2020春外研版五年级英语下册-Module 4-单元教案 联系客服

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五年级 英语 下册


T: “I’m M.r Smart. Now I’m the first time to travel to China. Would you like to help me?”


Where can I find out about train information? Where can I find out about Chinese words? Where can I find out about Chinese food? Where can I find out about the weather? Where can I find out about Chinese books? 观察图片,让学生带着问题听录音。 2、看课本,听录音,回答问题。


Where can I find out about train information?

You can find out about train information in this timetable.


3、同桌练习,巩固句型。 Step 3: Teacher-student interaction


五年级 英语 下册


老师对学生说:“Where can you find out about animals?” 学生回答: “In the library. /At the zoo. /On TV…” 2、生生问答,拓展巩固。 Where can you find out about sports? Where can you find out about games? Where can you find out about toys? Where can you find out about food? Where can you find out about China? Where can you find out about England?

学生四人一组,轮流充当询问信息的人,其他三名同学集思广益,为他提供可找到相关信息的具体途径。比比看小组中哪位同学提供的途径最多,教师分发stickers予以奖励。 Step 4: Homework

1、熟读课文 2、完成配套习题


Unit2 We can find information from books and CDs information e-book project guide film as well way on topic Where can you find out about...

We can find information from books and CDs.

五年级 英语 下册
