译林版七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports 学案 联系客服

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反思 Unit 2 Let's play sports Integrated skills&Study skills

教学 三维 目标 知识与技能 1,To extract information from a passage 2,To get information from listening 3,To consolidate information and complete a passage 过程与方法 Cooperation 情感态度价值观 Love sports and cooperate with each other 教学重点 教学难点 To get information from listening To consolidate information and complete a passage 教学设计 一.翻译下列单词和词组: 1.遇到我的新朋友______________2.喜欢跳舞______________ 3.擅长_______ 4.很高兴见到你________________5. looks ______________ 6. hobby (复数)___________ 7.你是上7年级吗?____________ 8. Oh, I see.________ 9. at the age of 6__________ 二. 朗读这些单词和音标 Cap cat dad man map / ? / Desk egg pen red yes / e / Big city him sit with / ? / Box dog long not stop / ? / But cup duck run sun /Λ / 教学活动过程 活动内容 思考与调师生行为 整 预习 作业 检查 教学 环节 1. 预习本课单词(P124 从 table tennis到fun)。先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读单词 (注意这些词的词性噢)。 2. 预习Part A on Page25-26,完成下列内容。 1)翻译下列短语。 非常喜爱体育运 _____乒乓球打得好 _______________ 我的许多学生 _________________ “15分钟 感觉很好____________________________ 2)预习课文P26页,并填好可以填的部分 温故、 Do the 3. 预习PartB: Speak up on Page26,完成下列内容。 自学、群学”环节 1) 翻译下列句子。 ①What do you often do after school? ________________________________________________________ ②What else do you like to do? _________________________________________________________ ③It makes me feel great. ______________________________________________________ exercises. 13

Step1 Presentation 1.Free talk 2 .Lead in 3. Listen and finish part A1 4. Listen and complete the notes in part A2 Learn and 5 .Check the answers practice 6. read the passage together. reading Step2 Activity the words, “20分钟 Let's make a survey. You can ask your groups something about their then read 展示交流质favourite sports. After that, please write a note to report to the the note 疑、训练点whole class. sheet. 拨提高”环Step3 Presentation Ss listen 节 1 .lead in to the 2.teach tne words\recorder 3.listen and answer and 4.listen and judge complete. (1)music makes sandy feel great. (T) (2)Sandy also likes playing volleyball. (F) (3)Millie likes listening to music. (F) Ss (4)Millie plays volleyball with friends. (T) complete (5)Millie reads a lot of interesting books .(T) and Step 4 practice practice 1 Read after the tape reading. 2 Act it out. Step5 Activity Work in groups of four and make new conversations about your after-school activities. 【课后拓展练习】 Mr and Mrs Smile come from Sydney(悉尼).They teach English in a middle school there. They like their work very much. They have two children ,Jim and Sue. They are both in Beijing now. Mr Smile can speak some Chinese. Now he works in Beijing with his wife (妻 子). Mr. Smile likes swimming and reading. And Mrs Smile likes “10分钟检 swimming and reading ,too. 测、 They often go swimming in the afternoon and read in the evening. 反馈、 Jim and Sue like playing games and swimming with their Chinese 矫正、 friends. 小结” Jim’s uncle, John Smile, works on a farm near Sydney. He 环节 likes swimming, too. He wants to work in Beijing. But he can’t speak Chinese at all. So he is still there and goes to Chinese classes every week. 1、阅读选择 ( ) 1)Where are Jim and Sue from ?They are from .


A.America B.Canada C.China D.Australia ( ) 2)What do Mr. Smile and the family like ? Do the A.Chinese B.Swimming C.Reading D.Playing exercises ( ) 3)Where does Mr. Smile’s brother learn Chinese ? A.In Beijing B.In Sydney C.In Australia D.In the USA ( ) 4)What does Sue’s uncle like ? He likes . A.reading B.playing games C.his work D.to work in China ( ) 5) are working in different countries now.\\\\ A.Mr. and Mrs Smile B.Mr Smile and his uncle C.Mrs Smile and her husband(丈夫) D.Mr Smile and his brother 2、按要求完成下列各题 1) Mr and Mrs Smile come from Sydney.(同义句) _______________________________________________ 2) They teach English in a middle school there. (改为否定句) ______________________________________________ 3) Mr.Smile likes swimming and reading. (改为一般疑问______________________________________________ 4) He wants to work in Beijing. (改为一般疑问句) ___________________________________________ 5) They often go swimming in the afternoon and read in 课后 作业 师生 反思 the evening.( he改写本句) 1.Learn the new words and phrases by heart 2.Preview Task. Unit 2 Let's play sports Task

教学 三维 目标 知识与技能 1 To organize writing materials according to the outlines 2 To use the words , phrases, and sentences of this unit to organize language. 3 To learn to introduce your favourite sports Cooperation 过程与方法 情感态度价值观 Enjoy sports and enjoy happiness 教学重点 1. To organize writing materials according to the outlines 2 .To use the words , phrases, and sentences of this unit to organize language. 教学难点 To learn to introduce your favourite sports 教学设计 预习 作业 检查 1预习本课词汇: sport_______ hero_________member_________player_______ 其它_______ 周末__________竞赛__________ 希望___________ 2. 谈谈你对以下体育活动的喜欢程度: basketball, table tennis, football, Reading Club, drawing, 15

swimming tennis volleyball listen to music I love(喜爱)___________________________________________. I like(喜欢)___________________________________________. I dislike(不喜欢)_______________________________________. 教学 环节 教学活动过程 活动内容 St Step1 Presentation 1 Lead in and Teach new words “match” “hero” “member” 2 Free talk using the new words Step2 1 Read the article and complete the table. My favourite sport My favourite sport I often play with I often play on/at I often watch matches 师生行为 思考与调整 t “15分钟My favourite player Listen and say 温故、 /2 Try to classify the information .Put the letter into the 自学、群学”brackets. 环节 Paragraph one.( )(A) Work in groups. Paragraph two ( )(b,c,d,e,f,) Paragraph three( )(g,h) A What’s David’s favourite sport? B What team is David in? C When does David often play basketball? D Who does David and his friends often do? E What else do David and his friends often do? F What do they watch on TV? G Who is David’s hero? H Why does David like Yao Ming? Step3 Step3 Activity “20分钟 Work in groups of four .Talk about the questions 展示交流质(1)What sport do you love/like/enjoy? 疑、训练点(2)What’s your favourite sport/player? 拨提高”环(3)Who do you often play with? 节 (4)Where do you often play?? (5)When do you often play..? (6)Why do you like..? activity Step 4 Writing 1 Fill in the table in Part B with your own information. 2 write about your favourite sport and hero. 3read each other’s articles and choose the best one.


一、根据汉语句意完成下列句子: do 1.你最喜欢的运动是什么? the exercises ___________________________sport? 2.我经常和父亲一起看电视上的足球比赛。 I often________________ with my father. 3.我表弟喜欢跑步,刘翔是他的偶像。 My cousin likes running. Liu Xiang________________. 4.他们经常在课后谈论他们最喜欢的电影明星们。 They often_____________________ film stars after class. 5.米莉享受绘画的乐趣吗? ___________Millie______ _______? 6.你在周末经常做什么? ______ ______you often______ ____? 二、:根据首字母提示补全短文 I have m______friends.They have different favourite “10分钟检s_______. John’s favourite sport is tennis and he is good 测、 at p____ it. Jack is a football f______. His favourite 反馈、 sport is f_____ and he often plays it with his friends after 矫正、 s_______. Mary is a g______ She likes volleyball best.She 小结” is good at volleyball.She p______ it with her friends on 环节 W____________ and Friday afternoon.Bob’s favourite sport is t______ tennis.He plays it after school every day. 三、以My friend’s Tom为题写一篇作文 要点:Tom是你的好朋友,他非常喜欢并且擅长打篮球,他还是学校篮球队的成员之一。他在电脑里收集了一些体育明星的图片。每个周末他都会看电视上的篮球比赛。他最喜欢的运动明星是姚明。请写一文章介绍你的好友Tom,包含上述的信息。词数60词左右 My friend’s Tom _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 课后 作业 师生 反思


1recite the new words .phrases and sentences 2 recite the passage on P28 3 Writing about your friend’s favourite sport. 4 Finish the workbook.