外研版七年级英语下册Module 9 Life history单元随堂练习(含答案) 联系客服

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Module 9单元随堂练习

Unit 1 He left school and began work at the age of twelve.

I. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。 1. His sister was born in D_____ 2001.

2. Did you r_____ to school when you were a girl? 3. Children’s Dai is on J _____ 1. 4. I v_____ my grandpa last Sunday. 5. —Did you t_____ by car? —No, I didn’t. II. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. When he was at home, he _____ (study) computer science. 2. ―Who _____ (push) the door? ―Mary did. 3. He _____ (not watch) TV last night.

4. He _____ (join) the piano club in November, 2005.

5. ____ he _____ (like) to swim when he was in the primary school.

III. 汉译英。(每空一词) 1. 他出生于1997年5月。 He ____ born _____ May 1997. 2. 我昨晚听收音机了。

I _____ _____ the radio last night. 3. 去年在海滩上你有一所房子吗?

Did you have a house _____ ______ ______ last year? 4. —你什么时候遇见你的朋友的?—上周。 ―_____ did you _____ your friend? ―Last Week. 5. 在八月我们乘飞机游览了上海。 We _____ Shanghai ____ plane in August.

Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.

I. 短语翻译。

1. 在十四岁时 _________________ 2. 加入一个剧团 ________________ 3. 开始写戏剧 _________________ 4. 毕业 _________________ 5. 擅长…… _____________ II. 单项选择。

1. ―How ______ you go to Shanghai last week? ― By plane.

A. do B. did C. was D. were

2. He decided to _____ a writer when he finished school. A. be B. make C. find D. change

3. ―Who sang the song? ―S.H.E. _________.

A. do B. was C. does D. did 4. He ______ carefully, but he _____ nothing. A. heard, listened B. listened to, heard C. heard, listened to D. listened, heard 5. ―_____ you start writing plays? ― At twenty.

A. When do B. What time are C. When are D. When did

III. 单句改错。 1. He didn’t liked the TV play. A B C D 2. Where was she go last night? A B C D

3. The manager decided stopped the plan at last. A B C D 4. What do you like Chinese food? A B C D

5. Lu Xun was one of the most famous writer in China. A B C D

Unit 3 Language in use

I. 根据句意及汉语提示,完成句子。

1. The man ______ (与……结婚) a beautiful girl last month. 2. His family _______ (搬到) to a new house last year. 3. I want to_____ (参加) the football club this holiday. 4. My brother works in a big _______ (公司).

5. It _____ (下雪) last night and there is some snow on the ground now.

II. 从方框中选择动词,并用其适当形式填空。

study, like, begin, enjoy, hurry 1. He _____Shakespeare’s plays very much. 2. They _____ going shopping when they were free. 3. Where ____you ____in 2004?

4. The singer’s concert _____ at 7:00 tomorrow. 5. When he heard the bell, he ____ to open the door.

III. 汉译英。(每空一词) 1. 五月是旅游的好月份。