新标准大学英语综合教程2 unit test2—4,6—8 联系客服

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Both players' (39)teammates continued to play and stayed away from the fight.

They didn't also want to get a penalty.

How easy it must be to (40)incur the anger of an ice hockey player

Your answer Correct answer (31) referee referee (32) soaring soaring (33) roar roar (34) madly madly (35) aloft aloft (36) accidentally accidentally (37) Collided Collided (38) random random (39) teammates teammates (40) incur incur Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

In this age of increased academic pressure and decreased institutional budgets, do high-profile, big-budget college athletics programs still make sense? In order to make an informed decision, you must weigh the advantages and disadvantages. In other words, what are the positive things that college sports offer and what are the associated negative things?

First of all, college athletics offer excellent public relations with the college community, increase the college's national and international exposure, and provide wonderful fundraising opportunities. At the same time, sports programs provide education and training to potential future professional athletes—many of whom might not have received a quality education without the benefit of a sports scholarship.

For a long time, college athletes attended school on a full or partial sports scholarship. This meant that things like tuition, room, and board were paid by the college in return for that student agreeing to attend the school and play on its team. However, in recent years, it has become common for these students to receive additional pay. This has become considerably controversial since many people view this as an unfair situation where certain students, because of their athletic ability, receive benefits that other students do not.

Does financial compensation compromise academic and institutional integrity? I don't think so. For one thing, without these college athletes, the schools would not enjoy a majority of the revenue they receive from athletic departments. Student athletes are entitled to some form of compensation, and, since the demands of the sport often occupy most of their time, they are unable to keep other jobs. In addition, if college athletes are paid, it might stop many of them from going pro before they graduate. It would encourage students to complete their education before joining a professional team.

What are the opposing arguments? Many people claim that schools with wealthy and successful sports departments devalue the academic environment in favor of athletic competition. The claim

has also been made that certain sports, by sheer nature of their popularity, receive less attention and money and, therefore, the athletes are also treated less well. Unfortunately, this is also true with most female sports teams. However, it seems to me that, in most cases, these negatives are not a result of college athletics alone. Institutional commitment to all teams—popular and unpopular, male and female—would considerably help this situation.

The ultimate question is whether colleges and universities should be the training grounds for future professional sports careers. College should be the place where young people go to learn about the world, develop their skills, and discover their passion. Why shouldn't this also be true for sports?

41. The author of this passage is _______. A. telling a story

B. describing a process C. making an argument D. persuading the reader

42. With which of the following statements would the author likely NOT agree? A. College athletes make a lot of money for their schools.

B. Colleges currently give equal attention and money to all sports teams.

C. Women's basketball teams receive less money than men's basketball teams. D. College should be a place for all students to develop professional skills. 43. Which paragraph presents the disadvantages of college athletics? A. Paragraph 2. B. Paragraph 3. C. Paragraph 4. D. Paragraph 5.

44. The author is _______ college sports and paying student athletes. A. against

B. undecided on

C. for and against different aspects of D. in favor of

45. Which of the following would make the LEAST appropriate title? A. College: No Professionals Allowed. B. College Athletics: Pros and Cons.

C. College Athletes: Are They Worth the Money? D. Do College Sports Still Make Sense?

Unit 7

1. Dogs share many of the same _______ as humans and can easily show emotion. A. attributes B. distributes C. tributes D. reattributes

2. Compared to my pet frog, that horse seemed like a _______ animal. A. miniature B. typical C. giant D. short

3. It might be hard to believe but some ants are _______ of carrying more than ten times their body weight!

A. capable B. capability C. able D. ability

4. Over millions of years, animals on Earth _______ and adapted to many different


A. grew B. involved C. developed D. evolved

5. Polar bears are able to stay warm in such cold places because they have a thick _______ of fat beneath their fur.

A. layer B. coat C. sheet D. stack

6. Many animals, like chipmunks, live underground in vast networks of _______ that they dig. A. holes B. tunnels C. openings D. caves

7. Elephants are often called _______ animals because of their size, beauty, and elegance. A. enormous B. magnificent C. interesting D. compelling

8. Scientists have been studying DNA for years but they've only _______ a fraction of the information it contains.

A. covered B. recovered C. discovered D. uncovered

9. Charles Darwin suggested that humans and apes, such as chimpanzees, shared a similar _______ from a common ancestor.

A. descent B. ascent C. descendent D. descendant

10. There is a famous story about a lion that had a thorn stuck in its _______. A. hand B. paw C. hoof D. flipper

11. When he wants to go outside, my dog will _______ bark at the front door until someone opens it.

A. unreliably B. previously C. distractedly D. repeatedly

12. Penguins may look a little silly walking on land, but they _______ through water beautifully. A. leap B. glide C. squirm D. drape

13. When a tiger shows its teeth, that's an _______ that it is about to attack. A. indicate B. indicative C. indication D. indicating

14. Many fish swim with a gentle side-to-side _______ of the fins and tail. A. motion B. motive C. motor D. motel

15. I could see a subtle _______ of sadness on the face of my cat when I left for work this morning.

A. clue B. motion C. hint D. gust

16. Parrots have the ability to _______ the sounds they hear around them. A. produce B. reproduce C. pronounce D. mispronounce

17. Some species of birds can fly for miles simply by gliding on a _______ of wind. A. breeze B. motion C. gust D. hint

18. The sign said that the _______ age of Mildred, the zoo's oldest gorilla, is around 45. A. exact B. exactly C. approximately D. approximate 19. She divided the dog food _______ among all the puppies. A. evening B. eventually C. even D. evenly

20. I wore a sweater and a jacket, but the cold wind still managed to _______ to my skin! A. uncover B. filter C. penetrate D. navigate Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. His son decided to go back to school to work onanimal behaviour research. Your answer Correct answer on on 22. Our cats are just about the same age.

Your answer Correct answer about about

23. Polar bears are sometimes forced to go underthe ice to find food. Your answer Correct answer under under 24. Her research brings upmany interesting questions. Your answer Correct answer up up

25. Learning about animals alive during the time of the dinosaurs is difficult, but scientists are, bit by bit, making progress.

Your answer Correct answer by by

26. Many dog owners project all human emotions ontotheir pets, even when it's ridiculous to do so.

Your answer Correct answer onto onto

27. Don't hang upthe phone. I want to talk to Thomas too. Your answer Correct answer up up

28. Marilyn has so many pets that I find it hard to keep track ofthem all. Your answer Correct answer of of

29. My cat has been acting slow and tired, but I put that down tothe recent heat and humidity. Your answer Correct answer to to

30. It's amazing, Patty's dog has begun watching overthe baby like it was its own puppy! Your answer Correct answer over over

Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.

My neighbour, Mrs. Noyes, told me that a (31)burglar tried to break into her house last weekend. Can you believe that there was almost a (32)robbery in our neighbourhood?

Mrs. Noyes told me that this person approached her back door, broke the glass, and tried to open the door. However, before he could get the door open, he heard a low growl and heavy

(33)panting .Apparently, that was all the warning he needed because the person ran away! Mrs. Noyes still called the police who came right away to (34)investigate. The police told her that there was no (35)indication that the person would return. It was probably a random event. Still, they suggested that she install an alarm system if it would make her feel safer. Old-fashioned door locks like she has are usually (36)unreliableand can break easily. After Mrs. Noyes finished telling me the story of the unwelcome (37)intrusion, I asked her what it was that scared the man away. She laughed and said it was Charlie, her new (38)puppy! Just after she said this, a little dog came running out of her house, jumped into my arms with a (39)leap, and began to (40)lick my face.


Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

At the beginning of summer, Rebecca was both excited and nervous. She was excited because she was going to spend five weeks helping biologists from the university perform research on animal behaviour. However, she was also nervous because she would travel with the scientists to Central America, and she had never been that far from home before. She knew that this was an amazing opportunity, though, and tried not to let her nervousness take control.

Rebecca was chosen from among many students who were all competing for a spot on the