2019-2020学年初三英语二模题型汇编--阅读回答问题(学生版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2019-2020学年初三英语二模题型汇编--阅读回答问题(学生版)更新完毕开始阅读9cf5d332541252d380eb6294dd88d0d233d43c25



Andrew Bennett talked for the first time about the night his wife was killed. The judge thought it was he who killed his wife. Now he wrote to a magazine from the prison about what happened on the night of November 23, 1995.

“I had to stay late at the hospital that night to do an operation. I left at about 11 pm. I drove home slowly because the weather was terrible. The wind was

blowing and it was raining heavily, I was turning into our road when a man suddenly ran in front of my car, I almost hit him but I stopped just in time. I was frightened and the men looked frightened, too. I got out of the car but he ran away before I could ask if he was all right. It was very strange. When I got home, the lights were on but it was very quiet, I called to my wife but there was no answer. Then I remembered that she was out at a concert.

“I was still very upset about what happened on the road. So I went to have a bath. Then I saw that the window in the bathroom was open. This was strange because my wife always locked the doors and windows before she went out. She was afraid of burglars. When I went to close it, I found Ellen lying there, blood everywhere, I rushed over and felt for her pulse but she was dead. I sat on the floor beside her body and was too frightened to do anything.

“The next thing I knew was the sky was getting bright, I can’t remember a thing about that night. In the morning I phoned the police. They arrived half an hour after I phoned them. But it seemed like a few hours. During that time I tried hard to remember anything I could about the night before, I couldn’t stop thinking about the man in the road. What was he doing on that night in our quiet neighborhood? Why did he look so frightened? Why did he run away?”

88. Did Andrew Bennett write the letter at home?

89. How did Andrew Bennett succeed in avoiding(避免) a traffic accident that nearly happened? 90. What did Andrew Bennett’s wife want to do that night?

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91. What were the two strange things that Andrew Bennett mentioned (提到)? 92. How long did it take the police to get to Andrew Bennett’s house ? 93 Who do you think might be the murderer(杀人犯) ? Give at least two reasons.


A live-streaming app(直播应用)that monitors(监控)students in classrooms in some middle schools has raised a lot of online discussion. It was reported that any user app Shuidi could see inside classrooms. Some parents have praised the app for giving them the chance to monitor their children, while others worry about privacy problems, Do you think the app is a good idea? I strongly support this app. Nowadays, children play an important role in the whole family, and parents always want to care for their children, wherever they are. This new platform(平台)helps parents see what their children are doing in classes. It’s also a good way to make students behave themselves in school. I’m in favor of this app if parents get their children’s permission(准许)first. The app could help parents focus on children’s had habits. It could also be used as a tool to prevent bullying(霸凌). However, parents should get their permission first to protect their privacy. I think this app is a bad idea. Schools should be a pleasant and relaxing place for students to study and play. But we will feel uncomfortable if cameras are watching us all the time. We should pay attention to our privacy. Our lives shouldn’t be watched by the public. 2 / 18

Any form of privacy invasion(侵犯)shouldn’t be allowed. Although some parents want to know more about their children, they should do it in a better way. Being under the eye of stranger is too dangerous. Answer the questions

88. Can any use of a living-streaming app see inside classroom?

89. In Linda’s opinion, what does this new platform help both parents and students? 90. According to Jeff, what are the advantages of this app if parents get their permission first to protect their privacy? 91. Why does Betty think this app is a bad idea?

92. What form does David think is too dangerous?

93. Are you in favor of having monitoring equipment in your school? Why?


Stephen Glenn is a famous American scientist who has made several very important medical breakthroughs (突破). Many people were dying to know the secrets to his fantastic achievements. To solve the mystery, a reporter interviewed him asking why he was able to be so much more creative than the average person.

Stephen Glenn said that it all came from an experience with his mother that occurred when he was about four years old. He tried to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and it fell, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor - a real sea of milk!

Instead of shouting at him, giving him a lecture or punishing him, his mother said. “Steve, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”

Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “You know, Steve, whenever you make a mess like this,

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eventually you have to clean it up and restore all the things to proper order. So, we should clean it up.” He used sponge (海绵) and together they cleaned up the spilled milk.

His mother then said, “You have a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hand. Let’s go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it.” The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson!

This famous scientist said that it was at that moment that he knew____________________________.Instead, he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new, which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about. Even if the experiment doesn’t work, we usually learn something valuable from it. 88. Stephen Glenn is more creative than an ordinary person, isn’t he?

_____________________________________________________________________. 89. How old was Stephen when the experience with his mother happened?

_____________________________________________________________________. 90. What did his mother ask him to do when Stephen spilled the milk all over the floor? _____________________________________________________________________. 91. How can a little boy carry a big bottle without dropping it?

_____________________________________________________________________. 92. What can be filled in the blank to complete the sentence in the last paragraph?

It was at that moment that he knew________________________________. 93. What do you think of Stephen’s mother? Give two reasons.

I think she is a__________ mother because____________________________________.


On Friday, 7 June, an Italian Airline flight was ready to leave Rome for Tokyo in Japan. All the passengers were on the plane. The departure time was 21:00. The seatbelts were turned on, so passengers were not allowed to stand up and had to stay in their seats. Then something unusual happened.

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