2019-2020学年初三英语二模题型汇编--阅读回答问题(学生版) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章2019-2020学年初三英语二模题型汇编--阅读回答问题(学生版)更新完毕开始阅读9cf5d332541252d380eb6294dd88d0d233d43c25

A woman decided that she had to go to the toilet. So she got up and walked to the back of the plane. The toilet door was clearly marked TOILET, but the woman opened a door next to the toilet. This door was the emergency exit and, when she opened it, the evacuation slide(逃生滑梯) opened. Because of this, the plane was not able to take off.

All the passengers had to leave the plane. When the evacuation slide has opened, there are two possibilities. Workers can change the slide at the airport, but the light will be delayed for a long time. Or the plane can take off without an evacuation slide and replace it when it has landed, but the number of passengers on the plane must be smaller for safety reasons.

Thirty-eight passengers had to stay at a hotel at the airport and take another flight the next day. The other passengers got back on the plane, and it finally took off at 05:10 on Saturday morning. It arrived in Tokyo at 14:10. Some passengers found that their luggage was still in Italy. But perhaps they were lucky…

88. What city was the Italian Airlines flight ready to fly to?

_____________________________________________________________________. 89. Passengers on the plane were allowed to stand up and walk about, weren’t they? _____________________________________________________________________. 90. Why was the flight delayed?

_____________________________________________________________________. 91. In what situation can the plane take off without the evacuation slide?

_____________________________________________________________________. 92. How long did it take the plane to get to the destination?

_____________________________________________________________________. 93. Do you think the passengers on the plane lucky or unlucky? Why?



It was a cool spring morning back in 2009 and I had just started a morning shift as a school crossing guard. Looking out for the children, I suddenly noticed something at sideways. Behind me I first thought it was a small, overweight dog heading towards me. I didn't think much about it, and looked carefully at any approaching children,

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as well as enjoying the morning sun.

What is wrong with that dog? I thought later on, as I looked back to check on the small dog—it was moving much too fast for itself.

A few minutes later, I felt as if I was being watched, I looked behind me, but the dog had disappeared. Then, as I slowly turned my attention back to the road, I was greatly surprised to see a large koala at my feet and staring right

up at me.

A number of different solutions crossed my mind. But staying calm was the best. “Are you waiting to cross the road?” I asked the sweet koala. Miss Koala looked away, and scratched (抓挠) behind her car.

Then it got up on all four feet and impatiently started to cross the road. I quickly checked for any cars, then walked to the road with my stop sign held high, whistle (吹哨) to my lips, and held my breath.

The koala made it to the other side of the street, then continued following the path through the trees and disappeared into bushes.

So why did the koala cross at the school crossing? To safely get to the trees on the other side! 88. Is the writer a school crossing guard or an animal protection volunteer? ______________________________________________. 89. Where did the writer notice the little animal?

______________________________________________. 90. What did the writer choose among the different solutions? ______________________________________________.

91. Which word showed that koala didn’t realize the danger when crossing the road? ______________________________________________. 92. How did the writer help koala cross the road?

______________________________________________. 93. What do you think of the koala cross at the school crossing? Why? ______________________________________________.


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Ned and Miles are students at different colleges. Ned applies for an online school, while Miles. attends classes on a school campus. The two students each believe that their school system is better than the other. Ned: Hey, Miles. Are you free to see a movie tomorrow night?

Miles: Sorry, no. I'll have a class tomorrow and a lot of homework to finish up.

Ned: Oh, that's too bad. I'm so glad I take classes online. I can decide when, where and how to complete my

lessons. It saves a lot of time.

Miles: It sounds good, but I actually really enjoy going to class because it's a great way to get to know other

people. It also helps me learn how to work well with others. If I don't understand something, I'm always able to ask about it in person. That saves me a lot of time and prevents misunderstanding.

Ned: In an online class, I have to think thoroughly(彻底地)before asking questions. That teaches me how to

solve problems on my own.

Miles: Do you ever run into technical(技术上的)problems in your online classes? If you can't open a file, how

can you continue your learning?

Ned: It's not a big problem. I can email the teacher or contact another student for help.

Miles: But answering questions through emails takes too much time. You may fall behind on your studies. Ned: You can fall behind, too. What if you get sick or your class gets canceled because the weather is bad?

Those aren't problems for online classes.

Miles: Yes, but there's usually a make-up(弥补)class if a class is canceled.

Ned: In an online class, I don't have to worry about missing classes for any reason. I can always review the

previous(之前的)lessons online.

Miles: Don't you feel lonely sometimes? I would feel lonely if I had to learn on my own.

Ned: I'm confident in learning by myself. Besides, an online class gives me more free time to take part in other


Miles: I still prefer having classmates to brainstorm and discuss ideas with. I believe that improves my learning

all the time.

Ned: I'm pretty self-disciplined(自律的), and I work better on my own. I can't focus when working with


Miles: I guess everybody learns differently.

81. Ned prefers attending classes on a school campus to studying online, doesn't he?

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82. Why can't Miles go to see the movie with Ned?

83. What can Ned do if there's a technical problem?

84. If Ned gets sick, how can he catch up with the missing classes? 85. According to Miles, what improves his learning all the time? 93.Which kind of school system do you like better? Give your reason(s).


Dear Judy

Sister, how are you?

I woke up this morning. It's nearly Easter. Whenever it is Easter. I think of you. I'll never forget seeing you for the first time when you were born. You were the sweetest little baby wrapped in a soft white blanket. How I loved kissing and holding you! I was a teenager and loved carrying you around. Sometimes people asked if you were my baby. I must have looked like a very young mother, but how proud I was in those moments.

However, things started to change for me as I never felt quite wanted. How sad when it was that I felt so jealous(嫉妒的) of you.

Before your arrival. Mum was in no hurry to buy the things that I needed. But later I always had to wait and wait for her to pay my school fees or buy books and clothes. Everything was always late! How much more upsetting that my birthday and Christmas presents were only ever things that I urgently(急迫地)needed, such nightdress and books?

Your situation was different and Mum always made sure that you had the best of everything quickly. when you

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