八年级英语下册Unit4AgoodreadGrammar教案(新版)牛津版 联系客服

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Unit 4 A good read Grammar

教 学 目 标 重点 难点 教学 准备 教 学 设 计 详 案 A Using question words + to-infinitives Step Ireview 1 We extract from Gulliver's Travels, but it’s not a complete story and we don’t know what you tell me? Step IIpresentation (2) I did not know use a question word with a to-infinitive after a verb. 3补充练习:同义句转换。 (1) Gulliver did not know where l We must obey school rules when we're at school. What school rules do we ’t we do? 2We use must when the speaker feels that something is necessary. We use must not to say that something is not allowed. 1 1 To study wh- +to do . 2 must & have to To develop students’ reading skills by both skimming and scanning. To improve students’ interest of reading famous novels. Multimedia; 二次备课内容 提醒学生:Have to we’re in the library? must、 mustn’t、’t Shirley some library rules. Look at page 56. Complete what she says with must, must not, have to or do not have to 1. Write a short passage about your idea. 作业设计 2. Try to read the book of Gulliver’s Travels. 教学反思