工程项目分包合同风险的规避和对策探讨 联系客服

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的,要有足够的心理准备,以良好的心态沉着应对。在分包合同管理过程中,主包方应加强照片、声像资料、分包方施工现场记录等原始资料收集、整理和保管。一旦出现合同纠纷,通过这些资料作为证据,就能心里有数,掌握主动。 5 结语



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Project The Subcontract The Evasion of The Risks

And Countermeasures Are Discussed


(School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, Henan 455002)

Abstract: due to the market competition intensifies, engineering construction become more and more professional, owner of quality, progress and service level requirement more and more high, professional subcontract or the subcontractor shall not avoid the trend. In this tendency, the increase of the project, and, to some extent, also increases the risk of contract dispute, the general contractor enterprise to do well the work of management forward the subcontract contract dispute risks, will be the future building the core of the market competition. The total package engineering work is an important part of the subcontract work management is good or bad, will directly affect the total package engineering quality, progress and unit of credibility. Therefore, the enterprise how to effectively avoid the risk in a certain extent, the construction enterprise can be maintained and decided to health and science development. This paper according to project the subcontract possible risk disputes, evading and countermeasures in the paper.

Key words: construction project ; subcontract ; Dispute risk; Evasion and countermeasures

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