science because it’s 5 .Mr.Zhao is our science 6 .I like him very much.I eat 7 at 2:00 and then I have music at 3:00.

I have history at 4:00.I 8 like history because it is boring.But I 9 like art and I want to be an 10 .I have art on Wednesday at 5:00. Yours, Jane

1.A.work B.get up C.study D.go to bed 2.A.home B.movie C.school D.work 3.A.6:00 B.9:00 C.1:00 D.2:00

4.A.Music B.Science C.English D.Chinese

5.A.boring B.difficult C.interesting D.relaxing 6.A.teacher B.partner C.classmate D.parent 7.A.breakfast B.dinner C.lunch D./ 8.A.not B.doesn’t C.don’t D.can’t 9.A.kind B.really C.sure D.well

10.A.artist B.actor C.teacher D.Musician 五、阅读理解

27.I love collecting old paving bricks very much.It is my favourite hobby. I started it last year when I needed to help our teacher to hold a fair display(展览)for our school. A few years earlier,I read an article about paving bricks in a fashion magazine.I found it was very interesting,so I decided to do the display on the bricks.But we didn't have so many bricks for a good display.Then I decided to go out and look for them.

Now I have collected hundreds of bricks.Most of them are from Ohio.Actually,there are more than one thousand different kinds of bricks in Ohio.Sometimes,I bought some old but special bricks on the Internet.The price is from 5 to 5 dollars for one brick.

Sometimes,some people can't understand why I buy bricks.I must say that it's my favourite hobby.And I will like collecting old paving bricks forever. 1.When did the writer begin to collect old paving bricks?

A.Last week. B.Last year. C.A few years ago. D.This year. 2.Why did the writer go out and look for bricks? A.Because he wanted to see more bricks.

B.Because they didn't have enough bricks for a good display. C.Because he wanted to collect more beautiful bricks. D.Because he wanted to make a big display. 3.What can we know from the passage? A.The writer's teacher is lazy.

B.The price of one brick is about 5 dollars.

C.The writer thinks It is fun to collect old paving bricks. D.The writer won't keep on collecting old paving bricks. 4.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.The writer came to know paving bricks on the Internet. B.The writer has collected hundreds of bricks. C.Ohio has over 1,000 different kinds of bricks.

D.Some people don't understand why the writer buys bricks. 5.What's the best title for the passage?

A.My hobby. B.A good display. C.Old paving bricks. D.My teacher.