新标准大学英语综合教程2 unit test2—4,6—8 联系客服

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Unit test 2

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

1. Though it was difficult, Carlos knew the only _______ thing to do would be to admit cheating on the test.

A. honestly B. honor C. honorable D. honest

2. Debbie is very _______ to the plight of homeless people and always gets very emotional when she sees them on the street.

A. empathy B. empathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetic

3. Certain types of birds often develop the skill of _______ and sound like they can speak. A. impressions B. mimicry C. personification D. imitating

4. As babies develop, they need to learn to _______ before they can walk. A. run B. climb C. swim D. crawl

5. When he was a child, Tony lost all vision in his right eye, so he feels _______ for the difficulties faced by blind people.

A. empathy B. empathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetic

6. Kindergarten teachers often have to reprimand their students for _______. A. mimicry B. misbehaviour C. misery D. misunderstanding

7. During the Christmas holiday, many people feel a surge of _______ and give to charities. A. malevolence B. discipline C. benevolence D. sensitivity

8. Babies usually cry when they feel _______ because they have no other way to express themselves.

A. distinguished B. dishonest C. distressed D. discouraged 9. Different cultures have different ways of _______ their children. A. authorizing B. disciplining C. obeying D. sympathizing

10. The research project was an _______ success—we managed to prove our theory conclusively.

A. overage B. overdue C. overnight D. overall

11. Thomas has no _______ to the feelings of others—he always makes very negative and offensive comments.

A. sensitivity B. sense C. sensory D. sensitive

12. No matter where Sue goes, something major happens; it's like she takes the _______ along with her.

A. comedy B. tragedy C. romance D. drama 13. He reached out and _______ her cheek tenderly. A. scratched B. stroked C. wiped D. massaged

14. Brian felt incredible pressure and made a _______ decision, which ultimately turned out to be a big mistake.

A. haste B. hastily C. hasty D. hasten

15. The _______ events of this morning were making everyone feel very depressed and lonely. A. sober B. moderate C. blissful D. welcome

16. My brother was _______ interested in taking that psychology class at school. A. eagerly B. excitedly C. impatiently D. keenly

17. That documentary about the _______ of African refugees won all the major awards. A. plight B. flight C. blight D. slight

18. Her little sister is still just a(n) _______; she turns six months next week. A. toddler B. teenage C. infant D. adolescent

19. Children love to _______ the actions they see in others, so be careful what you do! A. imitate B. irritate C. instigate D. implicate

20. The photographs _______ strong memories of our holidays in France. A. damaged B. impaired C. evoked D. imitated Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. Don't let on that you like opera, or she'll make you listen to it all the time! 22. She had already fallen asleep by the time we got back home.

23. It was important for the child to calm down so the doctor could administer the flu shot. 24. Professor Gregory went to the Amazon rainforest in search of plants that might help make new medicines.

25. All the issues we're facing today stem from the President's decision last year. 26. I finally worked up the nerve to ask Rick out on a date, and he said yes!

27. Every time I try to get close and understand Catherine's problems, she pulls away. 28. Alfredo received all the praise and congratulations, as though he had won the contest. 29. If nothing else, that bright yellow coat will definitely help you stand out in a crowd! 30. If you testify in court, you need to tell nothing but the truth or you could go to jail.

Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.

Last summer, Derek completed a research project for his psychology thesis. He was studying child behaviour and wanted to trace bad behavior back to its source. Derek took children of different ages and put them in a(n) mostly empty room; there were only a few toys and a small couch to lie down on.

He then presented them with different stimuli that they might encounter during the day. For example, he would play music at a loud or soft volume; adjust the lighting to be very bright or very dim; or fill the room with different smells, both good and bad. He had a(n) repertoire of several hundred distinct stimuli.

It was interesting to watch the children's behaviour unfold in response to the changing environment. Nearly all children eventually displayed some form of naughty behaviour, but some of them created a serious disturbance in the room and had to be removed.

The reactions were all fascinating, and Derek recorded everything that happened. He is now trying to comprehend the meaning of these results and the implications for child behaviour. Hopefully, his work will help clarify and identify potential sources of misbehaviour. Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

Until very recently, most people assumed that the ability to feel and exhibit emotions was limited to human beings. It was generally assumed that animals could simply not feel emotions such as happiness, sadness, jealousy, anger, or grief. It wasn't that the intensity of these emotions was more limited than in humans; the general consensus was that such emotions were literally absent in all other animals.

However, such thinking has recently been called into question as more and more researchers are

uncovering evidence that suggests animals do indeed feel emotions. In some cases, these emotions are very obvious! Dog owners have known this for a long time. If a dog does something bad and is reprimanded by its owner, it will often hang its head low and exhibit \knows it has been naughty and this is, in effect, its exhibition of sadness and sorrow.

Another relatively clear example of animals' emotional behaviour is when they show aggression. In some cases, it doesn't take very much for animals to become irritated and angry. Dogs, wolves, lions, tigers, birds—nearly every animal has been observed in an agitated state and acting out against the cause of its frustration. In fact, animal researchers have even witnessed animals in the wild waging war and exacting revenge.

Biologists have reported on countless other examples of animals' emotional behaviour. For example, some animals grieve over deceased family members, some dream and have nightmares, some display pride in the work demanded of them, some exhibit friendship and cooperation, and many show love. Examples of compassion and self-indulged enjoyment are also not uncommon. Based on the biological and scientific evidence, it seems beyond doubt that animals are capable of feeling and showing a wide range of emotions. Human do not have a monopoly on such feelings, and it's time for more people to understand that we're all part of one big emotional family.

41. According to the article, which of the following was a general assumption made throughout much of history?

A. People feel a wide range of emotions. B. Animals feel a wide range of emotions.

C. People feel a limited range of emotions. D. Animals are incapable of feeling emotions. 42. This style of writing would best be described as _______. A. expository B. argumentative C. narrative D. descriptive 43. Which of the following would make the best title for this article?

A. The Limited Emotional Lives of Animals B. A Monopoly on Emotional Behavior C. Emotions are Universal D. Animals are People Too 44. What is meant by \

A. Eyes that are full of emotion. B. Eyes that show no emotion. C. Eyes that belong to a puppy. D. Eyes that look like a puppy's.

45. Which of the following does the author NOT present in order to support the topic?

A. Popular opinion. B. Personal opinion. C. Scientific evidence. D. Biological research.

Unit test 3

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

1. The investigators searched her house after they received a(n) anonymous tip over the phone. 2. In this instance, the judge declared the suspect not guilty.

3. The government said the current threat level for a terrorist attack is relatively low. 4. Tony was caught shoplifting and has been in police custody since last night.

5. The job of a police investigator is to correlate all the available evidence and figure out who committed a crime and why it was committed.

6. When we got married, we took almost everything so we definitely had to consolidate all of our stuff.

7. The suspect was found not guilty since the lawyers couldn't find a(n) shred of evidence that

8. The firefighters put their own lives in peril to save the people trapped in the burning building.

9. Unfortunately, pickpockets are incredibly commonplace in many large cities.

10. The suspect was arrested because he was in possession of a concealed weapon. Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

11. The police presence at airports seemed to double _______ after the bomb threat. A. overage B. overdue C. overnight D. overall

12. In order to _______ information from people, investigators sometimes use questionable methods.

A. extort B. extract C. exchange D. exert

13. It is a federal crime to _______ a lawyer in a courtroom.

A. impersonate B. personify C. personalize D. impersonal

14. After the September 11 _______ attacks in the United States, the government took extreme measures to make sure it wouldn't happen again.

A. radical B. revolutionary C. terrorist D. activist

15. International business and _______ have made the world very interconnected and countries dependent on one another.

A. online banking B. commerce C. credit cards D. retail

16. I think pop-up ads on the Internet and spam in my e-mail inbox are terribly _______ —so much so that it might be an invasion of privacy.

A. offensive B. offense C. defensive D. defense

17. Online retailers such as Amazon and iTunes are so successful that they have become _______ names.

A. obvious B. household C. opportunistic D. offensive

18. The new facial recognition security system _______ knows who you are and if you have access to the building.

A. anonymously B. obviously C. tastefully D. automatically

19. Today's students simply have to go _______ to find the answer to almost any homework question.

A. online B. Internet C. Web D. computer

20. After my store was broken into, the police officer drove me home as a _______. A. prerequisite B. prevention C. pretension D. precaution Section C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. As a safety measure, it's important to tear up bank documents that you don't need anymore. 22. It was unbelievable! Kevin was robbed at broad daylight!

23. Excuse me. Do you have any information on file about the Frank Spacey case? 24. You can usually count on the police to help you out when you're in trouble.

25. In order to enter the building, I needed to have my fingerprints scanned by a machine. 26. I know the security guards need to ask for identification, but I was very unhappy with the way he went about it.

27. After you check your bank balance online, remember to log off so no one else can steal your information.

28. I would have helped out last weekend if only I had known you were moving. 29. Did you cut up your old credit card after you received the new one?

30. Passing through security in an airport takes a long time since the officers sometimes need to look through your luggage.