七年级英语下册Unit2Neighbours易错题2牛津版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章七年级英语下册Unit2Neighbours易错题2牛津版更新完毕开始阅读98b6fc9b0166f5335a8102d276a20029bc646373

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1. People who live next to each other are n___________________.

2. Every year thousands of v__________from all over the world come to Guilin.

3. The boys want to be ________________to make delicious food for people in a big


4. Millie says that she ______________(be going to )go to Shanghai this summer. 5.Jack has a ________in the town and he has much ________(工作)to do every day. 6.One of her songs _________really lovely .I enjoy____________to it.(听,听起来) 7.One of the ______________(邻居)often helps me to clean the house. 8.Could ____________(某人)please turn on the lights ? 9.The window is b___________.It’s so cold.

10.The workers teach us new s__________and s_________their knoeledge with us. 11.It’s c______________.I think it’s going to rain. 12.I’m _______________(计划)a day out with friends tomorrow. 13.The ______________ sent me a letter just now.

14.If you want to know more i____________about the football match,please surf the Internet later.

15.There are four ________________(people)in each group in our class.


1. “Just a minute.”The ____________says with a smile. (wait) 2. “Where is your new house ?”It’s in _____________Street. (nine) 3._______________speak English and________________. (Canada)

4.Some of the students are afraid of ______________English before the whole class.(speak) 5.Let’s begin _______________Lesson Two. (learn)

6.Is it easy for her ________________a popular dress? (design) 7._______________with you is really fun. (chat)

8.My __________sister is two years __________than me. (old)

9._____________a minute ,please.Our _____________are coming here soon.(wait) 10.Good _________to you .You will be _____________enough to meet her tonight.(luck) 11.___________Jim _____________the next basketball match ? Yes,he is. (join) 12.I’m afraid she__________to school in an hour. (get)

13.We_______________very busy these days .But we ____________see this weekend.(be) 14.The trainers are those _____________( visit).

15.Mum’s ___________(four) birthday will come .I want to buy her a watch as a birthday present.

16What_______you _________these days? (do)

17The kind man usually _____________computers for others. (fix) 18.It’s so sunny.I don’t think it___________________(rain).

19.We _____________(meet)at the school gate at 8:00 a.m tomorrow ,shan’t we? 20.--_______Jim___________(join)the next basketball match? ---Of course he is . 21.I _____________(be) 15 years old next year.

22.He ____________(want)to be a doctor when he grows up. 23.I think these uniforms are the____________________.

24.Tom felt ill yesterday.He will be____________enough to go to school tomorrow. 25.Don’t be______________about your son.He can look after himself.

26.Millie ,with her family _______________in the new supermarket at present. 27.Our teacher often makes us _________some cleaning after school.

28._________they __________the museum this coming Sunday? Yes,I think so. 29.We should be __________to the people in need. (help) 30.Don’t go outside.It ________________. (rain)

31.Lucy with her parents ___________a day out the day before tomorrow now.(plan) 32.----When ______you ________?------At 8o’clock tomorrow morning. (leave)


( )1.The buildings there ________________14 floors. A. is B. are C. have D.has

( ) 2.What do you think of your neighbourhood? Great. We ________a big family.

A.are like B. like C. are liking D.likes

( )3.Can you cook eggs with tomatoes? Yes ,of course._______can do it. A. Anyone B. Someone C. Anything D.Something

( )4.Our new teacher ,Miss Li,____an old friend,______chatting with us in her free time.

A. like ,like B. likes, like C. like,likes D.likes,likes ( )5.Where do you live _________? A flat ________Sunshine Street. A. in ,in B.on ,in C. / , in D.in , on ( )6.They _________an English evening next Sunday.

A. are having B. are going to be C.will have D.will be ( )7.----Shall I get some milk for you soon? ------___________.

A. Yes,please B. Yes,you will C. No,please D.No, you won’t ( )8..It________the year of dog in 2018.

A. is going to be B. is going to C. will be D.will is ( )9.There _________two films here tomorrow.

A. is going to be B.are going to have C. are going to be D. is going to have ( )10.Where are you going ?I am going to the community centre_______help. A. to B. with C. for D.ask

( )11.Millie is a good swimmer,and she can swim_________a fish. A.likes B. is like C. like D.is likes ( )12.Is there _________with your computer?

A. something wrong B. wrong something C.anything wrong D.wrong anything ( )13.Would you like ____________? No, that’s all.

A.other something B. otheranything C. something else D.anything else ( )14.This kind of T-shirt looks _________and sells _______.

A. good ,well B. well ,good C. good ,good D.well ,well ( )15.I don’t have __________to do there.

A. something B. anything C.nothing D. everything

( )16.It’s 7 o’clock .His family ____________dinner in the dining room. A. have B. has C. is having D. are having ( )17.----Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon ? ------____________. A. Yes,please B.Yes,you will C. No,please D.will,is ( )18.________open the window?

A. Will you please B. Please will you C.You please D.Do you ( )19.There __________a heavy rain here tomorrow.

A. is going to have B. are going to have C.is going to be D.are going to be ( )20.I have two sister .They are ____________.

A. all policemen B.all the policewomen

C. both policemen D.both the policewomen

( )21.---Dad ,Jack’s father ____going to buy some bread.___we buy some,too? ---OK,dear.

A. will,Will B. will, Shall C. is ,Shall D.are, Shall ( )22.We all know that________girls like beautiful dresses. A.most B. most of C.mostly D.the most ( )23.We should help each other because ______needs help. A.something B. anything C.someone D.anyone ( )24.I hope ___________________.

A. you can come to my party B. you to come to my party C. she will come my party D.her to come my party

( )25.You mustn’t tell______this thing because it’s a secret.(秘密) A. anyone B. everyone C. no one D.are going to fly ( )26.He writes his _____novel when he is __________.

A. forth;forty B. fourth;fourty C. fourth;forty D.four;fortieth ( )27.—Where is your brother? ---He is in Beijing .He ___back in three days. A. will comes B.comes C. will be D.is

( )28.There is ______in the fridge.Can you help me to buy some food? A. something else B.anything else C. nothing else D.other something