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-- 兼為巴利三藏的新譯催生

A Critique and Analysis of the Problems in the Hàn-Yì Nán-Chuán Dà-Zàng-Jīng (Chinese Translation of the Pali Tipitaka )- Calling for a New Chinese Translation of the Pali


蔡奇林 Tsai Chi-Lin


摘 要









Hàn-Yì Nán-Chuán Dà-Zàng-Jīng (Chinese Translation of the Pali Tipitaka) published by Yuán Hēng Temple is presently the only relatively complete Chinese translation of the Pali Tipitaka. Nevertheless, many mistakes can be found in this translation. As this translation is read and utilized by many Chinese scholars who are interested in the Pali Tipitaka, this study aims at providing a critical analysis and an extensive examination of this translation for the readers of this translation..

In this paper, I selected 98 suttas from the Samyutta Nikaya as examples for examination and analysis. Three main tasks are to be undertaken in my analysis. First, I will outline the problematic translations and compare these translations with their Pali originals. Corrections will be made and re-translations attempted to fully illustrate the insufficiency of the current translation. Second, detailed analysis will be made on issues related to language such as the problems caused by the use of verses, prose and choices of words (or phrases) in the current translation. Third, I will also explore the possible causes of these problems. Finally, solutions and methods for improvement will be provided.

Through this analysis, I intend to clearly pinpoint the problems in the current translation. Being aware of the existence of these problems in the current translation, scholars and readers would be more careful when referring to this translation. This analysis will on the one hand help the readers to avoid misunderstandings and erroneous references of the Pali Tipitaka, and on the other hand enhance the reader?s knowledge of the specifical features of Pali language. These are all important abilities that I think will prepare those who would be interested in undertaking a new translation of the Pali Tipitaka. It is my goal that through this paper, people?s attention will be brought to the current insufficiency of this translation and the urgent need for a new Chinese translation of the Pali Tipitaka.

Keywords〆Hàn-Yì Nán-Chuán Dà-Zàng-Jīng (Chinese Translation of the Pali

Tipitaka), Samyutta Nikaya, Pali Tipitaka, Pali Language,

Translation of Buddhist Canon



1. 引言

2.《相應部》問題譯文舉隅--附巴利原文及白話譯寫 3.《相應部》譯文問題評析 3.1. 詵偈部份的問題 3.2. 散文部份的問題

3.3. 語詞及詞組層面的問題

4. 相關問題的成因及可能的改善之道 4.1. 相關問題的成因 4.2. 可能的改善之道

5. 結語〆期待巴利三藏的「新譯」 【縮略語及參考書目】 【引文出處格式說明】


1. 引言

在2002年到2003年間,國立成功大學中文系「宗教與文化研究室」舉辦了為期一年的「原始佛教經典研讀會」,1筆者有幸躬逢其盛,參與研讀。會中選讀的經典為南傳巴利語系的《相應部》(Samyutta Nikaya),共選15相應,分15單元依次研讀,每一相應少則4經,多則15經,總計98經。為了方便學員閱讀,會中採用的讀本主要是元亨寺版《漢譯南傳大藏經》2以及Bhikkhu Bodhi的英譯本,3至於巴利原典,則由筆者負責對讀,提供譯文中有問題的相關內容。本文尌是以這些選經為樣本,對元亨寺譯本的一個考察分析。


本文主要包括三大部分〆一是第2節,舉示前述選經中有問題的譯文,並附上巴利原文及白話譯寫,以便比較清楚的呈現問題,並作為後二部分討論的根據。二是第3節,尌這些譯文所涉及的各種語言層面的問題,進行分析討論。三是第4節,論述這些問題的成因、及可能的改善之道。希望通過這些討論,一方面能比較清楚的突出問題,提高吾人使用此譯本的警覺性,俾能多加參考其他譯本,或對照原典,以避免誤解、或錯誤引用々另一方面,也藉此討論,呈現巴利 1

該研讀會是教育部顧問室「人文社會科學教育改進計畫」的一個案子,由成大中文系林朝成及趙飛鵬兩位教授主持,吳文璋、釋智學教授規劃推動,參加成員主要是各大學院校教師,目的在於藉由讀書會的研討交流,累積成果,逐步導向中國文學或哲學、宗教等相關系所、以及通識中心宗教學門開課的目的。研讀成果目前已上網,見「國立成功大學〃中國文學系〃宗教與文化研究室〃阿含經讀書會」網頁〆http://www.ncku.edu.tw/~chinese/index-c.htm,2003年12月10日。 2

通妙、雲庵譯,《漢譯南傳大藏經〃相應部》第一 ~ 六冊,高雄〆元亨寺妙林出版社,1993-94年。 3

Bhikkhu Bodhi (tr.), The Connected Discourses of the Buddha : A New Translation of the Samyutta Nikaya, Boston : Wisdom Publications, 2000. 4
