研究生英语精读教程教师参考书(第三版上)-参考答案及授课详解 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章研究生英语精读教程教师参考书(第三版上)-参考答案及授课详解更新完毕开始阅读9ea2554ea9956bec0975f46527d3240c8447a139

4. baffled to me—baffled me

5. activated by others—activated others

6. bankrupted with themselves—bankrupted themselves 7. unconditional—conditional

8. at the question—(controversy) over the question 9. N

10. (bring into correspondence) to—(bring into correspondence) with 11. (a connection) with—(a connection) between

12. two thousands of students—two thousand students 13. redundant—concise

14. (conception) about—(conception) of 15. N

Exercise C

Ⅰ. 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. D

5. addresser: a person who addresses or is supposed to address a letter [address: to write (on an envelope, parcel, etc.) the name of the person meant to be the receiver with the place where that person lives or works; er: one who (active)]

addressee: a person to whom a letter, parcel, etc., is or should be addressed [address: to write (on an envelope, parcel, etc.) the name of 44



the person meant to be the receiver with the place where that person lives or works; ee: one who (passive)]

disciplinarian: a person who is good at making people obey orders (discipline: training of the mind and body to produce obedience and

self-control; control gained as a result of this training; arian: denoting occupation)

6. support: to hold up physically or emotionally (sup: under; port: carry) 7. a structure built to carry (lead) water from one place to another Ⅱ. 1. E 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. G 7. I 8. J 9. H 10. F

?Supplementary Reading

Ⅰ. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B

Ⅱ. 1. The El Nino phenomenon.

2. Drought-aggravated bush fires happened in Indonesia that spread a choking smog across large areas of Southeast Asia.

3. Heating of the Earth’s surface by gases trapped in the atmosphere causes more and fiercer storms, expanding deserts, melting polar ice and raising sea levels.

4. It wants developing countries to be brought under the emission control umbrella.

5. This is not necessarily a bad thing.

Ⅲ. 1. 1997年下半年的气候为厄尔尼诺(El Nino)所控制。厄尔尼诺是出现在 南美海岸,影响整个地球气候格局的一股暖流。

2. 洪水席卷了非洲东部干燥的索马里,而印度尼西亚的伊里安查亚(Irian Jaya)却干燥异常,成百上千的部落成员死于饥饿和疾病。

Unit Five 45

3. ( 京都) 大会同意发达国家应该减少二氧化碳及其他“ 温室” 气体的排放。 人们指责这些气体造成了全球气温的上升。

4. ( 京都) 大会至少使人们能更加意识到环境问题的严重性,尤其是这次会 议在厄尔尼诺现象发生的这年召开。

5. 他说:“ 但意识和行动之间总是存在一个时间差,并且我认为这时间差能 持续很长时间??” 47

Unit Six 6 ?Text:

Two Truths to Live By

Hold fast, and let go: understand the paradox, and you stand at the very gate of wisdom

Alexander M. Schindler About the Author

Alexander Moshe Schindler: American Rabbi; born on October 4, 1925, at Munich, Germany. He was married to Rhea Rosenblum in 1956. He attended College of City of New York and Hebrew Union College. He was assistant Rabbi in 1953—1956 and associate Rabbi in 1956—1959 at Temple Emanuel, Worcester, Mass.; Director of New England Council, Union of American Hebrew Congregations in 1959—1963,National Director of Education in 1963— 1967, Vice-President in 1967—1972 and President in 1973 onwards; member of the Executive Board of Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations in 1967—1996 and chairman in 1976—1978; vice-president of Memorial Foundation of Jewish Culture, World Jewish Congress in 1967 onwards (chairman of the Executive Committee in 1994 onwards); member

of the Executive Committee of American section, world Zionist Organization in 1973 onwards; vice-president of World Union for Progressive Judaism. He has been granted Honorary Doctor of Divinity, Bronze Star, Purple Heart. He

published his only book From Discrimination to Extermination in 1950. 48



Language Points

1. Para. [6]:that’s all (appended to a statement) there is no alternative: that is all that can be done

① I have wanted to try it, that’s all. ( 我不过是想要试试罢了。)

② If all the seats are booked, we shall have to stay at home, that’s all. ③ If I’m touched, I’m touched and that’s all there is to it. ( 如果我是精神错


④ You want to go that’s all there is to it. ( 你要去——不过如此罢了。) ⑤ That’s all (that) is the matter with me. ( 我其他没什么。) 2. Para. [12]:as it were

as it might be said to be; as if it really were; seemingly 所谓;好像是

① In many ways children live, as it were, in a different world from adults. ( 小孩子可以说是生活在一个跟成人不同的世界里。)

② He is my best friend, my second half, as it were. 3. Para. [16]: not so much (A) as (B) (B) rather than (A)

① He was not so much angry as disappointed. ② He will be remembered not so much for the films he made in the 1960s, when his popularity was fading, as for those of the war years. 4. Para. [17]: Do and (followed by a clause)

① Stir and you are a dead man. (=If you stir, you are ...) (动一下就休想活命。) ② Give him an inch, and he’ll take a mile. ( 他是得寸进尺的。)

③ Take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves. ( 零 钱多惜省,整钱会自攒。) 5. Para. [17]: above prep.

higher than, greater than in quantity or degree; superior to or prior to; too honorable or high-minded for; too respected for

① The man who is above his business may one day find his business above him. ( 不屑于干自己工作的人,终有一天会发现不配干自己的工作。)

② Endeavor, as much as you can to keep company with people above you. Unit Six 49

( 要尽可能地争取与胜过你的人结交。)

③ Hard workers are usually honest; industry lifts them above temptation. ( 勤奋之人一般都老实,因为勤奋足以使人不受诱惑。)

Word Study

1. art n.

(1) method, facility, or knack

① The teacher has the art of imparting his knowledge attractively. ② He is good at the art of making friends. ③ Cooking, sewing, and house keeping are household arts. ④ the art of letter writing, the art of flower arrangement, the art of health, the art of medicine, the art of life, the art of keeping young (2) liberal arts, humanities

I received my master of arts degree. 2. tender v.

(1) to give, present, or offer

① He tendered his services. ( 他毛遂自荐。)

② tender one’s resignation ( 提出辞职), tender a bid ( 投标), tender one’s thanks, congratulations, a suggestion, etc. (2) (law) to offer (money or goods) in settlement of a debt or claim

We shall tender for the erection of that building. ( 我们要为兴建那个建筑物 而去投标。)

(3) n. the act or an instance of tendering; offer; (commerce) a formal offer to supply specified goods or services at a stated cost or rate; something, esp. money, used as an official medium of payment

① submit a tender for the construction of a bridge ( 投标承建一座桥梁) ② make/put in/send in/a tender for sth. ( 投标承办某事物)

③ receive tenders for the supply of steel ( 接受钢材供应的投标) ④ invite tenders for repairing the vessel ( 投标修理船只)

⑤ Are copper coins legal tender (法定货币) for a sum in excess of £10? (超 过10 英镑的数目可以用铜币偿付吗?) 50



3. glean v.

(1) to gather (the useful remnants of a crop) from the field after harvesting (2) to gather (sth. ) slowly and carefully in small pieces ① glean a field ( 在一块田地上拾残穗)

② glean in a wheat field ( 在麦田拾取遗穗)

③ The historian gleaned his data from old books and documents. ( 历史学 家从旧书和文献中搜集资料。) gather v.

(1) to pick or harvest (flowers, fruit, etc. ) (2) to collect or be collected gradually

(3) learn from information given; conclude or assume

① He is gathering flowers, fruit, weeds, and I gather that he is a gardener. ② gather crops ( 收割谷物)

③ gather scattered papers ( 把散乱的报纸收集在一起) collect v.

(1) to accumulate (stamps, books, etc. ) as a hobby or for study