中考英语一轮复习第一篇教材梳理篇课时训练19Units9-10(九全)练习(新版)人教新目标版 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章中考英语一轮复习第一篇教材梳理篇课时训练19Units9-10(九全)练习(新版)人教新目标版更新完毕开始阅读9c6e212550d380eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e3f6a


B.secretly and angrily

C.suddenly and impolitely

D.carefully and slowly

24.Gina thought the first cup of tea was .

A.bitter B.salty C.sweet D.hot

25.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Unhappy things always happened to Gina.

B.Gina was invited to her friend’s home for tea.

C.When we taste life patiently, we can feel happy.

D.Whenever we have trouble, we should drink tea.


26.The (导演) of the movie is very famous. We like him very much.

27.Remember to (关上) the door when you leave the room.

28.Our teacher (表扬) him because of his high grades.

29.I like listening to (悦耳的) music when I feel tired.

30.The moon (映射) on the lake and was very beautiful.




drop by after all cheer up stick to depend on shut off make an effort take off plenty of get mad

31. your dream and it will come true one day.

32.We went to the Children’s Hospital to the sick children.

33.Do you often your friends’ homes if you are free?

34. , two heads are better than one.

35.Whether we will go out for a picnic or not this weekend the weather.

36.The plane didn’t at the right time because of the bad weather.

37.Students are supposed the water after washing hands.

38.When we meet friends, we should to be on time.

39.Tim because his mother didn’t buy him a mobile phone.

40.We need money to build a new bridge near the village.


Are you still doing the V for a victory sign? It’s out. The latest popular hand gesture(手势) is putting both of your hands together to make a heart shape. It is 41. “hand heart”.



Many young pop 42. in the US have done the move in recent photos. “The ‘hand heart’ gesture means something 43. ‘I love you’ and ‘thank you’,” said Taylor Swift, the country singer.“You can send a sweet, simple message without 44. a word.” Swift often does it at her concerts. And she is believed to be the first to 45. it popular.

Last month, Justin Bieber and 46. superstar friends did the “hand heart” and put the photos online. They did it to help out three kids whose parents were killed in a car accident.

It used to take much 47. for nonverbal(非言语的) culture to move. But now, it moves faster 48. we have smartphones and the Internet.

In the Republic of Korea, the “hand heart” has been 49. for a long time, but in a different 50. . People there put their hands above their heads and make a bigger heart shape with their arms. It means “I love you”.


Ⅰ. 1.B

2.D 本句的先行词是the movies,指物,且关系代词在定语从句中作主语,故关系代词应为that或which。结合选项可知,that符合题意。who引导定语从句时修饰人,what和how均不能引导定语从句。故选D。


4.C 分析题干可知此处定语从句修饰的名词the city表示地点,所以定语从句用where来引导,where在定语从句中用作地点状语。故选C。



5.C 分析句子结构可知,先行词指人,且在从句中作主语,应用who引导。故选C。

6.C be worth doing sth.意为“值得做某事”;plan to do sth.意为“计划做某事”。故选C。

7.D 8.C 9.A 10.B

Ⅱ.[主旨大意] 本文是一篇说明文。春节是中国最重要的一个节日。本文从春节的意义、风俗习惯、各国各地庆祝春节的活动等方面描述了中国的春节。

11.B 考查名词辨析。根据上文“人们贴春联迎接新年”及生活常识可推知,此空表示“对过去的一年说再见”。say goodbye to 意为“对……说再见”。故选B。

12.C 考查动词短语辨析。根据生活常识可知,在春节第一天,人们穿着新衣服出去。故选C。

13.C 考查形容词辨析。根据生活常识可知,在春节时孩子们从父母及亲戚那里得到红包。故选C。

14.A 考查形容词辨析。根据上文“the Spring Festival is celebrated not only in China”可推断,春节不只在中国被庆祝,世界的其他地方也有人庆祝春节。other修饰复数名词; others相当于“other+复数名词”,后面不再接名词;another表示“另一的”,修饰单数名词。故选A。

15.B 考查动词辨析。congratulate意为“祝贺”;celebrate意为“庆祝”;happen意为“发生”。上文提到春节也被世界的其他地方所庆祝,由此可推断英国也庆祝春节。故选B。

16.C 考查介词辨析。根据上句“Every new year, people also get together and have lots of activities.”可推知,这里应为活动。dance to music表示“随着音乐跳舞”。故选C。

17.C 考查名词辨析。根据后面的“in the cinema”可知,在电影院里应该是看电影。故选C。

18.B 考查动词辨析。根据后面的“a large evening party to welcome the traditional new year”及语境可知,此处应该是参加派对来迎接新年。join in意为“参加”。故选B。
