1992年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章1992年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷更新完毕开始阅读9998b612cec789eb172ded630b1c59eef8c79a81


Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

Time was—and not so many years ago, either—when the average citizen took a pretty dim view of banks and Banking. That this was so, it should be said, was to no small extent the fault of banks and bankers themselves. Banks used to be—and a few still are—forbidding structures. Behind the little barred windows were, more often than not, elderly gentlemen whose expression of friendliness reflected the size of the customer’s account, and nothing less than a few hundred thousand in the bank could have inspired the suggestion of a smile.

21. The author believes that the unfriendly atmosphere in banks many years ago was chiefly due to ________.

A) the outer appearance of bank buildings B) unfriendliness of customers toward banks C) economic pressure of the time D) the attitude of hankers

22. The banks of many years ago showed interest only in ________. A) regular visitorsB) rich customersC) friendly businessmenD) elderly

gentlemen 23. When did banks begin to grow human? A) Sometime before the war.B) A few years ago.C) During the war. D) In the last century. 24. What helped to push the “humanization” of banks?

A) More and more “little” people became customers of banks. B) The elderly gentlemen in banks were replaced by women. C) More banks were set up in small and medium-sized towns. D) The size of the customer’s account was greatly increased.

25. Average People seldom borrowed money from bank in the bank because


A) the bank buildings looked forbidding B) they were comparatively rich before the war C) they thought it was not proper to be in debt D) they rarely spent more than they could earn Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

Last summer, Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole announced a new rule:

Unless states representing two-thirds of the country’s population pass compulsory (强制性的) seat-belt-use laws by April 1989, all new vehicles will have to be fitted with air bags or automatic seat belts.

26. Before 1989, in the United States ________.

A) the use of seat belts was not compulsory for the majority of the population B) a new law requiring the use of seat belts had just been passed

C) people had to choose between the use of seat belts or the use of air bags D) almost fifty percent of the people involved in car accidents were saved by seat Belts 27. The word “trapped” (Para. 3, Line 3) means to be ________.

A) held up in a traffic jamB) confined in the car C) caught in an accidentD) pulled into a car

28. One of the reasons why many drivers refuse to wear seat belts is because


A) they don’t think that it is comfortable to wear seat belts

B) they don’t believe that an accident involving a terrible driver is highly

probable C) they believe that no danger is involved in just driving a few blocks D) they think that few drivers are willing to wear seat belts 29. It can be inferred from the passage that ________. A) seat belts should be replaced by air bags B) eighty-five percent of all drivers are likely to Break traffic rules C) all drivers, whether good or bad, are liable to have an accident at one time or another D) wearing seat belts will get drivers out of dangerous situations 30. The purpose of the writer in writing this passage is ________. A) to urge the government to pass the law sooner B) to tell how dangerous car-driving can be C) to criticise those who refuse to use seat belts D) to prove the necessity of the new rule

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

For well over 2000 years the world’s great religions have taught the virtues of a trusting heart. Now there is another reason to merit the wisdom of the ages: scientific evidence indicates that those with trusting hearts will live longer, healthier lives.

31. According to the author, people with trusting hearts are ________.

A) usually intelligent and wiseB) usually very religious

C) less likely to get heart diseasesD) not likely to be mistreated by others 32. The book by Meyer Friedman and Ray H. Rosenman most probably discusses


A) friendliness and hostility B) trust and mistrust of people C) heart diseases and death rate

D) people’s characters and their blood types

33. According to the passage, if you have a fixed idea in mind that people will

mistreat you, you will always find it ________.

A) to be disappointingB) to be pleasingC) to be wrongD) to be so 34. A cynic, in the passage, is a person ________.

A) who is always ready to fight

B) who usually has doubts about the people around him C) whose behaviour usually leads to serious health problems D) whose behaviour usually seems strange to the people he knows 35. The author’s intention in writing the passage is to ________.

A) advise people to be patientB) analyze the danger of heart diseases C) persuade people to be trustfulD) praise the wisdom of the old people Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. “Time is a problem for kids,” states a news report for a new Swiss watch. Children in some countries “learn time slowly” because “they don’t wear watches” and “parents don’t really know how to teach them time”. The kids grow up with this handicap and become adults—and then can’t get to work on time. Is there an answer to this problem? of course—it’s the Flik Flak, made by a famous Swiss watch company. 36. From the news report we know that ________.

A) parents are patient when teaching children time B) parents have little idea of how to teach children time C) children tend to learn time quickly D) children enjoy wearing the Flik Flak watch 37. The author doesn’t seem to believe ________.

A) children will be on time if they have learnt how to tell time B) a Flik Flak can help parents teach their children how to tell time C) the Flik Flak can capture children’s imagination

D) children usually have trouble telling time if they don’t wear watches 38. The word “handicap” (Para. 1, Line 4) means ________.

A) displeasureB) discouragementC) disappointmentD) disadvantage 39. Flik and Flak in the passage stand for ________.

A) a tall boy and a beautiful girlB) the minute hand and the hour hand C) the Swiss watch companyD) the designers of the watch

40. The United States sales manager calls the new watch kidproof because


A) it is designed to teach children to be on time B) it proves to be effective in teaching children time C) it is made so as not to be easily damaged by children D) it is the children’s favourite watch

Part II Reading Comprehension

21. D 22. B 23. A 24. 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. 31. C 32. D 33. D 34. 36. B 37. A 38. D 39. B C C B 25. 30. 35. 40. C D C C