2018届高三高考仿真卷(二)英语试题含答案 联系客服

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C. Tom Jones. D. Emma.

22. What does Samuel Johnson think we can learn about from the book Clarissa?

A. A love story.

B. Quarrels in a family.

C. The human heart. D. The spirits of the lime. 23. What makes the characters in Tom Jones famous?

A. Their classic lifestyles. B. Their different nationalities. C. Their typical spirits of the age. D. Their representation of the society.


In our everyday lives we meet situations in which we take many things for granted(不去重视).We only treasure things when they are gone. This is a sad truth of human nature.One day,I found myself as a witness to a similar situation.

One evening,I left work and boarded the train. After entering,I noticed something unusual.The center of the car had a few empty seats while both ends were crowded with people standing.I didn't pay much attention and sat down on one of the empty seats.I sensed a funny smell.It wasn't long before I noticed a homeless person sleeping on three seats in front of me.He was bleeding from his nose.Why wasn't anyone helping him?

His clothes were torn and he was giving off a strange smell.Along with the smell,his eyes were dull,watery and red.Occasionally he scratched himself and people looked at him as if he had committed a crime.As the train stopped at stations and more people came in they covered their noses and faced away from him.All the seats around him were empty.

Suddenly,he began to swear at the people around him.A plain clothes policeman who looked like a construction worker took out his certificate and showed it to the homeless man.The officer,not wanting to touch the homeless man, told him his rights and directed him to exit the train.As the officer walked the man out of the train,the homeless man turned around and said \HOME!\

A man doesn't value things until they are gone.If he didn't have a home,at least he had freedom.Now he has neither.No one wants to help someone who won't help himself.

2018届高三高考仿真卷(二)英语试题 答案及评分标准 第(5)页

24. When entering the car,how did the author feel at first?

A. Annoyed. C. Sad.

B. Puzzled. D. Calm.

25. How did people react to the homeless man?

A. They caught him and called the police. B. They covered him with clean clothes. C. They disliked and avoided him. D. They stared at him curiously.

26. It can be learned that the policeman . A. was very rude to the man B. sent the man back to his hometown C. forced the man to leave the city D. went off the train with the man

27. What does the author think of the homeless man?

A. He is a loser of life. B. He is worth our respect. C. He is very funny. D. He is a fearless fighter.


3D printing is becoming more and more popular. We are now able to create things we need very quickly and easily using 3D printers. But can you imagine printing food?

Some scientists are trying to revolutionize the dining experience by doing this. They hope that having a 3D printer in the kitchen will be as common as the microwave oven or blender.

Scientists say that it’ll be quite easy: you simply have to select a recipe and put the raw food ‘inks’ into the printer. You can also modify the instructions to make the food exactly how you want it. This means that it would be very quick and easy to create tasty and nutritious meals.

Using 3D printers to create your meals would also be saving the environment. There would be less need for traditional growing, transporting and packaging processes as food production would be a lot more efficient. For example, alternative ingredients(原料) such as proteins from algae, beetroot leaves and insects could be converted into tasty products.

Printing food could also help people who suffer from dysphasia (a swallowing disorder).

2018届高三高考仿真卷(二)英语试题 答案及评分标准 第(6)页

They could program the printer to print softer versions of their favorite foods so that they would not have trouble in swallowing them.

However, some people think that a future of 3D food printing would be a disaster. It could take away many jobs, including those fro growing, transporting and packaging food. Imagine a world where there was no need for farming or growing crops and the same tastes could be printed from a raw “food ink”. Likewise, traditional cafes and restaurants might lose business. Also, there are concerns about the nutritional value of printed food: is it really possible to be get the nutrients we need from food –based inks and gels(凝胶)?

What’s more , cooking and eating together with family and friends has long been a traditional and enjoyable activity. It is hard to imagine a world where the pleasure of cooking is dead and meals can be created at the touch of a button.

28. Which of the following best describes 3D food printing?

A. Quick and popular. B. Easy and efficient. C. Nutritious and tasty. D. Soft and convenient.

29. Why do some think that 3D food printing would be a disaster?

A. Traditional food would disappear. B. Many people could lose their jobs. C. It would affect the people’s health. D. We could all eat the same food. 30. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. 3D food printing will replace traditional cooking. B. The future of 3D food printing is uncertain. C. It would hurt our tradition of food culture. D. 3D food printing would be a failure.

31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. 3D food “printing”: coming to the kitchen B. Can 3D printing create everything? C. 3D—printing food will be in fashion!

2018届高三高考仿真卷(二)英语试题 答案及评分标准 第(7)页

D. The disadvantage of 3D food printing


At your next meeting, wait for a pause in conversation and try to measure how long it lasts. Among English speakers, chances are that it will be a second or two at most. But while this pattern may be universal, our awareness of silence differs dramatically across cultures.

What one culture considers a confusing or awkward pause may be seen by others as a valuable moment of reflection and sign of respect for what the last speaker has said. Research in Dutch (荷兰语)and also in English found that when a silence in conversation stretches to four seconds, people start to feel uneasy. In contrast, a separate study of business meetings found that Japanese people are happy with silences of 8.2 seconds---nearly twice as long as in Americans’ meetings.

In Japan, it is recognized that the best communication is when you don’t speak at all. It’s already a failure to understand each other by speaking because you’re repairing that failure by using words.

In the US, it may originate from the history of colonial(殖民地的)America as a crossroads of many different races. When you have a complex of difference, it’s hard to establish common understanding unless you talk and there’s understandably a kind of anxiety unless people are verbally engaged to establish a common life. this applies also to some extent to London.

In contract, when there’s more homogeneity, perhaps it’s easier for some kinds of silence to appear. For example, among your closest friends and family it’s easier to sit in silence than with people you’re less well acquainted with.

32. Which of the following people might have the longest silence in conversation?

A. The Dutch B. Americans C. The English D. The Japanese

33. What might the Japanese agree with a in conversation?

A. Speaking more gives the upper hand B. Speak out what you have in your mind C. Great minds think alike without words D. The shorter talking silence, the better

2018届高三高考仿真卷(二)英语试题 答案及评分标准 第(8)页