小学英语口语300句文本 联系客服

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281. I don't want to go to bed. 我不想睡觉。 282. I want to watch TV. 我想看电视。

283. You can watch TV for ten minutes. 你可以看十分钟电视。 284. Do you like football? 你喜欢足球吗? 285. I don't like football. 我不喜欢足球。

286. No, we don't have maths lessons every day. 不,我们不是每天有数学课。 287. We have no maths lessons on Saturday, either. 我们星期六也没有数学课。 288. Yes, we boys do. 是的,我们男孩是这样。

289. What do you want to do after class? 下课后你们想干什么? 290. They want to play hide-and-seek. 她们想玩捉迷藏。


Mum: Bobby, it’s time for bed. 鲍比,该上床了。 Bobby: Oh, I don't want to go to bed. 哦,我不想睡觉。 Mum: Why? 为什么?

Bobby: I want to watch T 我想看电视

Mum: All right. You can watch TV for ten minutes. 好吧。你可以看十分钟电视。 Bobby: Thank you, Mum. 谢谢,妈妈。 英语对话B

Ada: Ellen, do you like football? 爱伦,你喜欢足球吗? Ellen: No, I don't like football. 不,我不喜欢看足球。 But I like TV. 可我喜欢看电视。

Ada: Do you watch TV every day? 你每天看电视吗?

Ellen: No, I don’t. I don't watch TV on Sundays. 不,我不是。我星期天不看电视。 Ada: Why? 为什么?

Ellen: Because I'm busy on Sundays. 因为星期天我很忙。 英语对话C

Dad: Do you have maths lessons every day? 你们每天都有数学课吗?

Ada: No, we don't have maths lessons every day. We have maths lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 不,我们不是每天都有数学课。我们星期一、三、五有数学课。

David: We have no maths lessons on Saturday, either. 我们星期六也没有数学课。 Dad: Do you like maths? 你们喜欢数学吗?

David: Yes, we boys do. But the girls don't like maths. 是的,我们男孩是这样。可是女

孩们不喜欢数学。 英语对话D

Mr. White: What do you want to do after class? 你们下课后想干什么? Bobby: We want to fly kites. 我们想放风筝。

Mr. White: What do the girls want to do? 女孩们想干什么? Bobby: They want to play hide-and-seek. 她们想玩捉迷藏。 Mr. White: Do you play hide-and-seek? 你们玩捉迷藏吗? Bobby: Yes, sometimes we do. 是的,我们有时候玩


291. Look through this telescope. 从望远镜里看出去。

292. The man is knocked down by the bicycle. 这个男人被自行车撞倒了。 293. It’s good manners to help others. 帮助他人是好的行为。 294. What do you like about your school? 你喜欢你学校的什么? 295. Which sports do you like most? 你最喜欢哪些运动? 296. Don't speak while you're eating. 吃东西时别说话。 297. Why are you speaking to me? 你为什么和我说话?

298. Can you show me the way to White's Primary School? 你能告诉我到瓦特小学怎么走吗?

299. Go straight, turn left at the corner. 笔直走,在拐角处向左转。 300. You're welcome. 没关系。


Dad: Look through this telescope. 从望远镜里看出去。 What can you see? 你能看见什么?

Bobby: I can see a man and a boy. 我能看见一个男人和一个男孩。 Dad: What are they doing now? 他们现在在干什么? Bobby: The man is walking in the street. 这个男人在街上走。 The boy is riding a bicycle. 男孩骑着自行车。

Oh, the man is knocked down by the bicycle. 哦,这个男人被自行车撞倒了。 The boy is helping him. 男孩在帮他。

Dad: It’s good manners to help others. 帮助他人是好的行为。 英语对话B

Dad: What are you doing? 你在干什么?

Bobby: I'm putting on my school clothes. 我在穿校服。 Dad: Do you like your school? 你喜欢你的学校吗? Bobby: Yes, I like it very much. 是的,我很喜欢。

Dad: What do you like about your school? 你喜欢你学校的什么? Bobby: The playground and the sports! 操场和运动! Dad: Which sports do you like most? 你最喜欢什么运动? Bobby: Football! 足球! 英语对话C

Bobby: Dad, I want to know... 爸爸,我想知道…… Dad: Don't speak while you're eating. 吃东西时别说话。

Bobby: It’s bad manners to speak at dinner, isn't it? 吃饭时说话是不好的行为,是吗?

Dad: Yes. 是的。

Bobby: But why are you speaking to me? 可你为什么和我说话? 英语对话D

Mr. Bobby: Excuse me. 对不起。 Ada: Yes? 什么事?

Mr. Bobby: Can you show me the way to White’s Primary School? 你能告诉我去瓦特小学怎么走吗?

Ada: Of course. I'm studying at the school. 当然。我在这所学校念书。

Mr. Bobby: Really? I'm Mr. Bobby, Bobby's father. 是吗?我是鲍比先生,鲍比的父亲。 Ada: I'm his classmate. I'm Ada. How do you do, Mr. Bobby? 我是他的同学,我叫艾达。你好,鲍比先生。

Mr. Bobby: How do you do? Glad to see you, Ada. 你好。很高兴见到你,艾达。 Ada: Let me show you the way. Go straight, turn left at the corner. White's Primary School is there. 让我指给你路。笔直走,在拐角处左转弯。瓦特小学就在那儿。 Mr. Bobby: Thank you, Ada. 谢谢你,艾达。 Ada: You're welcome. 没关系。

What day is today? Today is Wednesday. What color are the flowers? They are yellow. What’s the wether like today? It’s sunny.