(新版)外研社(三年级起点)小学英语四年级下册全册教案 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(新版)外研社(三年级起点)小学英语四年级下册全册教案 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读9ae1e67dbf64783e0912a21614791711cc7979c9

Ask the students “Will they do the housework? Yes or No ?” Practice reading the answer: Yes, they will. Show the card and put on the blackboard. (2.) Get them to answer the question: Will they do our homework? (板书) Show the word card (our)and practice reading . Do our homework Will they do our homework? 男女生读,单个读。 T asks the whole class “Will they do our homework ? yes or no ?” 读卡No , they won’t . Practice reading the answer : No , they won’t . (3) Get them to look at screen. Will they help children learn? Encourage them say out the sentence. Get them to answer: They will help children learn. 板书 Show the word card (learn ) and write “They will help children learn .” (4.) Yes, one day, robots will do everything. Show the word card (one day, everything) and practice reading. Step 3 Practice 1. Read the sentences on the blackboard together. 2. let’s say a chant . Will they do the housework? Yes, they will .Yes, they will. Will they do our homework? No, they won’t . No, they won’t . Robots will do everything. Robots will do everything.

示范后齐读两遍。 3. Listen and repeat. Now look at your books, listen and repeat. 4. Practice in pairs and show. let’s say it in different roles . Group one is Sam and group 2 is Daming. 5. Activity 3 in the students’book . Point and say. Say in pairs and show then. Show on the screen at the same time. 6. Look at the pictures. guess what will they do by asking “will they …? Or They will …” Step 4 summary Today we learned “It will”句型以及情态动词“can”描述动作。Can you? 四.Homework: 画一个机器人,并使用“This is .. It can . It will 等句型进行描述 板书设计 查看更多内容请链接:德被天下http://jianyi-le.blog.163.com/ 教学后记:

备课人 课 题 使用人 学科 课时 英语 6 On Monday I’ll go swimming.

1.使学生能根据提示认读表示星期名称的单词; 教学目标 2.能口头运用句型On Monday I’ll go swimming.来描述自己的计划; 3.通过学唱星期歌来激发学生学习兴趣; 重点:学会如何谈论计划; 教学重难点 难点:1.星期名称的表达; 2.在日常生活中能熟练运用目标语言谈论自己的计划。 教学准备 教学过程 个性化设计 一、Warm up. Contents: 1 Sing songs. 2 Greetings and do free talk. 3 Play a game. Methods:1 Sing songs(1)Twelve months. (2)London Bridge is falling down. (3)The Zoo (4)I’m listening to music. 二Presentation 1 Talking about weeks.让学生说说星期的由来;提到Sunday是一周的第一天,Saturday是一周的最后一天,在日历中以前三个字母大写体现出来,方法与月份一样并举例;把同学们带来的资料贴在班级的English Corner上进行交流。

2 Show task.假期到了,珊珊给自己制定了一个美好的活动计划,她想邀请你和你的朋友们一起玩,今天,我们要通过学习给自己制定一个计划,找到兴趣相同的朋友,和珊珊一起过一个快乐的假期,OK? Purposes:1 让学生把上网查找到的资料拿到班级来交流,培养学生跨文化意识,增加学生的知识面,也让学生把这些知识带给家长、朋友,起到传播文化的桥梁作用。 2 学习的知识要能在生活中找到影子,否则就没有实践意义。 3 展示任务,学生通过努力学习,给自己制订一个活动计划,寻找兴趣相同的朋友,促进学生团结,增强友谊。 三Consolidation 1 Learn new words about weeks. 采用直拼法教学让学生寻找发音规律。(边教边板书) 2 Look at a video and sing the song.看《英语小天才》、听歌曲帮助学生记忆。 3 Answer my questions.示三个单词: