四川省成都市第七中学2019届高三二诊模拟考试英语试题【含答案解析】 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章四川省成都市第七中学2019届高三二诊模拟考试英语试题【含答案解析】更新完毕开始阅读9abbb2a0b80d6c85ec3a87c24028915f814d846d

67. if/w hen/once 68. him 短文改错

69. the

70. is reserved

Teachers and students are the main parts in education, so it’s essential to handle the relationship betw een teachers and students w ise. As educators, teachers need to aw are that they are the key to

w isely


make the teaching process function w ell. We should undertake the important responsibility to making


educate students from various backgrounds and w ith different academic level. Only by being patient levels

and thoughtful can they cultivate a future hope of this country. Students, on the other hand, plays a the


vital role in learning. It is critical for them to respect their teachers, that is becoming less popular w hich

now adays. It’s agreed that students learning better if they trust and respect their teachers. All in all, learn

a harmonious teacher-student relationship benefits from education greatly.

书面表达 One possible version (123 w ords) Dear James,

I am delighted to hear from you and feel excited about your intention of university study in China. You are w armly w elcome!

Peking University is on top of my recommendation list. It’s appealing to students home and abroad because of its high academic level and abundant cultural diversity. So it has been my ideal university, for w hich I have w orked hard many years. To be frank, studying for a degree in a different country isn’t easy. You’d better equip yourself w ith the basic Chinese language skills in addition to some core know ledge about Chinese customs. Of course, your w onderful academic competency is a must as w ell.

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Let’s w ork hard together and hope to meet you there! Best w ishes,

Yours, Li Hua


Text 1

M: It’s 8:20. I know the station gives a 10-minute new s update every hour on the hour, but w hen is the w eather report?

W: 15 minutes after the new s. Text 2

M: Would you like to come w ith me to get a keyboard? Mine keeps shutting off.

W: Sure, that sounds like a good idea. I’ve been thinking about getting a new mouse for my computer, and they have both of those at the electronics store. Text 3

M: The music and flow ers are lovely.

W: Yes, and the bride is so beautiful. Look at the groom. He looks so happy. M: Yes. They w ere meant to be together.

Text 4

W: Do you still w ork for the bank?

M: No. There w as too much pressure, so I quit. W: How is your new job?

M: It’s not stressful at all, but I’m paid much less now. Text 5

W: What do you think of my paper, Professor Wang? M: It’s good, but you can still do better.

W: You mean I need to completely rew rite the paper?

M: No, you just need to make a few corrections. I’ve marked the places for you.

Text 6

W: Of course I’ll pick you up, Kevin. You’re my favorite cousin. Great. I’ll see you at three o’clock! Have a great trip! Bye. (Phone rings.) Hello? M: Claudia?It’s Professor Albee. W: Oh, hi, Professor Albee.

M: Well, Ms Leska is sick today. She has a class from 2 to 4pm. Can you teach her class?

W: Oh, sorry. My cousin is visiting this w eek from Seattle and he arrives today at three. Well…w ait. Ms Leska alw ays helps me—I’d love to help her out. Listen, my roommate Tara can go to the bus station and meet my cousin. 共 12 页 第 14 页 M: That’s great! Thanks a lot. See you at 1:30.

Text 7

M: What did you think of the comedy, Ellen?

W:The lines w ere very humorous. But the plot w as not so good. I think that they usually don’t have a good story to tell, but I really liked the leading male character.

M: I agree w ith you. I also thought the music w as great—it w as so beautiful, and the scenes in the movie w ere fantastic. Anyw ay, I think it w as definitely w orth w atching. W: So w ould you recommend this movie to anyone? M: Yes, I think I’ll recommend it to David. W: But adventure is alw ays his favorite.

M: Yes. But this comedy may help him w ith his w riting project. Did you know that he is w riting a drama?

W: Ah, yes, that’s right.

Text 8

W: Who w rote this? It’s completely w rong! M: What do you mean?

W: Just look at it! The accident w asn’t on Thursday! It w as on Tuesday! The accident happened at lunchtime! Don’t you remember w hat happened? It w as a girl, not a boy, lying on the road, and she hadn’t tripped over anything. She had just slipped because the road w as w et from the rain. M: OK. Everything about the truck and the car is right?

W: Why do you think there w as a truck? It w as a minibus, and the minibus driver w as fine. The person w ho flew out of the minibus w as a passenger sitting at the front.

M: So it w as the passenger on the minibus w ho w as injured. I guess the information about the car is correct?

W: It is, but I think that is personal information and w e shouldn’t print it in the new spaper, so cancel the entire paragraph. M: OK.

Text 9

W: Would you please describe the nature of your farm?

M: Sure. I mainly grow corn and w heat for feed crops. I do only grow cotton w hen the cotton prices are better.

W: How many employees do you have?

M: 10 together. Seven of them are part-time employees. W: do you pay them hourly or are they salaried?

M: I pay them by the hour because sometimes they only w ork a few hours and other times they w ork many hours. Therefore, it w ouldn’t be fair for them to get a w eekly or monthly salary year round.

W: How many hours do you w ork as the ow ner?

M: In the w inter I w ork eight hours a day, but in the spring, summer and autumn I w ork 12 to 13 hours a day. Many times our w ork depends on the w eather. For example, if the crops need w ater and it hasn’t rained, the employees must irrigate the fields w hich can take many hours. At other times, I 共 12 页 第 15 页

spend my time in checking my fields for pests, and if I find any, I have to apply farm chemicals. If my machinery breaks dow n, I have to call in the repairman to fix it. Of course, I must also make sure any crops get harvested w hen they are ready.

W:If you w ere to start a new farm, w hat changes w ould you make? M: I w ouldn’t make many changes. Right now my farm is very successful.

Text 10

Thank you for coming to our school today. Our school is the most w ell-know n public high school in the city. It has a long history and its origin can be traced back to the early tw entieth century. We have prepared some events that w e hope you w ill enjoy.

At 9.15 am, our headmaster w ill give a w elcome speech in the school hall. The speech w ill end at9.30 am. After the speech, a few students w ill put on performances in the school hall. You’ll leave the hall by 10.30 am. After leaving the school hall, you’ll take a guided tour of the school. The tour w ill last an hour. After the tour, you’ll go to an exhibition at 11.40, w here you’ll learn a little more about the history of our school. You’ll be able to explore the exhibition until 12.20. after that, you’ll go to the dining hall and have lunch there. Lunch w ill last for 45 minutes. There w ill be a 20 -minute break after lunch, after w hich you’ll be show n to the school library, w here you can have a look at our collections of books, magazines and new spapers. And that w ill be the end of the arrangements for today. Now please follow me.

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