(高中英语2019版) 专题1 阅读理解 考点1 细节理解题素能强化(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章(高中英语2019版) 专题1 阅读理解 考点1 细节理解题素能强化(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读a035212e6394dd88d0d233d4b14e852459fb39fd

These images not only show our changing understanding of dinosaurs but also reflect the distinct artistic sensibility of their time.Both artistic and educational,these pictures are certainly influential.

What It’s Like to Be a Dog,by Gregory Berns

Berns,a neuroscientist,trained dogs to sit in a machine in order to look into the brains of conscious dogs for the first time.That pioneering work inspired him to dig deeper into the minds of other animals,from sea lions to the extinct thylacine(袋狼).Berns says,“ With their ability to think,choose and feel,dogs and other animals do not deserve the cruel treatment humans so often do to them.”


Chicken,Why Time Flies,Paleoart和What It’s Like to Be a Dog的作者、简介等相关内容。

? Which book has something to do with public health? __A__ A.Big Chicken. C.Paleoart.

B.Why Time Flies.

D.What It’s Like to Be a Dog.


Chicken。根据该部分中的“She traces how animal antibiotics endanger human health,causing serious problems from antibiotic-resistant stomach infections to UTIs”可知,这本书是有关人类健康的。故答案是A。

? Who writes about time? __B__ A.Maryn McKenna. C.Zoё Lescaze.

B.Alan Burdick. D.Gregory Berns.

解析:考查细节理解。根据题干中的关键词time定位到第二本书Why Time

Flies。根据书名右侧的“by Alan Burdick”可知答案是B。

? What was Bern’ pioneering work? __C__ A.Training dogs.

B.Studying extinct animals.

C.Observing dog brains. D.Fighting for animal rights.

解析:考查细节理解。根据题干中的关键词Berns’ pioneering work定位到第四本书What It’s Like to Be a Dog。该部分中的“That pioneering work”指向“in order to look into the brains of conscious dogs for the first time”,故这项开创性的工作是观察狗的大脑,故答案是C。



Located in Los Angeles,University of Southern California is in the heart of a leading city.Although LA ranks highly in The Economist’s Safe Cities Inde,navigating any city calls for certain safety precautions(预防措施) along with practicing common sense.

Mobile Safety App Powered by LiveSafe

The Mobile Safety App powered by LiveSafe,managed by the USC Department of Public Safety and the USC Department of Emergency Planning,is a free downloadable app that mobile users can use to initiate







campus.Features include: immediate “push button” calls to DPS,easy reporting for suspicious activity or crimes in progress,and location services to notify friends of your route through campus.

Blue Light Phone Locations

The University Park has multiple blue light phones that are strategically placed throughout campus.Take note of where the closest ones are on your route.They come in handy in case you lose your phone or in an emergency.These phones are directly connected to USC Department of Public Safety’s 24-hour communications center.Besides emergency needs,it can also be used to report suspicious activity,request for an escort (护卫者) if you feel unsafe and to report a crime.


TrojansAlert is an emergency notification system that allows university officials to contact you during an emergency by sending messages via text messages or email.When an emergency occurs,authorized USC senders will instantly notify you of real-time updates,instructions on where to go,what to do(or what not to do),whom to contact and other important information.All members of the USC community,as well as parents and regular visitors to campus,are strongly encouraged to sign up for TrojansAlert.


? What do blue light phones do for students? __D__ A.Guide students through campus. B.Alert students to crime activities.

C.Light up the way if students feel unsafe. D.Connect them with the safety department.

解析:考查细节理解。根据第三段第四句“These phones are directly connected to USC Department of Public Safety’s 24-hour communications center”可知,这些蓝光电话和南加利福尼亚大学公共安全部24小时保持联系,故D项正确。

? How does USC send out instructions during an emergency? __B__

A.With blue light phones.

B.Via text messages or email.

C.Through Mobile Safety App. D.By calling all USC members. 解析:考查细节理解。根据最后一段第一句“TrojansAlert is an emergency notification system that allows university officials to contact you during

an emergency by sending messages via text messages or email”并结合第二句内容可知,当发生紧急情况时,大学官员将通过发送电子邮件或短信来联系你,故B项正确。

? What is the purpose of the text? __C__ A.To encourage students to fight crime. B.To introduce USC’s safety department. C.To provide safety services for USC students. D.To inform parents of safety risks on campus.




Zoo Exhibit Game

Each animal exhibit will have information about the animals located there.You will get to learn about each animal’s habitat,their conservation status and some other facts.As you explore the zoo,check off all the endangered animals you discover from the list below.Find them all and win a free T-shirt.

◆Mountain Gorilla