研究生英语精读教程教师参考书(第三版上)-参考答案及授课详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章研究生英语精读教程教师参考书(第三版上)-参考答案及授课详解更新完毕开始阅读9ea2554ea9956bec0975f46527d3240c8447a139

家用产品进行测试。使他惊异的是,像用于儿童睡衣中的一种阻燃剂一样,许多 普通染发剂经测试都呈阳性。当爱姆兹的测试结果导致对某些化学品实行新的规 定和禁令时,几乎一夜之间,他就成了环保界的英雄。

[11] 随后10 年间,公众对致癌物越来越关注。爱姆兹说:“ 于是我们开始 意识到有些不对头。” 同样也被检测为致癌物或致突变物而呈阳性的天然物数量 太多了:果汁、芥菜、芹菜、欧芹等。实际上,在爱姆兹所测试的大约一半的天 然和人造化学物中,当给老鼠大剂量时,都证明有潜在的致癌作用。

[12] 起初,爱姆兹断定他的试验有问题。他的试验并没有错。他的错误在

于他像普通人一样天真地认为只有人造化学物质是危险的。他现在要问:“ 为什 么要推断天然就是无害的呢?”

[13] 支持加州65 号提案的运动使爱姆兹确信他有义务向公众解释这一点。

“ 当人们说某些先天缺陷是由水中十亿分之一的某物质引起时,我认为那是不负 责任的。” 他说,“ 那是拿人们的害怕心理开玩笑。你总能在水中找到十亿分之 一的某种物质。”

[14] 在加州参议院委员会作证时,爱姆兹举出了一个例子:由于用氯消毒,

自来水含有致癌物氯仿大约十亿分之八十三。咖啡含有两种天然致癌物,每一种都 是大约十亿分之四千,而由于正常的新陈代谢,人血平均含有甲醛十亿分之三千。

Unit Two 15

[15] 有些人想当然地认为爱姆兹是化学工业的代言人。情况却并非如此。

他不为化学公司、药品公司、食品公司或法律事务所提供咨询。他没有接受来自 商界的任何好处。

[16] 环境保护论者反对爱姆兹的观点。他们说,我们有义务在总量上使人

们尽可能少地接触致癌物。“不知为什么他认为要进行选择。”峰峦俱乐部的卡 尔·波普这样说:“如果我们不得不在饮用水中的 TCE (一种可疑的致癌溶剂) 和 有关吸烟的公共教育之间进行选择的话,可能他是对的。但是我们不是非去选择 不可。”

[17] 爱姆兹的回答是:“ 你不想让每家化学公司从后门倒掉自己的垃圾,但 是你生活在现代工业社会的代价就是水里会有十亿分之几的化学物质。你能除去 它,但花费巨大。如果你把你所有的时间都花在追查微不足道的东西上,你就会 看不到重要的危险。”

Key to the Exercises

Exercise A

Ⅰ. Comprehension

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. C

Ⅱ. Vocabulary

A. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. C

B. 11. C 12. A 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. B 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. A

Ⅲ. Cloze

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D 16



Ⅳ. Translation

A. 不论是在青年时夭折还是在老年时死去,都没有是否虚度了年华来得重 要。一个人可能在18 年中比另一个在80 年中活得更有意义。对于生活,我 们认为并不是要去不顾一切地积累大量的他人想象为有价值的经验,而是应 该过好每天的时光,就好像它是唯一的一天。我们的意思是要寻找平和感和 力量感去对付生活中的失意和痛苦,同时坚持不懈地努力去发现能增添更多 生活乐趣和喜悦并加以维持的方法。

B. 1. The politician was armed with many facts and figures. 2. It struck me that we had really learnt a great deal there. 3. The conditions of workers now, as compared with what they were ten years ago, have been greatly improved.

4. According to the law of the People’s Republic, parents are obligated to send their children to school.

5. He erred in making his decision before he confirmed the facts. 6. Scientific research continues to open up previously undreamedof possibilities. Fifty years ago, few people could even imagine

things like computers, lasers and holography. Today, a host of newlyemerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and genetic

engineering are opening up all kinds of new paths for technologists. Like it or not, our advancing technology has made us masters of the earth.

Ⅴ. Writing

Suggested passage:

It is well known that cancer is a dangerous disease which spares no

one, irrespective of age and sex. Its mortality is high. Therefore it is no wonder that the mere mention of it will frighten the strongest man. But we are convinced that cancer, like all other diseases, is conquerable though it is not quite clear what is the agent that causes cancer. Many research units have reported that etiologically cancer is a group of diseases rather than a single disease entity; and that cancer is caused by external disease agents, including viruses, chemical and physical stimuli. Up to now there is no known cure for cancer. Nevertheless, much research work on cancer is being conducted all over the world.With the discovery of new treatment

Unit Two 17

and drugs, we are sure that cancer will be cured as well as prevented. There is no doubt that humanity will soon be able to rid itself of such a


Exercise B

Ⅰ. 1. distress 2. delegate 3. distinctive 4. functional 5. distribution 6. destiny 7. delightful 8. depression 9. directory

10. democratic 11. radical 12. discrimination

13. disgrace 14. differential, differential 15. detection Ⅱ. 1. was set fire to 2. heightened 3. compare with 4. are (you) distrusting 5. being, handicap 6. glided

7. complaining about, complaining about 8. discern, standing 9. generates 10. fell into 11. denounced

12. to fasten/fastened, haul/hauled 13. to bring forward, developing 14. went for, deserved 15. to give, back Ⅲ. 1. As 2. while 3. before

4. where/when 5. what 6. between, what, what

7. where/as, about 8. that/which 9. at, while, on

10. When, that 11. that, for, that 12. for, though, that

13. when/after, out 14. on, even though 15. and, and, in, than Ⅳ. 1. by truth—in truth 2. in heart—at heart 3. at sight—in sight 4. N

5. For a word—In a word 6. at full swing—in full swing

7. but so light that—but light so that 8. at no time—in no time 9. to the better—for the better 10. N

11. by force—in force 12. At essence—In essence 13. his personality was—their personalities were 14. by hand—in hand 15. N 18



?Supplementary Reading

1. T 2. F

3. Because in the report the EPA has put forward what amounts to the most serious government warning to date. 4. F 5. T

6. Because the findings of the study were so unlikely that they expected the results to be negative. 7. F 8. T

9. T 19

Unit Three 3 ?Text:

Rats and Men

—“Insoluble” Problems

S. I. Hayakawa About the Author

S.I. Hayakawa: A former state governor of the U.S. and an author of Japanese origin.

Language Points

1. Para. [2]: Yet the rat, when pushed, continues to jump to the left, becoming more panicky each time.

Here the adverbial phrase “when pushed” modifies the verb “continues” and the participle phrase “becoming more panicky” is also an adverbial phrase and gives an accompanying state.

2. Para. [3]: It is the “insolubility” of the rat’s problem that leads to its nervous breakdown, and, as Dr. Maier shows in his studies of disturbed children and adults, rats and human beings seem to go through pretty much the same stages.

Here the first part of the sentence is an emphatic structure. “As” introduces a nondefining relative clause, the antecedent being the clause “rats and human beings seem to ...” Another example: 20



To shut your eyes to facts, as many of you do, is foolish. Here the antecedent to “as” is “To shut your eyes to facts”. 3. Para. [6]: By thus placing excessive emphasis on grammar and mechanics while ignoring the students’ ideas, the teacher quickly destroys student interest in writing. That interest destroyed, ...

Here “while” implies a contrast. It is the same as “at the same time that”. The beginning of the next sentence is an independent elliptical clause, meaning “with that interest destroyed” or “once that interest is destroyed”.

Word Study

1. iliterate adj.