译林版七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports 学案 联系客服

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一、根据汉语句意完成下列句子: do 1.你最喜欢的运动是什么? the exercises ___________________________sport? 2.我经常和父亲一起看电视上的足球比赛。 I often________________ with my father. 3.我表弟喜欢跑步,刘翔是他的偶像。 My cousin likes running. Liu Xiang________________. 4.他们经常在课后谈论他们最喜欢的电影明星们。 They often_____________________ film stars after class. 5.米莉享受绘画的乐趣吗? ___________Millie______ _______? 6.你在周末经常做什么? ______ ______you often______ ____? 二、:根据首字母提示补全短文 I have m______friends.They have different favourite “10分钟检s_______. John’s favourite sport is tennis and he is good 测、 at p____ it. Jack is a football f______. His favourite 反馈、 sport is f_____ and he often plays it with his friends after 矫正、 s_______. Mary is a g______ She likes volleyball best.She 小结” is good at volleyball.She p______ it with her friends on 环节 W____________ and Friday afternoon.Bob’s favourite sport is t______ tennis.He plays it after school every day. 三、以My friend’s Tom为题写一篇作文 要点:Tom是你的好朋友,他非常喜欢并且擅长打篮球,他还是学校篮球队的成员之一。他在电脑里收集了一些体育明星的图片。每个周末他都会看电视上的篮球比赛。他最喜欢的运动明星是姚明。请写一文章介绍你的好友Tom,包含上述的信息。词数60词左右 My friend’s Tom _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 课后 作业 师生 反思


1recite the new words .phrases and sentences 2 recite the passage on P28 3 Writing about your friend’s favourite sport. 4 Finish the workbook.