2018届外研版高中英语高考英语第二轮语法专题复习学案:第二讲 代词和介词(短语) Word版含解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018届外研版高中英语高考英语第二轮语法专题复习学案:第二讲 代词和介词(短语) Word版含解析更新完毕开始阅读a1917eab59f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f5727a5e924b9

[典例12] [2015·福州毕业班质检]An anti-corruption campaign has continued ________ Dec.25, 2013, when the Communist Party of China issued a five-year anti-corruption plan.

[解析] since 根据空格位置在名词之前可知此处应填介词,又因主句中的时态是现在完成时,再根据语义可确定答案是since。


(1)介词at可表示动作、感情的原因,意思是“因??而;一听到(看到/想到)??就??”。 At the boy's remark, the book-seller looked at him curiously.



On his arrival he went straight to the counter and spoke to the clerk in uniform behind it. 他一到就径直往柜台走去,并与柜台后边穿制服的店员说话。 (3)to与情感名词连用,表示“某种行动后产生的感觉”。 to one's delight/surprise/horror/sorrow/joy/regret等。 (4)with的用法:

①表示两种事物之间的相应关系或齐头并进的意思。 With time passing, they have grown into big boys. 随着时间的流逝,他们都长成大小伙子了。 ②指原因或理由。

The small child trembled with fear. 小孩吓得打哆嗦。 (5)by的用法:


This one is shorter than that one by three inches. 这一个比那一个短三英寸。

②表示买卖东西所用以计算的数或量或付酬所用以计算的时间。 Milk is sold by the pint, butter by the pound, and eggs by the dozen. 牛奶论品脱卖,黄油论磅卖,蛋类论打卖。 ③表示“按照??”或“根据??”的意思。 By my watch, the time is half past eleven. 按我的表,现在是十一点半。


of+great/much+抽象名词=very+形容词;of+no+抽象名词=not+形容词。 It is of great/much value.=It is very valuable. 这个东西很贵重。

[典例13] [2015·北京石景山区期末]The unemploy-ment rate has decreased ________ 2% to 5.4%, compared with 7.4% last year.

[解析] by 考查介词的用法。根据句意可知此处表示减少的幅度大小,故应用by。 3介词搭配

①You can change your job, you can move house, but friendship is meant to be for life. 你可以换工作,可以搬家,但友谊却可以终生受用。 ②I have an appointment with Dr Smith, but I need to change it.